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Public Boards/Beginner 
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2006)
A bit of playing
21 comments – latest 4:
Mocha_Bean (Apr 10, 2006)
LMAO! This reminds me of ET and this dream I had about know when he says "ET phone home" and points with his pointer finger? Well in my dream he used his middle
hi1022 (Apr 19, 2006)
ET! HOMG! ET rocks!!

Awesome pic! 8DDDD
laurael (Apr 22, 2006)
Okay...really like the shine in his eye...but this is totally freakin weird...interesting, but definitely...weird. Who's he flipping off? (probably 'me'
Agoylis (May 19, 2006)
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Dr.Snoopy (Apr 7, 2006)
training lineart....and it hurts
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2006)
Nice bold's like one of Clox's older ones
staci (Apr 7, 2006)
nice style, nice colors, nice lines. but most of all..nice glasses. you kick.
drawn in 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 5, 2006)

I was thinking while I was painting this about how I keep my oil paints in a big tackle box and I would always squeeze the tube wrong and the seam in the back would break or the tube would get a hole in it and while I was painting I'd get all engrossed in what I was doing, squeeze the tube to replace a color I had run out of, and paint would squirt out from 3 different directions and then I figured, why bother putting the lid back on, and throw it in the box and then the tubes would stick together and dry up. I wonder if anybody else is that sloppy.
20 comments – latest 4:
Naz (Apr 13, 2006)
Looks very realistic. Well done!
laurael (edited Apr 22, 2006)
Ohhh....look! That there is MY table and, no...just kidding. That is one hell of a great job there, missy. I absolutely love it!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 22, 2006)
thanks... oh, GOOD, that means you get to clean up! *runs outside* :)
metaphoricalsmiles (Apr 26, 2006)
wow! this is great. i love the way u captured the glare of the light on the paint so perfectly. it's amazing
drawn in 9 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
vapor (Apr 6, 2006)
some pizza. used a reference.
42 comments – latest 4:
shell (Apr 2, 2010)
so neat
ArtPunk (May 3, 2011)
Perfect! :D~~~
elly (Nov 15, 2014)
Eating some right now...but this one looks much better than my cheap frozen one...;p
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 11, 2014)
drawn in 2 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DireOnion (Apr 6, 2006)
done !
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Apr 6, 2006)
Hmm, to me, so far, it looks like an x-ray XD.
staci (Apr 6, 2006)
:) i see lots of things..but its like when you think your favorite song is really deep and meaningful and then you go to and find out that its about cheetos and hookers.
Deino (Apr 6, 2006)
o.o I see... propaganda pasted on a window. Anywat, I like it.
LisaAnne (edited Apr 7, 2006)
I like this. Although the colors, and method in which this would painted would probably bring about somber feelings, this makes me quite happy. I think that the convexed rectangle in the white mass is what does it. Its simple, yet pleasing to my eye, and that's what I really enjoy. Nice work.
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Roytje (Apr 5, 2006)
Yes, this is 13+!!
15 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Apr 7, 2006)
Thanks Miss DJ and frootcake!
I've no idea who the ref made, but it wasn't a lemon. :)
staci (Apr 7, 2006)
i have no words to express how much i like this. other than the ones i just said.
Roytje (Apr 9, 2006)
Thank you Staci :)
gerbear (Apr 22, 2006)
This is fantastic, don't know how I missed it!!
drawn in 4 hours 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Apr 2, 2006)
A school picture only a mother could love.
9 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Apr 2, 2006)
Sweet wicked face, man.
woah_pockster (Apr 3, 2006)
mmmh <3
I love the way you do cheeks <3
gerbear (Apr 5, 2006)
Wonderful. Whats not to love? The transluscent quaility is great. I remember from YouDraw a while back, but you might have used another name?
Kloxboy (Apr 7, 2006)
Nope, I was Cloxboy there too.
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
xiau (Apr 1, 2006)
Artwork long overdue for Woah_Pockster darling \(*D*)/
Because... you're so sweet and talented and wonderful and--- (rambles on)

Love you! <3<3<3

EDIT: I remember when I used to think this was good rofl. Screwy proportions much?
19 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Apr 7, 2006)
Dang it xiau, I hate you. :b You're awesome.
Zeal (Apr 8, 2006)
I love the purple highlights in the air
xiau (Apr 9, 2006)
The purple highlights are there because I thought the hair was too boring without them XP
alichanotaku (Apr 16, 2006)
GORGEOUS I adore the clothes...the way they fade to yellow...I'm SO JEALOUS <3
drawn in 3 hours 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Artiste (Apr 1, 2006)
32 comments – latest 4:
Naz (Apr 12, 2006)
One word: wow. It's absolutely amazing. Awesome. I love the lips and.. well just about everything XD
Roxana1890 (Jun 21, 2008)
extremely great likeness.
saidenlalinda (Sep 30, 2010)
the colours used are phenomenal..the lips and eyes..I have tried to pain this woman's face along with others, but hers the most and I have yet to ger all her facial feature I enjoy looking at this..the only thing I would stay to tune up some..would be the hair , needs a little definition..but that is me of course, you are your own artist and for you this maybe finished. But this is phenomenal! pardon my mispellings.
madscientist111 (Sep 30, 2010)
Beautiful draw! Very well done!
drawn in 5 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Opium (Apr 1, 2006)
73 comments – latest 4:
patienceisoverrated (Apr 4, 2006)
I like the skin texture you added. I like his wrinkles, too.... people with wrinkles are intresting to draw. It's like, all their life experiences and feelings and whatever are written on their faces.
Sweetcell (Apr 4, 2006)
I think you can be a believer of both, and I am. Being Roman Catholic myself I learned about His creation and evolution, and it's funny it seemed easy for me to blend the two, meld it if you will. I believe He exists and created the Earth and everything around us, but I also believe in the Big Bang and evolution... hmmmm maybe that makes me a bit by-polar. That would explain things.

You can have Creation and Evolution, I believe it. Maybe someone just needs to find the middle where both fits.

Awesome piece Opium, love that hair. He does look tired.....
gerbear (Apr 5, 2006)
Excellent portrait! Very impressed with it.
Opium (Apr 5, 2006)
Thanks Marcello, patience, sweetcell, and gerbear! :)
drawn in 2 hours 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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