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Public Boards/Beginner 
Animegirl250 (Dec 29, 2004)
hes all wet. ^_^
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (Dec 29, 2004)
...that's some resilient hair. Nice job with the lighting on him from the moon; it's convincing.
Cacau (Dec 29, 2004)
REN!! *hugz* I love how you did the hair and the sky! I wish I could draw skies like you TT_TT
davincipoppalag (Dec 29, 2004)
I think you did a good job making the water around him. It looks good.
IkariIreuL (Dec 30, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
moon-pearl (Dec 29, 2004)
Once again, I'm trying to do something nice with Lascaux...thanks to the tutorial that davincipoppalag gave me, I'm having lotsa fun, and that's true that once you get familiar to the tools, it's easier, but I still have a problem with my tablet that's bothering me!
So a random Lady, that kind of look like Dolly, my original character! ^_^
6 comments – latest 4:
moon-pearl (Dec 29, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
Like I said, I changed her hairstyle...I dunno if it's better or not, for some reason, I'm not totally satisfied with this piece....But there's a thing that makes me happy: Lascaux is not as hard to use as I thought it was!

Seshio (Dec 29, 2004)
wow! good job with the drawing! I like the shading and the outfit! AWESOME WORK! ^_^
Jack_Fox (Dec 29, 2004)
Very cool. The colors are awesome, I really like purple: it's my favoritest.
MidnightRaven99 (Dec 30, 2004)
Very very nice!
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
somebody (Dec 20, 2004)
The eyes are the window of the soul
5 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (Dec 22, 2004)
Ooh, nice job. Eyes are v. pretty, and she has lovely lips.
davincipoppalag (Dec 22, 2004)
Beautiful job on this one Sindy. The eyes are very pretty.
sincity (Dec 22, 2004)
Very nice picture. I also like the eyes ,sooo blue. Very pretty face. :}
archangel18 (Dec 29, 2004)
hey you are readin this anyway so no comment
drawn in 3 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mazi (Dec 23, 2004)
wow that was painful. my wrist/hand hurts. not sure what im gunna do with this. but it was fun to do. in a painful way.

things are good right now. homo marriage just got legalized in my province, i passed all my courses for my first year. :D
i painted my mom a picture of me and my brother from when we were kids. i hope she likes it. anyone else use art as an excuse to be a cheapass around the holidays?

p.s. sorry for spamming like a mofo.
19 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Dec 27, 2004)
Creating something of your own is certainly a better present than something you buy from a store. Hehe, very nice drawing! The tree and the colours look very nice. So, will you marry a girl soon? >;D
mazi (Dec 28, 2004)
nah, im better off single. the studmuffin is on the prowwl. nah, just its cool that i could if i wanted to. lots of human rights and all that jazz.
Pence (Dec 28, 2004)
wow, this is really good. i can't draw trees, really good job.
Aubrey (Dec 29, 2004)
Sometimes the simplest things in life mean the most to someone. This is a really good picture and anyone lucky enough to get your art for christmas is damn lucky.
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
ky (May 20, 2003)
edit: Finished.
9 comments – latest 4:
mazi (edited May 21, 2003)
oh wow, i love it. good stuff.
forgotten-memory (edited May 23, 2003)
i wish that if I ate you, KY, your talent would be a part of me...
but sadly you really aren't what you eat. other wise I'd be a giant chocolate bar...
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Aug 6, 2003)
Oh lord... That is frickin AWESOME!!! I luff you I luff you I LUFF YOU!!!
IkariIreuL (Dec 29, 2004)
Wow ... Me Likes
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
moon-pearl (Dec 29, 2004)
Oh god, it is hard!!! I'm sorry to submit such a crappy piece, I had no insiration and for once I tried to draw with another programm than shi-painter...
12 comments – latest 4:
moon-pearl (Dec 29, 2004)
Hey, thanks a lot for the link, davincipoppalag, it's very helpful!
EphemeralFlames (Dec 29, 2004)
I really like your style. :D Though the background takes away from the girl, the flat color is distracting. But she is very elegant indeed.
quintessence (Dec 29, 2004)
Oooh, I love how you put the little white highlight on her eyeshadow. Lovely. <3
moon-pearl (Dec 29, 2004)
Thanks to all of you guys for your kind comments!
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic (Dec 29, 2004)
i got bored... lol. so i drew the symbol of my favorite pop. what about youz guyz? do you like pepsi or....?lol
8 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (Dec 29, 2004)
A&W rootbeer rules you all. This is, regardless, shiny and nifty.
inatyrb (Dec 29, 2004)
Hehe... Looks spifidelic! Looks hippie like in the bg.
Animegirl250 (Dec 29, 2004)
"Coke and Pepsi are the same thing! Wake up people!" --Homer Simpson (Dec 29, 2004)
lol so not.... idk what Homer is talking
drawn in 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
circe (Dec 29, 2004)
see what happens when you give me oekaki, a tablet, and a mind?
1 comment – latest 1:
quintessence (Dec 29, 2004)
I had one of those plastic easel things when I was little that had a chalk board on one side, and it always looked like this 'cause I never wanted to erase anything. >> Very spiffy.
drawn in 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
frappa (Oct 21, 2004)
Anyone wants to color it?
1 comment – latest 2:
frappa (Oct 26, 2004)
drawn in 13 min
Antone wants to color it?
quintessence (Dec 29, 2004)
Nice hand there, and pretty colors. Might want to brush up on human facial proportions, though- chart thingy for reference.
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rhiwithil (Dec 28, 2004)
Finished. I like the coloring, but not the lineart.
5 comments – latest 4:
Rhiwithil (Dec 29, 2004)
drawn in 32 min
Finished now. Viktor is a character of mine.
inatyrb (Dec 29, 2004)
I like the person on the right facil expression. It looks really nice. Very cute! Nice job!
mukumuku (Dec 29, 2004)
this is cute, the coloring is nice
Pence (Dec 29, 2004)
i like then brown haired girls eyes. ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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