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Public Boards/Beginner 
marcello (Oct 5, 2003)
hello I am new here. art trade with wasil. "With"
8 comments – latest 4:
mukumuku (Dec 11, 2004)
it's wiz! *attacks* i luff wiz, he's so cute
spiritdweller (Dec 11, 2004)
but it does suck, 'cause I can't see it! booooo
marcello (Dec 11, 2004)
turn off your farking ad blocker. geez. how many times do we have to go over this.
spiritdweller (Dec 11, 2004)
salutes you :D
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
NETO (Oct 5, 2003)
Finished finaly PLS tell me your comments , she is walking on a bridge and got impressed when she saw the bathhouse
11 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 6, 2003)
Those clouds are very cool! Very bright, nice piccy.
Dragon_River_Spirit (edited Oct 8, 2003)
I seriously envy your talent

You have seen the movie? I have Its fantastic -^o^-
NETO (Oct 8, 2003)
thanks, yes i have seen the movie, i am a fan of Miyazaki's movies specialy Nausicaa and princess Mononoke
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 17, 2003) young-ness thing.....I think it's too big....just a thought.
drawn in 4 hours 39 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
A question
taori (Oct 5, 2003)
Hi there, everyone...okay, those of you who have seen my early pictures know that I have improved a LOT. I mean, like, a whoooole lot. I think so, anyway. So I was wondering, since some of the pictures I spend time on don't suck too bad, could I post on intermediate without apologizing once in a while as long as the pictures are up to the standards? Granted, I still feel safer/less guilty on beginner, but having posted on intermediate once or twice lately, I'm getting majorly hooked on being abl...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
supermonkey (Oct 5, 2003)
Have to put some details in it.
2 comments – latest 2:
taori (Oct 5, 2003)
For some reason that reminds me of the illustrations from some book about a kid whose mom was a was a childrens' book but it always weirded me out...anyone know what I'm talking about?
IkariIreuL (Jan 6, 2005)
The rabbit looks so frail
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
amuy (Oct 5, 2003)
This is crap but i uploaded it anyway..sorry

its tha one that bit 'whatshisname' you know the two guys who do magic tricks w/ their tigers, welp one bit one of the guys...(fir the firs time eva) and now hes in critical condition cuz it dragged him off stage..and tried to consume him. scary
2 comments – latest 2:
_Neko_Sama_ (Oct 5, 2003)
Must...have....tiger...soooo...coooooool........... MUST HAVE... SO COOL! LOVE TIGERS! AHH *steals tiger picture and frames it and then hangs on wall* So cool! Love it! Ah, *ahem* oh thanks for makin a tiger!!! ^^ I love the expression! Yayayayayay
taori (Oct 5, 2003)
Siegfried and Roy? Ziegfried? Siegfried? You know. Wait, one of them almost got eaten...? *Starts cracking up* Okay, yeah, I'm evil.
drawn in 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 2, 2003)
Not finished. pretty far from finished. Can't think of a bg... finish tomorrow when I am finshed later.
edit: Why must perfection lie where reality cannot reach, where imagination runs wild and creation begins?
1 comment – latest 2:
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 5, 2003)
drawn in 23 min
Concept. whoo.
taori (Oct 5, 2003)
Nifty burnt effect on the paper...what's up with the big black line? Baa, all will become clear in time, no doubt.
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Oct 5, 2003)
11 comments – latest 4:
Fin_beast (Oct 5, 2003)
:D thx for the comments!
supermonkey (Oct 6, 2003)
Wow... I lurrve the clouds... the airplane is nice too ;P
forgotten-memory (Oct 8, 2003)
I rather like the emphasis on the airplane.
ollie_aplin (edited Oct 9, 2003)
this is verging on the sexiest thing i've ever seen in my life, good revision. By the way, this is shit class. Love u finny
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
feena95 (Oct 4, 2003)
i was thinking of what to draw and i saw my neighbors dog killing a cat ^^U
2 comments – latest 2:
taori (Oct 4, 2003)
that's...wicked uncool.

(the situation, not your picture. your picture is neat.)
amuy (Oct 4, 2003)
omg..poor cat, i would so kill that dog! but cool drawing, im so against animal abuse thats why I was at keyclub getting donations for the humane society today ^-^ it was fun...a bit unorganized but fun.
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Hakkai (Oct 3, 2003)
Done! Risa from D.N.Angel!

And she isn't grabbing her bo0b..
4 comments – latest 4:
Mop-Fu (Oct 4, 2003)

I love your style, its so cute!
taori (Oct 4, 2003)
Wow. The wrinkles in the clothes are turning me on. Well, not literally, but you get the idea. I'm with Mop-Fu, your style r0x0rz.
mazi (Oct 4, 2003)
lol yeaaah sure hakkai, we know shes your dream girl grabbing her b00b. >_>
nyao (Nov 12, 2003)
aw... she lookz so happi! And i luv how you draw folds. ^^
drawn in 2 hours 55 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
_Neko_Sama_ (Oct 4, 2003)
I just drew something... It's a fox.... Enjoy :D

What should it's name be? I need a cute, appropriate name for this fox.... :3
4 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Oct 4, 2003)
Cuteness...overload... can't...breathe... *dies*

Adorable. Name it whatever you want, except anything to do with "kitsune." That is the most overused word on the internet.
Edit- did I mention that the lineart rocks my world? You're my new lineart hero.
_Neko_Sama_ (Oct 4, 2003)
Everyone says my pictures are cute... -.-''... Well some may be cute.... (see my user board)....

Thanks! ^^
Gothic_Otaku (Oct 5, 2003)
Your pictures aren't cute. They're kawaii! ^0^
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 20, 2004)
Awww..... can I keep it?!?!?!? XD awesome
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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