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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||
(Oct 28, 2003)
I drew a little alien because i havent draw in a while, background is pretty lame but oh well c+c i think its quite cute
mundi (Oct 29, 2003)
*Tis* cute! :) Very spiffy. |
(Sep 18, 2003)
Well its not exactly finished but it wont let me edit it so anyone? my attempt at person not so bad compared to my others.. but then i spent longer on this.. hmm fairly much longer... eh oh well please comment critisize and yes i know there is no face but like i said..
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 19, 2003)
Looks gothic. I like it! :D That's really nice shading. Woulda been awesome if you hadn't hit the limit.
Sixelab (edited Sep 19, 2003)
shading on her ribcage is lovelynot rib cage, the other thing >< under the collar bone........you know what i mean >.> <.<
amuy (Sep 19, 2003)
Awww I wish you could have finished its so nice!!!
marcello (Sep 19, 2003)
That's because you posted on the beginner board. |
Misc. Boards/Sprites | |||||||||
(Sep 16, 2003)
its a little purplestarfish! can i have this as my user icon would that work very confusing its a bit small come to think of it and it says psf in the top corner for those special people =^.^= its pretty anyway i think
concannon (Sep 16, 2003)
Cute. I like. Nice shading. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||
(Sep 16, 2003)
Ta Da! Its supposed to be Angel Falls and i think it looks sort of like it except i went a bit mad with the blur tool thing i was never good at detail anyway so if anyone has any comments or improvements for next time the bottom of the mountain is a bit funny o well i think its ok =^.^=
Magnus (Sep 17, 2003)
NICE clouds! |
(Sep 12, 2003)
Hmm i may have forgotten how to draw as i havent been on in a while...and plus i havent used lascaux before...and plus i have a mouse... and anyway i shall stop with the excuses and yep it took me hour somehow hmm its not very central is it ok so delete me! thats me done now you can be mean =^.^=
concannon (Sep 12, 2003)
Oooh....very pretty. The flower petals are absolutely lovely.
Childlike_Vampire (Sep 12, 2003)
oh that's very pretty. i especially like the glowing look, and the petals are wonderfully blended!
Gothic_Otaku (Sep 12, 2003)
Ah, looks real :p Looks like a sacred flower. *worships flower* |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||
(Aug 11, 2003)
grraaghh there is suppose to be a lighthouse but the thing is annoying me so much i will finish it later maybe it was annoying me because it was all lagging and wasnt doing what i told it and generally doing whatever it wants and taking ages to load if i zoomed in or out and blah so yes it looks empty without a lighthouse so must do that later sorry if its not good enough for intermediate but i only have a mouse =^.^=edit: ok right i think ill leave it now seeing as im making it worse....
purplestarfishy (edited Aug 11, 2003)
thats a good idea thankyou =^.^=
darkdawn (edited Aug 12, 2003)
I love it. The sky and the water is very well done. Good job!
Knockoff (Sep 3, 2003)
Woow Thats awsome. THe water is excelent. Great job. Nice nice. |
(Aug 7, 2003)
Ok its my first time in an intermediate board sorry if its not up to the standards but you can move it if it isnt i just wanted to try something with a bigger canvas and a landscape still its a erm sunrise or sunset maybe im not sure how to do the water either so if anyone has any ideas? =^.^=
icybluecub (edited Aug 7, 2003)
*jaw drops* ohhh... woooww..... *sits and watches sunset* i think you did a great job in such a short time. welcome! *grabs pop corn*
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 7, 2003)
this is rare for me to ask *cough*, but you're not opposed to vegas weddings, are you?
Aunvi (edited Aug 7, 2003)
*turns head to side* cool......and very Awesome...*looks over at icybluecub*......can I have some of that popcorn?
purplestarfishy (edited Aug 8, 2003)
lol vegas wedding... |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||
(Aug 7, 2003)
blah i gave up on the eye (after about 1/2 hour....) but ive worked out layers =^.^= |
(Aug 3, 2003)
A gift to one of my friends, i have decided never to draw faces ever again!! muhhaha because i cant lol =^.^= i think the clouds are pretty...hmm the lines now look slightely flourescent which they didnt a min ago...darn it
Marienkind (edited Aug 3, 2003)
it must be the jpg compression. |
(Aug 1, 2003)
hmm tried a new hair style type thing similar to how a do my dollz still havent got the hang of eyebrows, eyes, backgrounds, noses, ears (my first try at ears aswell) and mouths really, =^.^=edit: now has a few more key features but i cant be bothered to do clothes
gremlin_faith (edited Aug 1, 2003)
dollers are cool! just wanted to point that out. and her hair looks like it's-swaying in the breeze. *does a shimmy shimmy dance to show swayiness.* O.o is that even a word? oh well, great piccie! ^-^~*
Aunvi (edited Aug 2, 2003)
Awesome pic!
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 10, 2003)
ooooo..... purdy! I like that hair style! It's different and that's always a good thing! I like her purple-ish lips too! |
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