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Public Boards/Beginner 
Gothic_Otaku (Aug 8, 2003)
I bet you know who this is. ^^P Good ol' Kiku! She's my favorite KND character! In celebration of the s.t.a.t mission! Don't let adults take over Cartoon Network! =^.^=

edit:C&C's aprecciated, here! >:(
1 comment – latest 1:
taori (edited Aug 9, 2003) recognition here. The only part of Cartoon Network I bother with is Adult Swim and .hack//SIGN. The Adult Swim people will always be my heroes for introducing me to FLCL...hehheh.
drawn in 33 min with OekakiBBS
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Aug 8, 2003)
A cute little girl with a bad hair day, gawking at SOMETHING..........cookies if u guess what!!!!
5 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Aug 8, 2003)
She is gawking at....the blurry blue things added in the second edit! She doesn't know how they got there. Okay, that's my guess.
raenboe (edited Aug 8, 2003)
Her head's a little deformed...and she only has 3 fingers. Try working on some more shading and better proportions. Other that that it's kinda cute!
Mandy (edited Aug 9, 2003)
Pretty cute. *agrees with raenboe* Work on your shading a little...but, you're still improving. Her name is InuYasha? Kewlies! Anyway, I'm sure InuYasha will like it.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (edited Aug 9, 2003)
thanx 4 sayin my drawings have improved! manga heads are pretty deformed. but i think drawing 5 fingers is hard, so normally i draw 3-- or try not to draw hands. :)

taori gets the prize!
drawn in 22 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
EverDream (Aug 7, 2003)
"...Down pour on my soul. Splashing in the ocean, I'm losing control. Dark sky all around, I can't feel my feet touching the ground. But if I can't swim after forty days and my mind is crushed by the crashing waves, Lift me up so high that I can not fall Lift me up.- When I'm falling, Lift me up - I'm weak and I'm dying, Lift me up - I need you to hold me, Lift me up - Keep me from drowning again..."

Inspiration from 'Jars of Clay'
44 comments – latest 4:
Cobycat (Oct 31, 2007)
Beautiful the Concept is Amazing.
GrowingArtist (Jan 26, 2009)
Great work
lori (Sep 7, 2012)
if I had to draw the two angels that I saw at my bedside when I was really sick with pneumonia, they would look like this, only more concerned looking... but they were this heavenly blue color.. it was so weird... I've often thought about drawing them but didn't think I could do it
dorothyblueeyes (Sep 15, 2012)
reminds me of old magazine illustrations, or cartooning style, with that foreshortening effect.maybe it's the face and nose,too.but very much drowning effect, alright,and reminded me instantly of Michelle Pfieffer (?spelling) movie where her husband has killed,drowned his other wife.

this is particularly a difficult type of scene to depict.from films, & photos of a body, & face drowning,the light diffusion from above, thru the water,can be tricky, & have strange effects, shadows that are hard to predict.

while this is good,(yes, very nice blue)I myself would want to use a real photo,film,or even a model somehow to see how the depth of water,clearness,ect., affects the overall picture. (we have had artists, here, who did some very good depictions of bodies submerged, and i don't know how they did it;it's hard.) so, yes, pretty good and ambitious. If you're still interested, there are movies with drowning,or deepwater scenes of bodies worth studying.any experiences from life, swimming, diving, or just underwater could be helpful.(quite a coup you got marcello to comment.:) ) yep, this is a particularly difficult type of scene to paint; i think it's good. (sorry if I seem too analytical, i'm used to being that way on myself.)
drawn in 5 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
taori (Aug 7, 2003)
This was as far as I got before something weird started to happen involving layers. I hate layers. I wish we could all just get along-- without layers.
5 comments – latest 4:
Aunvi (edited Aug 7, 2003)
I know where it's from. It's not ugly. I can still see! YAY! Sorry for peaking....I don't read everything thing til I disobey the rules a little. ^^P
Noremac (edited Aug 7, 2003)
oh it looks good (sorry i peaked too.) dont worry
taori (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Ooh yay...I guess I'll stop whining and work on it then! *Glances at clock* Erm...tomorrow. Ehehehe. *Is avoiding drawing Chihiro, can't do profiles*
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 8, 2003)
People just can't resist a 'do not sign. Including me! ^^P Chihiro looked WAY better that you give yourself credit for. =^.^=
drawn in 41 min with OekakiBBS
Marienkind (Aug 7, 2003)
give me ice cream.
20 comments – latest 4:
freak_show (Nov 6, 2004)
i want ice cream.....
IkariIreuL (Dec 9, 2004)
Lookin like : left the stupid people behind and go ahead
sephiroth54321 (Jan 21, 2005)
cewl drawling. i want to f*** it
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Jan 27, 2005)
its sooo pretty! it looks like a combonation of miss sakaki and tomo from azu manga daioh!! ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with PaintBBS
angelicfruitcake (Aug 7, 2003)
Didja miss me?
I was on the phone with a friend and he saw a firefly.
Funny, the little things that inspire you!
5 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Was he outside on the phone? I've done that, it's fun to sit in a hammock and get eaten by mosquitos while talking on the phone. Anyway, welcome back. 8D
marcello (edited Aug 7, 2003)
hmmm, no mosquitos here.
PunkTigress (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Now is this daddy or brother?
angelicfruitcake (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Itsss Micheal!
drawn in 36 min with OekakiBBS
Marienkind (Aug 7, 2003)
practice boards emanate a false sense of security. jeez, i'm having this angry itching to draw a four headed cherubim.
5 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Aug 7, 2003)
nah, you must be mistaken. hakkai draws sexier. o_o i just drew this to try to stop thinking about six-winged, four headed angels.
mkkmypet (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Heh heh... Nice drawing anyways... ^_^
taori (edited Aug 7, 2003)
Why not draw a four headed cherubim? Nothing's wrong with that.
nyao (edited Aug 8, 2003)
ooo... nice bishie... i like hiz hair and eyez especially ^^
drawn in 46 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Aug 6, 2003)
"we'll miss you and your corn dogs."

had the sudden urge to do something that wasn't anime. relatively poor.
2 comments – latest 2:
waters (edited Aug 6, 2003)
I guess those were some bad corn dogs
taori (edited Aug 6, 2003)
A corn dog manufacturer is dead? Don't....understand...augh! *Brain explodes*
drawn in 22 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Aug 6, 2003)
...haven't drawn in a while, have I? Been camping, and busy wiv other stuffs. Eh hehe.
3 comments – latest 3:
taori (edited Aug 6, 2003)
Nifty eyes...and I like the effect on the hair...and the halftones. Wheee.
Knockoff (edited Aug 6, 2003)
Yes very cool eyes. Nice shading like all ways.
nyao (edited Aug 6, 2003)
ooo... coo eyez indeed...and u can do water colour lineart... im jealous!
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zappo (Aug 6, 2003)
You know in the wee hours of the moring when your asleep.... Most grocery stores open theier doors to tend to their vampire, weirewoof, and old hunche-back people on unicycle clientel......Its true!
Edit: I did it marcello.... one scetch layer at 25 and the other at 50....I can't Really tell the diff to much......
Oh yea and i have a stupidquestion too stupid to make a new post for.... when you enter something in the search.....there are scores? What are these scores based upon?
2 comments – latest 2:
Knockoff (edited Aug 6, 2003)
Woow She looks so athletic. =) You can do it only 100 miles left. XD
taori (edited Aug 6, 2003)
Old hunch-back people on unicycles....I had a dream like that once, hehe.
drawn in 46 min with OekakiBBS
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