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Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Jul 15, 2003)
Erm... I'm running out of things to say here. *shrug*
2 comments – latest 2:
shockedfrog (edited Jul 15, 2003)
we're all running out of thing to say other than 'nice pic'.
Seriously, it's getting a bit unoriginal. Draw a bad pic for once so we can say something else :)
darkk_angel (edited Jul 16, 2003)
cute face, but something about the nose is a tad bit off... but overall, it is good!
drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (Jul 14, 2003)
...should I quit with the solid lineart style? *ponders*
4 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Jul 14, 2003)
Eyes a lil too close together, but very cute. Mildly Sander-ish. Scaaarf.
Ari (edited Jul 14, 2003)
Oooh... Cool!
I like the lineart! 'Tis nifty!
Darkstar (edited Jul 14, 2003)
nah dont quit it, i like it a lot! very clean and dramatic...keep up the good work
darkk_angel (edited Jul 14, 2003)
wooooo.... cute!! not bad at all.... the hair could have a little more volume, but that is my only complaint.... dont quit with this style!!! you are good at it!
drawn in 47 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jul 14, 2003)
Random quick doodle. Used mouse, for am too lazy to pull the tablet over here from the other side of my desk. -_____-
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (edited Jul 14, 2003)
she reminds me of harry potter with that scarf. o_o

edit: the griffindor colors, yes? i like her hair.
concannon (edited Jul 14, 2003)
Looks like it could be Hermione...*smooshes nose against computer screen* Is it? (*licks the thick lineart*)
quintessence (edited Jul 14, 2003)
Yep, twas supposed to be Hermione. I just didn't know if it was recognizeable. But apparently it is, so yay. ^^
drawn in 39 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jul 13, 2003) heheh. Pretty boys. *shuffles off*
8 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Jul 14, 2003)
is it because it was made by disn*y (bad word) that it's hated?
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jul 14, 2003)
arrg! That movie was the shiznit. Even if well uh yeah that word.
nearly_goth (edited Aug 16, 2003)
Eliafin (Sep 17, 2003)
I have to say it, you draw very sexy pirate boys!! ^_^
drawn in 56 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jul 13, 2003)
...PotC influence. ^___^
5 comments – latest 4:
Ameraq (edited Jul 13, 2003)
O.O ^.^

( Wow)
tappie_chan (edited Jul 13, 2003)
YOHOHO AND A BOTTLE OF RUM!!! i love the thick lines and the border. very nice.
Marienkind (edited Jul 13, 2003)
bold color choices. mmm.
Knockoff (edited Jul 14, 2003)
Yay for pirate boy. good job!
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Jul 13, 2003)
Saftey-save, storm's making the power flicker. Don't wanna lose this. >_<

-edit- Okay, done. *chews off hand*
2 comments – latest 2:
mazi (edited Jul 13, 2003)
thats great. keep it up.

your definately getting better =)
darkk_angel (edited Jul 16, 2003)
very nice angle and facial features.....
drawn in 2 hours 37 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (Jul 13, 2003)
More solid lineart/odd style testyness. Eh hehe.

Jeez, I think it's hailing now...
2 comments – latest 2:
Marienkind (edited Jul 13, 2003)
you're on a spree. yay!

edit: hail? where do you live?
quintessence (edited Jul 13, 2003)
Mississippi, though not by choice. Land o' the thunderstorms. ^^
drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jul 13, 2003)
Style testing?

Thunderstorm's coming in... *shiver* I wuv storms.
1 comment – latest 1:
Marienkind (edited Jul 13, 2003)
style testing = fun for all.
drawn in 27 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jul 12, 2003)
I can't believe this took me that long. Guess I was distracted a lot. o_o
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
quintessence (Jul 12, 2003)
It looks like him if you squint, I think...

-edit- Left cheek looks odd, I know... I think it's because in the ref pic he was leaning on his cloth-covered arm, and I wasn't sure how to draw that. So craptasticness ensused. Enjoy.
3 comments – latest 3:
concannon (edited Jul 12, 2003)
....*puddle of fangirl*

LOVE the left cheek, but the right seems slightly off. And hehehe, facial fuzz. *licks screen*
quintessence (edited Jul 12, 2003)
Now that I look at this again, it's looking really odd... *twitch*
tappie_chan (edited Jul 12, 2003)
omg this looks JUST LIKE HIM!!!!! i love this pic EEEEEEEEEEEEHHEEEEEEHHEEEEE!!!!! this makes me very happy! now i know who to come to to request an orli drawing ^_____________^ *kisses the computer screen*

drawn in 54 min with OekakiBBS
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