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Maiko (edited Jul 3, 2003)
YO ^__^ i know this is sorta off topic....but it's really really important >< I wish you a happy birthday marcello and i hope all of you other people here at 2draw do too >< Cuz marcello's aweshome :3 mee hee sho, i'm sorry marcello if you hate me now cuz i posted something off topic >< smite me oh mighty smiter... >< so, Bai den! -Kitsunebi
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Doodlibop (Jul 3, 2003)
GoCello!It's ya Birthday!
Gonna Party like it's your Birthday!
Sippin on...uh...Soda like it's your birthday!!

12 comments – latest 4:
rith (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Lucky I'm still can online this day.. Happy birthday Marcello! Continue your good job.
When I come back later, I will catch and eat you and take this site for my own huahahaha. j/k
Ari (edited Jul 4, 2003)
Happy birthday Marcello! :)
Prowler (edited Jul 6, 2003)
lol c00l. its not every day you see a bear-girl pop out of a cake. ^^;
RIKG (Nov 16, 2003)
Cake! Yummy! Very pretty!. Colorfull background.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with PaintBBS
Jiah (Jul 3, 2003)
And then, there's the fluke XD
3 comments – latest 3:
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 3, 2003)
heyy! he is really somethin else!
I can't help but wonder why everyone prefers 'cute' dragons over 'mean' dragons though...
Jiah (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Cute dragons can be mean. Either that, or cute ones are just easier to draw. I should TRY and do something "mean" :P
rith (edited Jul 3, 2003)
I luv mean dragons. Grauw grauw! I'm a meany 75 feets tall dragon!
drawn in 9 hours 5 min with PaintBBS
Hakkai (Jul 2, 2003)
Lol. Sorry I haven't been drawing as much as I used to.. Thats because I've occupied myself with the game 'Nightmist'. Its an online multiplayer game!! Its somewhat addictive.
4 comments – latest 4:
rith (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Nice shading! That bunny is 'not in place'
Zappo (edited Jul 2, 2003)
ha, i scoff at is probably not even close to the addiciveness of Star Wars Galaxies.......I havent seen natral sunlight since June 26th! the day it came out.........not really, but its fun as hell!
Kazukie (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Sistahhh! -glomps- Nice drawing.. You rock! -Still envy's you-
nyao (edited Aug 5, 2003)
hee hee... cute pic... the lineart and colouring are all great! ^^
drawn in 2 hours 9 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Zappo (Jul 2, 2003)
Oh man this is going to be a Long please, take a seat! It all started when i was wondering the boards.....when i stumbled along this post that Mkkmypet not sure as to the gender of Mkkmypet so ill refer to Mkkmypet as simply "M" anyways....M wanted a B-day card...and M was asking people to make one...So i says to myself i says man how selfish is that! it reminded me of those kids in grade school that ASKED to be your friend......but after laughing at the funnest forum post ever in the history of the internet......(serously..i was near tears) that thing in you that makes you get bad feelings started to act up plus my jaw was sore from laughing and i said," Oh what the hell, i got a friendly greeting when i joined why not her?, uh him....uhh M!)so i looked at M's profile.....and it turns out that M's you regular john Doe!! Bahahaha im not even sure as to the gender of Mkkmypet....too funny.......the olny thing i know about you is that you have some theroy and you friends disagree with you.....and you think that my picks are not good enough to be on the intermedeate for the picture...its the magical birthday fariy to attend to you every need....I didn;t know what to put on the card because i didnt know how old you were, if you were a boy or girl,what you liked, when you birthday is, or you first name.....
5 comments – latest 4:
mkkmypet (edited Jul 2, 2003)
I like the magical birthday fairy! But your way you found out why to draw it dissapoints me... By the way:
Im a girl, my birthday is July 6, my first name is mary, and I like drawing! And I never said your pics are to bad to be on the intermidiate board! They are way better than mine! All I said was to practice a little more, then try the intermidiate board! I really like your pictures, but If the people on the intermidiate board say "Your pics need more practice, go to the practice board." and humiliate you, It makes you feel like you never should have come to 2draw...
I am sorry that you think I'm selfish, but I'm not really, if you got to know me you would understand.

P.S. When is your birthday? I want to thank you for drawing me the magical birthday fairy.
marcello (edited Jul 2, 2003)
You do realize it says birthdays on user profiles, right? Assuming you filled yours out, like zappo did.
Zappo (edited Jul 2, 2003)
[color:pink on purple]I am a good boy! BTW when people tell me my pics arnt good enough i ask why and learn from it.....i dont see it as being humiated...its not like people are going to be talking to their friends and say.."man theres this guy named zappo............" and if there are people out there like that there i think thats pretty rat-basterdly pathetic....he he he i made a new word..patent-pending!
mkkmypet (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Marcello: Ha ha! Finally got my profile to work!
drawn in 14 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rith (Jul 2, 2003)
This for my Dragon Friend; Kaltezar. The most black of all black dragons but he ain't bad dragons as long you ain't disturb him. ;)
3 comments – latest 3:
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 2, 2003)
very nice idea :)
the moon is always captivating
concannon (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Pretty pretty. The yellow lineart is very pretty.

Black dragon. Acid breathweapon? Or were the blacks the breath weapon I couldn't remember...*ponder*
rith (edited Jul 3, 2003)
I think he doesn't have any.. weapon. Why don't you ask himself? ;?
And Turty.., it wasn't idea. I just take it from his description and... he is dragonkin(people that believe in some sort of way that they really dragon), he got his 'form' from visions.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Naddy (Jul 2, 2003)
The sea is big and blue
2 comments – latest 2:
rith (edited Jul 2, 2003)
I want to swim!
Naddy (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Me to
drawn in 16 min with OekakiBBS
Serchul (Jul 1, 2003)
A weird looking snake...
2 comments – latest 2:
rith (edited Jul 1, 2003)
like the purple background, I like purple..
concannon (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Looks kinda like Trogdor, from HomeStarRunner. Only...a snake. o.O I like the background.
drawn in 17 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rosalyn (Jul 1, 2003)
Wow! I just found out I'm ranked 7!!!*cheers* Can you guys guess who this is???:}
5 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Wooosh! Its Inuyasha! Or atleast I think it is.
concannon (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Pretty. Nice blendy-ness. Good job Rosalyn. *clap clap*
Knockoff (edited Jul 11, 2003)
Yea I lub the eyes.! Great job rosalyn!
Dragon_River_Spirit (edited Nov 17, 2003)
Looks like Bakura on Yu-Gi-Oh! or at least Inu-yasha. I like...No...Love it.. ^.^
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with OekakiBBS
Turtlebuster (Jul 1, 2003)
You know i only posted a burrow so i could say ASS as freely as i want!
so, how do you like my ass?
4 comments – latest 4:
rith (edited Jul 1, 2003)
This is what you call 'Only draw a panorama' heh Turty? Like to keep secret for your own? :? That really look like you! Yeah, you're as sexyas a donkey[LOL].
rosalyn (edited Jul 1, 2003)
Donkey!! Does it talk and/or sing????? *has watched shrek too many times* :} I love your art!!!!
Mikki (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Mmmmmm, ass. Heh.
Doodlibop (edited Jul 2, 2003)
Nice Aaa---I'm not gonna say it. :/
nice donkey, though. ;3
drawn in 46 min with PaintBBS
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