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Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Feb 28, 2007)
more like cubic zirconium!
5 comments – latest 4:
Cameo (Feb 28, 2007)
Wow, Christine! Cool Bling Bling!
senshi (Feb 28, 2007)
HunterKiller_ (Feb 28, 2007)
Really cool.
Naima (Mar 1, 2007)
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Aug 13, 2006)
Poor Happy face never knew that he will need to smille until death comes to peeck him up...................
Always smille and making us cheer up, but untill death came for him this was his last smilling face capture from him seconds before he was tacken..........0u0
Just an inner though that came to me dough.................:]
.........Logging of Lore.V.............
Hoppe every body enjoys the happy face icon...................
8 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Aug 14, 2006)
Smile till you die. I'm afraid to smile now. :)

Love your pic and sense of humour.
sukua_2005_ (Aug 19, 2006)
It reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez. This makes the hamsters of happiness in my happy brain very...Happy. >=3
squee (Aug 24, 2006)
Yup. I'm definately smiling :D
senshi (Feb 27, 2007)
Hahah. this is awesome.
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Shortiebop (Jan 10, 2007)
this is a hard position and perspective to draw ......
12 comments – latest 4:
Great_white (Jan 10, 2007)
Theres alot going on in this picture!
wow nice picture shortay!
Ashes (Jan 12, 2007)
It looks like they're delivering a baby.
Shortiebop (Jan 12, 2007)
OK yeah whatever
kissimmeegurl (Feb 27, 2007)
Ewwww!!! Ashes, thats dodgy!!! Lol <3
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hagaren (Feb 25, 2007)
For those of you that don't know what I look like, this is pretty much it. D:

Realism? Maybe, I don't know.
If it is, then I guess this is my first actual attempt at realism.
6 comments – latest 4:
Hagaren (Feb 25, 2007)
Rina: Orly? 8D I'm not cute, and please don't eat me! SANJI AND ECCHIBOI WILL BE CRUSHED, OH-HO D:< XD;

Guupi: Great, so now I'm a cookie. Thankyou!~<8D
Punky (Feb 25, 2007)
your so lying. you are cuuuute. D: The eyes and lips and cute.

Realism is hard.
senshi (Feb 25, 2007)
The bg bored you so you made it blank?
Anyway, I like it.
pray4love (Feb 26, 2007)
OMIGAWD! HAGAREN! I MISSED YOU! seeing everybody's art from when i was gone made me come back! now i'm glad i did! YOU GOT SOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER! YAY! Wanna collab again, anyway? i missed you sooooo muchies! *cuddles you hard*
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
101_Torchic_101 (Feb 17, 2007)
(0w0) It's Eureka from Eureka seven. Just thought I'd draw her, because she's cute, and..I haven't drawn her since last year, hah.. xD;;
14 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (edited Feb 25, 2007)
Thanks :3

(0w0) And, Guupi, you should so watch it. It's awesome :D It airs on Adult swim on Saturday nights..I forgot at what time, though xD;;
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Feb 25, 2007)
Yay Eureka............:D
I love that anime so much but I haven't seen it since a long time ago, I have lost track of it........DX
I love Anamone "opposite of Eureka" the best........:D she is "G"......>:D
ANd my little sis. loves that guy Dominic........ewwwww D:>
But yes this picture is really adorable...........and "G"
............Logging of Lore.V..............
senshi (Feb 25, 2007)
I'm in the same situation as Lore, I love it but I haven't seen it in awhile.
Naturally I forgot nearly everyones names. :P
I like...*google search ftw* Talho.
101_Torchic_101 (Feb 25, 2007)
Yeah, Talho cut her hair, n' stuff..And Eureka loves Renton now xD..And stuff..And Anemone's really crazy xD

(xDx) And thanks.
drawn in 3 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
deathking and fleeting_memory (Feb 22, 2007)
When im done lining does anyone want to color?
7 comments – latest 4:
deathking (Feb 22, 2007)
Im srry but the tan is white and the darkbrown is dark purple in the original older hinata pictures.
senshi (Feb 22, 2007)
Hinata is teh awesome!
kikyo_hikaru (Feb 23, 2007)
good pic but hair is off a little in color
fleeting_memory (Feb 24, 2007)
oh uh-I wasnt done but ok :)
drawn in 2 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
senshi (Feb 23, 2007)
I will never do anything this fruity again in my life.
But, I must admit, It is pretty cute.
Reminds me of Banana's though. I hate bananas.
I was gonna draw a cute little girl with a bloody dagger but I just drew a catgirl.

This is actually pretty good seeing as how little I worked on it.
I started it by drawing the face, then watched AMV's for like 40 min.
so I only worked on it for like...40
5 comments – latest 4:
KyoxTohru95 (Feb 24, 2007)
Haha, cute
Kitteh ears~<3
Bananas? What wrong with them??
.... Bloody dagger ^-^
senshi (Feb 24, 2007)
Bananas make teh Senshi's tummy feel bad...
>.< Squuoah!!
KyoxTohru95 (Feb 24, 2007)
Oh, I sorry :[

... I like bananas... Now I want fruit -_- The hunt is on.
pancakes_rock (Feb 24, 2007)
how cute i love the little claws!
drawn in 1 hour 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
renire (Oct 11, 2006)
Nyah. He is VERY happy. Yet... Do you know WHY?
4 comments – latest 4:
cookie913 (Oct 14, 2006)
He is happy because he is a free sole, he doesn't have any chores, work, or school to deal with, he has a family in which he is loved, he has a girlfriend that is perfect, he has friends that are easy to get along with , he is popular, so basically his life is perfect!
senshi (Oct 14, 2006)
He is a happy pebble. it's his job to be happy.
kissimmeegurl (Feb 23, 2007)
aha!! weow
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
deathking (Feb 23, 2007)
Made a new icon.
2 comments – latest 2:
senshi (Feb 23, 2007)
Ron Weasley?
deathking (Feb 23, 2007)
No rons hair was more orange and his skin was pinker.
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
KyoxTohru95 (Feb 20, 2007)
Me and my best friend!
(I have a random wand blanceing on my lips
4 comments – latest 4:
cmoon (Feb 20, 2007)
awwww!! XD i love you!!!!! *glomps*
it's so cute!!!!!!!
senshi (Feb 20, 2007)
Yer getting better.
KyoxTohru95 (Feb 20, 2007)
Heh, thanks!
senshi (Feb 23, 2007)
I like how you always use texture.

Haha! The wands on yer lips!
*dies of laughter*
drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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