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Public Boards/Intermediate 
saucy (Dec 9, 2004)
On December 8th, 2004,
Dimebag Darrell was killed
at a shooting
in Columbus, Ohio
at a Damage Plan concert.
Rest in peace.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Dec 9, 2004)
Emmamommalag's son's band was playing in the same place. Her son was on the stage minutes before the shooting doing a sound check.Thank the Lord he got off before the shooter started...awful story..
Anna (Dec 10, 2004)
Yes, I heard about that tragedy. 'Tis a sad story, indeed. :-( I'm very glad to hear that emma's son is fine!
Zinc (Dec 10, 2004)
I was shocked, disgusted, and depressed. Rest in peace. I'm probably going to make a tribute as well as soon as I find some time.
K-Dizzle (Dec 10, 2004)
yup....its so messed up...i was devastated when i found out.he was a great guy and an amazing guitarist... and yeah, thats so crazy about Emma's son...its a small small world...glad to hear nothing happened to him! still shocked that a place like that wasnt using metal detectors..thats just wrong...everything about it
drawn in 3 hours 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
saucy (Oct 19, 2004)
User Icon :3
1 comment – latest 3:
saucy (edited Oct 20, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
I can't believe it took me this long. Sheesh. Anyway... Icon.
saucy (Oct 20, 2004)
drawn in 47 sec
just a last minute touch.
Silver_Note (Oct 22, 2004)
This is a nice pic, good work on this Saucy, I especially like the color of the hair!
drawn in 5 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
saucy (Aug 13, 2004)
aww... It's my RP charachter :) I was too lazy to finish the tree. *yawn*
6 comments – latest 4:
spoiledvamp27 (Sep 17, 2004)
Just one comment. The space between the eye and the eyeborws is a bit to blurry. You may just need to re-define the eyeborws, and it will look just fine. Great job though. I can't wait to see it finnished.
Blade212121 (Sep 17, 2004)
Thats cool in all
Lune (Sep 18, 2004)
...Nice ! ^_^ Keep up the good work, I love your style!
bumpinthenight (Oct 3, 2004)
the dress is really frakky... you should add a background!
drawn in 19 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
saucy (Aug 17, 2004)
GIR! w00t!
3 comments – latest 3:
Eiroku (Aug 17, 2004)
his eyes are big, must have drank too much sake
Mipunai (Aug 17, 2004)
Eiroku, what is up with you and sake?
saucy (Aug 17, 2004)
drawn in 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
saucy (Jul 6, 2004)
My main male charachter, Kazin, in my manga - Burned.This is my first picture made here.
drawn in 7 hours 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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