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Things that would make 2draw cool....
34 replies
Shoebox (Aug 10, 2005)
I think suggestions are mainly supposed to go: on the 2...
Website has a new chatroom and drawing pad...
11 replies
volleyballchick18 (Jul 28, 2005)
My new website.
22 replies
vamp2 (Jul 6, 2005)
yes xodiak.....if you click on the pencil it takes u to
*Songs that you would like to show to others*
12 replies
Kloxboy (May 30, 2005)
Alex: Those are cool tunes. Irish Coffee is pretty cool, it gave me visions of a business man on his...
War in Iran and Iraq.
8 replies
Nightmare (Mar 30, 2005)
''I see you like nuclear warheads there...'' :P
Need help in Collabs......Get a friend now.
5 replies
Saiyanangie (Mar 6, 2005)
Ok.. I think so.