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Public Boards/Beginner 
sarna and Kenshin (Jun 20, 2005)
I will color later.
9 comments – latest 4:
sarna (Jul 2, 2005)
Looks good Kenshin. I'm glad I got to work with you.

Kenshin (Jul 3, 2005)
No problem. :3
>_>;;... You can mark it as finished now..
ILoveKenshin (Jul 19, 2005)
XD nice..
emmamommalag (Jul 19, 2005)
That is really cute.. and scary too, of course. ;)
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jun 4, 2005)
I wanted to draw something.. different. I'll draw some other robots behind the pink robot. This one is going to the freedom. >XD do not ask ! I'm a crazy girl who can't write good english, even her number is 10 in her todistus -thing. XD OK. DO NO TRY TO UNDERSTAND NOW ! Sorry. I'll practice english.
7 comments – latest 4:
voodoobunny (Jun 26, 2005)
Just because you are and idiot, you don't need glasses e____e;;
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 11, 2005)
drawn in 22 min
ARgh ! this never ends. +_ _ _ _+ now i must go out to walk our dog.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 14, 2005)
drawn in 13 min
I think it's done.
xiau (Jul 14, 2005)
Ahahaha, I like this XD I want one o_o;;
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Menyway (Jul 13, 2005)
I am going to try really hard to make this drawing advanced.. It may not come out perfect but i will do my best!! ^_^ I really love her music and i have drawn her on paper so now i will draw her here!!

12 comments – latest 4:
KH44N (Aug 17, 2005)
WOW! This is amazing. I heavn't seen this untill now. The hair is spectacular. Excellent Job! :)
bordemsuxx15 (Oct 22, 2005)
wow this looks so realistic....i love her hair
evilangel (Oct 25, 2005)
wow it looks real .. it lloks like my friend
Miss_DJ (Nov 14, 2005)
this is very very nice. Her skin tones and jacket are wonderfully drawn.
drawn in 7 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Menyway (Jun 26, 2005)
I've never really understood the layers on here but I saw Zack's Tutorial on his page on layers and I think im getting a hang of it!!!

Edit: Thanks Zack for putting up the layers tutorial!! It really helped me and now i've got it learned!!! ^__^
11 comments – latest 4:
Menyway (Jun 27, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 51 min
Hair is done.. more to go....
voodoobunny (Jun 28, 2005)
Those eyes, they are so amazing! And that tattoo is very cute ^^
Argh, I hate you! You draw so good xD hatehatehatehate.
Menyway (Jun 28, 2005)
Hehehe... Thanks Valerie... I wanna draw on this soooooo bad... I sent a request for more space and i'm now waiting.. i'll just start a new drawing while i'm waiting!!!! ^___^
Menyway (Jul 11, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 23 min
Yeah!! I'm done with it!! XD I'm pretty happy with how it came out!! ^___^
drawn in 5 hours 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Xodiak (Jul 6, 2005)
He has a nasty problem... <:(
This is for Miss Renire.
The first version is 18+ and not for little kids. <:)
16 comments – latest 4:
voodoobunny (Aug 11, 2005)
Oh my fu*king GOD! awesome work XD
plasma_ooganator (Aug 20, 2005)
THIS IS HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Mali (Apr 20, 2006)
LMFAO XD omg! thats so funny! gross, but funny!
shinigami-black (Sep 18, 2008)
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 4, 2005)
Well well... I wanted to draw somethin' nice ! XD I like this. it's quite romantic.. the background is very lovely, I think. I love that darker pink <3_ _ _ _<3 Weeeeell. She's a blond girl who's dreamin'. XD I tried to draw a long neck, but I didn't draw it.. o_ _ _ _o
9 comments – latest 4:
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 5, 2005)
I'm glad to read your comments ^_ _ _ _ _^
vigilante (edited Jul 10, 2005)
ina ! YOU ARE GREAT DRAWER AND YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT ! ! ALWAYS XD and this is almost perfectoo.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 10, 2005)
Thanks :>
xiau (Aug 1, 2005)
Oh! It's so pretty! I -LOVE- her cheeks! Her lips are also really pretty!
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 3, 2005)
Hm.. I was showing to my friend how I can't draw lips. And and and. Plah. I'm quite happy. The lips, woah. No, I don't like them. Too big. A waay too big, I know. böt böt. Perhaps I revise this later tomorrow. Perhaps I can change this picture to good. OKAY I KNOW NOBODY CARES !!
3 comments – latest 3:
renire (Jul 3, 2005)
woah dude..... this is cool! calm down, they are really good, they arent TOO big, they are just a BIT too bit! ^_^' dont worry, i think its amazing! way better than i can draw! ^_^ cool it dude :P
voodoobunny (Jul 3, 2005)
i like her ornament
Xodiak (Jul 4, 2005)
She has sexy lips... Xod wants to kiss. Hehehe. >:D
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
How does one make smooth lineart??
kawaii_otaku323 (Jul 4, 2005)
I've...been having trouble w/it. -_-U And what's a tablet btw? ^.-U
Public Boards/Beginner 
Minty_hippo (Jul 3, 2005)
Everyone, three cheers for valerie ^^ *cheers*
4 comments – latest 4:
voodoobunny (Jul 3, 2005)
Aww....Thank you.
Minty_hippo (Jul 3, 2005)
no problem ^^
Xodiak (Jul 3, 2005)
Ah, poor elven girl, she cries... She is very pretty. Nice picture. <:)
Minty_hippo (edited Jul 3, 2005)
no problem ^^ come its posted twice?
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
voodoobunny (Jul 2, 2005)
I go to hungary on Tuesday...Awww ;__; I'm going to miss you ALL.
I'm coming back 08.13.
I take my laptop with me, but I don't have ^^
LUW YA! Pai pai!
5 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Jul 3, 2005)
I hope you have fun there, ciao! <:)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jul 3, 2005)
PAI ! Come back ! i'll be missing you >XO. (i never knew i would say that to you.. ^_ _ _ _ _^) haahhaa. joke. XD but hope you're havin fun there. !
voodoobunny (Jul 3, 2005)
Thank you guys...^^
Menyway (Jul 12, 2005)
Aaahh i didn't know you left... i was sick so.... >.> Bye Valerie!! i'll miss you! have fun there ok!! ^_^
oh and cute drawing here Val!!! ^_____^
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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