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Main Forums/The Post Board 
My First drawing in photoshop
8MM (edited Dec 11, 2007)
What do you think guys?
Public Boards/Intermediate 
asli607 (Feb 9, 2006)
12 comments – latest 4:
Rosemary (Feb 12, 2006)
really nice :)
frootcake (Feb 13, 2006)
theres real depth in the grass at the foreground. lovely work, looks like a photo from a circular lens camera (if those exist, i think i mean concave/convex lens w/e)
Rinrinmaru (Feb 20, 2006)
thats a really cool pic liked much..
figure looks awesome..for the rest of the pic i can say the tree behind her coming infront of her some.. prolly cause of the light effect of leaves..
also loved grasses..
pretty cool perspective...
unicorn (Mar 28, 2006)
it looks great,love the feeling but please finish it:)
drawn in 5 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 10, 2006)
with your best shot
15 comments – latest 4:
matt104w (Feb 15, 2006)
its what youd expect girls to do to a younger sister at a sleep over, very freeky
Pseudonymous (Feb 15, 2006)
It's funny - the day after I saw this, I heard that song on the radio. And I've never heard it before. Odd.
I like this. It's innocent and yet...not. What with the eyes and the arrow. Yeah. Beautifully rendered.
Sweetcell (Feb 18, 2006)
I want this as a calendar. It looks very much like a Victorian piece.
jazz2jizy (Jun 9, 2007)
breath taking
drawn in 10 hours 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zack (Feb 12, 2006)
from a Frazetta reference, took a bit too long
9 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 12, 2006)
You did great on this. His stuff always reminds me of N.C. Wyeth for some reason.
terracotta (edited Feb 12, 2006)
Love it. I got a Frazetta calendar couple weeks ago to use for some reference pics. I'm gonna try that one with the Egyptian woman, the slave, the pillar and the big kitty.
Zack (Feb 12, 2006)

Terracotta: Cool! I'll be looking forward to it, for sure.
staci (Feb 12, 2006)
i can see your ego from here, yano. :)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zack (Feb 11, 2006)
doing some speed paintings. from a googled reference.
11 comments – latest 4:
Pseudonymous (Feb 11, 2006)
lol @ the comment above me. Is this shaken, not stirred? (I know, I know..cliche...but I HAD to.)
davincipoppalag (Feb 11, 2006)
Forty nine minutes..jeebus.
DoOp (Feb 12, 2006)
ahhha you stink xD reak etc, it's too good xDDDD my speed paintings= blobs :) i never use refs xDD//// but i need to learn how to... ;-; you are truely my sexy god >D muhahaa the guy looks sauve :)
nobody (Feb 12, 2006)
you have such chunky and smooth coloring. great.
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
SYTHE (Feb 9, 2006)
A picture someone had requested.
23 comments – latest 4:
Gigandas (Feb 12, 2006)
This guy seriously reminds me of Sting from back when I used to watch WCW pro wrestling. They've got like the same hair, similar face make up (even black & white like this guy), and kind of the same face (not really, though). This guy is rather skinny though. So I guess he sorta looks like a skinny version of Sting, hehe...
Just the way you drew this gives off this 'extra' eerieness (I dunno if anyone else gets this, but it does). Maybe it has to do with the man being 3-dimensional, placed on a 2-dimensional background. I hope you keep it that way when this is completed.
Pseudonymous (Feb 12, 2006)
I don't know who this is. It's scaring me. Go back to drawing big boobed women. O_O

(Just kidding, Rich. It's wonderful as usual. But really. It is scary.) *runs off with her teddy bear and blanky to snuggle with her parents*
Drachnem (Feb 13, 2006)
I love this. Dark and twisted.
kristine (Feb 22, 2006)
i love that movie and this guy was damn sexy in it, great draw.
drawn in 10 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
staci (Feb 10, 2006)
i installed jtablet.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 10, 2006)
Ahhh inspired by the bleeding heart pic! Very pretty flowers.
staci (Feb 10, 2006)
uhm. no it wasnt inspired by anything.
Rosemary (Feb 10, 2006)
lovely flowers :)
MaLynne (Feb 13, 2006)
happy little flowers would look pretty on my wall... needs some yellow tho
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
2draw-con RSVP
marcello (Feb 9, 2006)
Post here if intend to come to the 2draw meet/con March 17-19th in Albuquerque, NM. For discussion/information, see previous threads: Just keep in mind it may fall through (ie won't happen at all, evar!!!).
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zack (Oct 16, 2005)

Might add a couple more things but it's pretty much done.
17 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Feb 8, 2006)
Awesome subject. Love the painterly style. Your 'bots are too awesome Zack. ^.^
Ceido (Feb 8, 2006)
Maybe he's holding some kinda of binocular pinpointing device. The bloke can pinpoint and then the tank fires automatically! :O
Love the angles in this piece. Great draw! :)
marcello (Feb 9, 2006)
actually terracotta, that's a new 2draw feature I'm testing out on random accounts. it deduces the content of the picture and generates appropriate sound effects/ambient music when possible
DarkCloak (Feb 10, 2006)
Very nice piece!
drawn in 6 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
JoeNobody (Feb 5, 2006)
While waiting for repairs on their apartment, Larry & his wife move in with her sister Gladys.
20 comments – latest 4:
staci (Feb 9, 2006)
is that a dream catcher thingy in the window? if not you need to add one :P
JoeNobody (Feb 10, 2006)
The thing in the window is a "Tot Finder" sticker that was popular way back when. So any emergency crews being called to a house would know what room a child occupied.

.....and do you really think I need to add a dream catcher? I know that if this was actually the trailer park I lived in, ALL me dreams would have already been answered. :-D
emmamommalag (Feb 10, 2006)
Ahahahaa That's priceless! You forgot one thing, though.. one of those rear-view bent-over fat ladies in flowered dresses with bloomers placards.
DarkCloak (Feb 10, 2006)
Oh man, this reminds me of home! It just needs some christmas lights (we keep those things up all year) and piles of old useless bicycles we've collected over the years.
drawn in 7 hours 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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