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Public Boards/Beginner 
Kloxboy (Oct 13, 2004)
I'm not drunk, I've only had 3.. errr, hmm.4...6 beers.
13 comments – latest 4:
bumpinthenight (Oct 14, 2004)
*slobber slobber* such a funny word! hehe.... hilarious eyes, clox.. haha XD
evil_cloud (Oct 14, 2004)
dont think u hold a glass like this with only 3 fingers and this way ¬¬

Drunken monkey ¬¬.....LOL!
Xodiak (Oct 14, 2004)
You have a church to run next morning... Do not drink so much!
Asriel (Oct 14, 2004)
you like the whole manic thing dont you? lol he's good (and drunk...)
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
me007 (Oct 10, 2004)
Have to go.. Finish the coloring and shading and background later
13 comments – latest 4:
me007 (Oct 11, 2004)
lol thanks.. I know the colors are a bit off.. he kinda looks like somebody fliped him on his head for an hour and then fliped him back real quick :P o well.. practise...
evil_cloud (Oct 12, 2004)
Do you work with layers? I mean, I do use a layer for the silouette for the face...and then I add more layers and more layers on for shadowing process. Try using more layers if u didnt tryied it, and tehn u can join them if u want
me007 (Oct 13, 2004)
yeah.. see sometimes I dont trust the laers though. Like I obviously put the Bg on one layer.. but i make the whole face on another.. i usually only use 3 on these and then deleate my sketch when i feel that the real picture is far enough. like in this picture, the black shadow and the face color are all on one layer. Just sometimes, if I go to smooth something out, a while line appears from the colors mixing with the white, and then it looks unnatural so I usually just keep it one one layer, but I guess for certain aspects I could have used another layer. Thankyou for the suggestion :D
Aubrey (Oct 13, 2004)
That's really nice, The effort shows and in the best of ways.
drawn in 8 hours 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (Oct 12, 2004)
GQ Man of the Year.
6 comments – latest 4:
Shawna (Oct 12, 2004)
I really like this. Looks like an uncle of mine. I'm a new "registered" user. I've been looking at all the work here for quite some time and I thought I'd register and give it a try. Nicely done..DMV.
bumpinthenight (Oct 12, 2004)
ITS MISTER TOPUM HAT!!! AHAHHA!!! *runs off to play with her thomas the tank engine play set...* Wahah... Great pic, DmV... No clue as to how you create such frakky pics, but thats ok.. :)
DMV (Oct 12, 2004)
Thanks everyone...Kinda is a cross between Curly,Uncle Fester and Chris Farley LOL!
(I did use a Chris Farley reference)
Aubrey (Oct 13, 2004)
I dunno what to say.. lol Good job D.
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Zinc (Oct 12, 2004)
reference picture used, and i don't know anything about the background.
10 comments – latest 4:
Zinc (Oct 12, 2004)
sorry, kinson. none of the above. This is another Phil Anselmo picture. (because i'm so lame
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Oct 12, 2004)
It's really wonderful... too nice to go without a title, for sure. Looks like he's lost in what he's doing... should call it "Playing by Zen" (the background looks like a garage to me... where all great musicians get their start when their mothers, girlfriends or wives put them out there lol)
Anna (Oct 12, 2004)
Great job, Armando! :D
Aubrey (Oct 13, 2004)
That's nice, very nice. The position he's in is great, all hunched over the guitar. Neato job :)
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Knockoff (Sep 23, 2004)
22 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Oct 8, 2004)
Oh, HAH. Well you see, when I have drawings unfinished, I just put up random things. (I didn't know what the title would be att hat point) (Plus it was when I had to relog in every timere I went to a new page) I didn't have the chance to change it yet. Thanks for pointing that out.
Urei-sama (Oct 8, 2004)
so many versions @_@ i adore your stylw. this is really coming along great!
iwonderwhy (edited Oct 9, 2004)
You're welcome! :) And I see you've already changed it! Yay. :) Once again... killer job. I looked through your user board... I think I did like 15 pages or so... And I would just like to say that I love your style ko. I think I see a lot of use of the dodge brush, and it creates such vivid drawings! And I noticed most of the males you draw tend to have very similar features, like a narrow chin and jawline, or straight, piecy hair... which also makes me think of something my favorite art teacher talked to me about one time. We were talking about some composed face drawings we were doing, just random faces we put together, and she noticed when she draws women, they all tend to look like her. Not identical, but the features are similar. And I think that's probably just second nature to do that; I mean, whose face do see the most? Whose features do you know the best? Exactly. Your own. So... yeah, I thought that was interesting to see most of your drawings like that. Makes me think that's what you look like... ? If I'm completely wrong... lol, just brush me off. :)
aznanime93 (Oct 13, 2004)
WOW HEHe I forgot to comment V_V Such pretty colors
drawn in 6 hours 7 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
me007 (Oct 11, 2004)
lol a friend named him.. just working on shading.. so i figured I would practise with a random face
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Oct 11, 2004)
I can see a bit of Cary Grant in this. Nice job!
emmamommalag (Oct 11, 2004)
Yes, it's very good work. You're doing great, Danny. And it does look a little like Cary Grant!
evil_cloud (Oct 11, 2004)
Yay! Grow up to intermediate, and practise more shading, but dont do it as blurry as me :P
Asriel (Oct 13, 2004)
yeah thilly... thtep up to intermediate... there'th ekthperteeth in thith pieth...
drawn in 2 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
spiritdweller (Oct 12, 2004)
6 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (Oct 13, 2004)
hey! it's a lone l'il pine tree that some bastard cut down and then left there, that's what it is! geeeez...
flopsymopsy (Oct 13, 2004)
Oh, I thought it was either a seed of some sort (almost right then) or a hedgehog with wonky legs ... and don't mock the latter guess as I saw a hedgehog with a bad leg on my way to work yesterday and had to take him to the vet so he could be sent to St Tiggywinkles. Cost me a fortune!
spiritdweller (Oct 13, 2004)
lolll flops... I know, not funny, but still... lol
Anna (Oct 13, 2004)
lmao flops :D You are so kind. Cool pic, Lori. Reminds me of some sort of CD cover.
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
spiritdweller (Aug 31, 2004)
takin' my time
24 comments – latest 4:
spiritdweller (Sep 2, 2004)
you're so welcome Aubs... love you girlie! :)
Aubrey (Sep 2, 2004)
love you too! :-D
purple_Llama (Sep 6, 2004)
This looks great & just like them
naruto_666 (Oct 13, 2004)
It's Wallace and Gromit!!! CHEESE DAY! >e<
drawn in 6 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 7, 2004)
" weren't talking to me were you? Maybe, maybe you were, but you're not now, because now you see my huge gun. I'll let him do the talking for awhile."

