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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||
carnivore is...
(Nov 21, 2003)
...as carnivore does.rampaging accrose it's hunting grounds, terrorising the local prey... (this is really a bit messy to be on intermediate, but meh...)
concannon (Nov 22, 2003)
Pretty. You know your dinosaurs kick ass, but the background is too dark; the dino blends into it, and we can't see details. So...maybe lighten up either the background, or the dino.
furyofroy (Nov 22, 2003)
I dunno, I think it makes it look scarier. :) Your crosshatch shading is kickass.
rydicanubis (Nov 22, 2003)
thanks, um, on my computer it doesn't look too dark at all... |
(Nov 12, 2003)
some big saur, exercising his voice...
furyofroy (edited Nov 12, 2003)
hehe, schweet.
quintessence (Nov 12, 2003)
Awesome. *licks* Love the tounge, and the purple beady scales. The neck seems to have width issues, though. I dunno, I've never even tried to draw a dinosaur. -__-
method3 (Nov 13, 2003)
You know the great thing about dinosaurs is no one knows what they really looked like, I mean, even though bones can give a really good indication, you never know if there really were odd protrusions for some reason or another right? But anyhow, I think i've seen some drawings or renderings of dinosaurs with large bony ridges coming out of their necks similar to the one here.Cool stuff... although the background kinda doesn't fit in or relate to anything... with the green and the dots you know? Whatever, it's cool.
rydicanubis (Nov 13, 2003)
thanksyeah, he's got an arched sort of a neck with ridge-y-ness going on... and the background, cheap dappled leaf effects gone bad... |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Nov 2, 2003)
i dunno, i've had this whole thing with angry eyes lately... |
(Oct 29, 2003)
these eyes have seen more than you can know....
Gorelord (Oct 29, 2003)
WTF are you doing in begginers?...Sho shoo...go to intermidiate...go go...go now...(Translation: COOL BEANS, now gooooo! Soon you'll be in Advanced....no time at all to waist!)
Marienkind (Oct 29, 2003)
(clears throat) she's been in intermediate. and advanced. and showcase. :D
rydicanubis (Oct 29, 2003)
hehe, thanksharmaye, um, i really wasn't thinking 'anteater' when i drew this, but well, to each their own i guess... um, as for neck, for me it was more like he was looking down at you, like his neck was arched up above him... that's just how it was in my head. and yeah, a darker background might have been better, but i prolly won't revise so meh... as to how i did it? i have fallen in love with the pen tool in shi... very real-life pencil-like... give it a try... and yeah, the spikes are sortof bones/horns, something, i dunno gorelord, once in a while, actually alot lately, i just don't feel like taking the time and effort required on some of the higher boards, so i just do something here... yeah...
furyofroy (Oct 29, 2003)
The scratchy crosshatch shading is expertly done! |
(Oct 26, 2003)
i shed a tear for the predicament in which 2draw finds itself, and hope for a happy ending...
Piyoki (Oct 26, 2003)
This is really cute!
taori (Oct 26, 2003)
Awww...the poor fluffy thing. *joins it in crying for 2draw*(that ear is so incredibly nifty. i can't stop staring at it.)
ladylime (Oct 26, 2003)
wow thats so pretty ^-^
haruko_ryuu (Oct 27, 2003)
great job! i like how it looks and how the fine brush strokes are put in the right places to add to it! great work |
(Oct 25, 2003)
kitty on a pedestal...
Harmanye (Oct 25, 2003)
Cute. Reminds me of the cat my Grandmother used to have. Only- Skinnier. Grandma's cat was sorta plump.I like the penciled look this has, the pedestal looks out of perspective, But that could be just me.
concannon (Oct 25, 2003)
Nice job; I like the perspective, and the idea. But the cat's head is too big. In all seriousness, if a cat had a skull that big, it wouldn't be able to lift its head.Just for future reference. o_o
rydicanubis (Oct 25, 2003)
hehe, thanksand yeah i know the head is too big, it was supposed to be all cute and fluffy and cartoonish when i started, then it turned more realistic but i was too lazy to change things, oh well... |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Oct 25, 2003)
this is me, i have a candy addiction...
strangeoid (Oct 25, 2003)
*grins* *hyperventilates* Who doesn't?
method3 (Oct 27, 2003)
someone who has diabetes? |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Oct 23, 2003)
whee for shi!ouais!
supermonkey (Oct 23, 2003)
Nice.. I love the eye. How about a background?
furyofroy (Oct 23, 2003)
If Anubis was a dragon...
concannon (Oct 23, 2003)
So....pretty....Now I feel I must draw something like this. Damn you, rydic. -___-
rydicanubis (Oct 23, 2003)
thanks, i love the eye too...and originally i wasn't even going to give it any colour, just leave it white, so background meh, simplicity is best... and roy, what're you talkin about... i AM a dragon ;) |
(Oct 22, 2003)
more techniques practice:form, fold and shadow... more liking of pen tool... :) |
– latest 3:
furyofroy (Oct 22, 2003)
The pen tool r0xx0rz! And the horns are spectacularrrr.
rydicanubis (Oct 22, 2003)
it's nice and soft and easy to layermore like a real life pencil...
Espada (Oct 23, 2003)
nice, reminds me of FFT |
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