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Public Boards/Intermediate 
me007 (Oct 21, 2004)
Mmmkay.. gah this one drove me nuts.. i dont think it looks right.. still, but i think there is a reason for limits. lol and since i more than doubled the intermidate limit <<..>> lol.. i think i should stop on this.. hope it looks good
11 comments – latest 4:
staci (edited Oct 26, 2004)
awesome! you smoothed her flesh out nicely :)
her cheekbones and lips are amazing ...
wtg :)
( i see specklies too >.<)
me007 (Oct 26, 2004)
wow thanku for all ur comments, yeah the chin looks................... yeah.. to me, that is the one thing that just stumped me compleatly, i hate chins, i wanna rip them off, but that might.. hurt a bit lol, and yes. :D there are little specklies.. i figured that out and practised with them
Xodiak (Oct 26, 2004)
Your art is always beautiully painted and realistic. Sexy woman! >:D
Aubrey (Oct 26, 2004)
You did a great job on her hair and eyes and.. I guess just about everything. Very purdy picture Mister Bond
drawn in 13 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
marcello (Oct 26, 2004)
sk00l mouse kwik-e.
2 comments – latest 2:
spiritdweller (Oct 26, 2004)
a long day of learning this and hearing that... and what? nothing totally sunk in today? :) that's my every day mr. marcello pants
Maiko (Oct 26, 2004)
pretty :D it looks like toothpaste. only thing that's bothering me is that one little squiggly thing on the side of the big-ish squiggly
drawn in 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thug (Oct 26, 2004)
Count Chocula was a fag
9 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (Oct 26, 2004)
ok yeah, that works ;)
kejoco (Oct 26, 2004)
i love the fact that you changed his expression between versions
davincipoppalag (Oct 26, 2004)
Lol..we hadda see Frankenberry for Halloween. It's only right..
ILoveKenshin (Oct 26, 2004)
What is that thing?
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (Oct 12, 2004)
six years ago today matthew shepard was murdered for being homosexual.


[p.s. any hateful/disrespectful remaks i will be forced to open a can of whoopass. i respect the fact that some of you have negative opinions on this, but here and now is neither the place nor time for those remarks. kthx.]
14 comments – latest 4:
Koneko-sama (Oct 13, 2004)
Reading the article... Nearly making me cryyy...

Some people can be so ebil. Do they feel threatened? It makes no sense...

Anyway... It's a great pic, nicely done. Looks just like him.
Xodiak (Oct 13, 2004)
It is funny how the roles get kind of reversed when you are in jail. >;)
Great drawing Mazi! You have captured his features very beautifully! >:D
Aubrey (Oct 13, 2004)
I remember that. Awful how humans can do such evil things to other humans. Any form of life should be respected. Wouldn't be any murders if people just remembered that.
spiritdweller (Oct 26, 2004)
well ya done did it, didn't ya? :) he came out good... good lookin' kid or however old he is... yes, I'm very outta the publicity loop
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (Oct 26, 2004)
It's time for a snack...
2 comments – latest 2:
spiritdweller (Oct 26, 2004)
wow, he's um... jowelly....:)
davincipoppalag (Oct 26, 2004)
He wants peanut butter...and he wants it..NOW>>Cool lookin face again D!
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
spiritdweller (Oct 25, 2004)
you can see how hard I tried...
9 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (edited Oct 25, 2004)
ha Clox... and I thought you were straight 'til you and Axil got all horny over each other the other night...
Kloxboy (Oct 25, 2004)
You see, you just never know.
spiritdweller (edited Oct 25, 2004)
no, I guess you really never do... 'til you find out. >;)
quintessence (Oct 25, 2004)
Aaahh, I've seen your reference picture somewhere before; so very frightening. Love how you did her face.
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Edward (Oct 24, 2004)
Die, Another Dir en Grey Fan Art....I am way too obsesive...
6 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Oct 25, 2004)
*scared of dir en grey* TT__TT
spiritdweller (Oct 25, 2004)
whoa.. barcode central... Die? no! ha... nice job
DieChan (Oct 25, 2004)
DIE!!!! *glomps* My screen name is after him! DIEchan, get it, hehe..he..he... ahem...

Cool pic, dude. But for some reason, he reminds me of Gackt... o.O;; You rule, anyway.
Edward (Oct 25, 2004)
....*looks at the picture again*....hmm....he does kinda look like gackt...*is not a huge gackt friend* oh well ^^;;
drawn in 1 hour 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Nightmare (Oct 18, 2004)
The Cinncinnati Reds suck.
13 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Oct 18, 2004)
what did i do?
Nightmare (Oct 18, 2004)
Sorry, I saw the double post u_u; Anyways, I think I might do the Yankees next, then the Astros', or Dodgers.
shorte4life247 (Oct 20, 2004)
U needa make a New York Yankees 1 like that that would b AWESOME!!!!
spiritdweller (Oct 25, 2004)
ahahahahahahHAAAAAA :P! Boston is KING, for once in our freakin' lives
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (Oct 20, 2004)
come..give us a kiss!
12 comments – latest 4:
sincity (Oct 21, 2004)
You know I like this. It's so friendly, I shyt myself. Very well done , Very good atmosphere.
LEELEE (Oct 22, 2004)
great job!
DinoFlorist (Oct 25, 2004)
This is the Erlkonig (erlking) by Franz Schubert! I mean, its the illustration of that song (lieder), to me. The Erlking is the King of the Alders, and the song is about a boy who rides with his father through a forest. THe Erlking tries to entice the boy and whispers softly to him, but the father can't hear it. Then the father eventually believes him and they ride as fast as they can! When they get home, the boy is dead. Even though the song is in German ( I think), you can totally tell what is going on. It's great! I bet you never even knew that you were that cultured!
spiritdweller (Oct 25, 2004)
whoa Dino... deep...deep yogurt... whew... :)
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Toonah (Oct 23, 2004)
Yup, I kinda cheated on this one =S I used a ref. pic... Anyways...I hope you like!!!
5 comments – latest 4:
creesh (Oct 24, 2004)
That is sooooo awesome, I really like it! Very unique, I adore the background!
bumpinthenight (Oct 24, 2004)
tis very unique... however, I find that the tongues are uber long... too long, in fact... oh well... neatoh coloring job :)
Xodiak (Oct 24, 2004)
Very sexy... Xod likes their pierced tongues. Are they going to lick themselves all over now? >;D
spiritdweller (Oct 24, 2004)
haha I love it :)
drawn in 2 hours 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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