lmao, no clue.
3 comments – latest 4:
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 10, 2004)
drawn in 3 hours 48 min
Word bubble one: "I'm sorry, did you say something?"
Word bubble two: "Oh, wtf, she's got a gun!" or something to that effect.

Computer's crappin out on me, I couldn't zoom in, I gave up on the word bubbles, lol. I think I should have left the white bits white. The bg is too dark/she's too dark, there's not enough contrast for me, otherwise I'm happy with the coloring. Oh fk I forgot to put the "crack!" noise thingy indicating that she's cracking her neck. I had alot of fun with this one.

I'd work on it a little bit more but I'm sure I'm out of space. Again. xo
Xodiak (Oct 10, 2004)
She has very nice lips... <:D
Dantei (Oct 10, 2004)
whoa, nice colors! awesome hair-cut too.
spiritdweller (Oct 12, 2004)
loll look at dem lips.. woo... lol... what are they gonna say? I wanna know what they're gonna saaayy
drawn in 6 hours 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
spiritdweller (Oct 10, 2004)
it's supposed to be blurry
4 comments – latest 4:
concannon (Oct 10, 2004)
Aw, that's really cute/neat. Nice job Lori.
spiritdweller (Oct 10, 2004)
thanks VV ;)
davincipoppalag (Oct 10, 2004)
The trainer is nearsighted! lol ((Lori))
emmamommalag (Oct 11, 2004)
lol @ supposed to be blurry Cute pic, Lori. :)
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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