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How did you first find out about 2Draw?
xiang (Apr 7, 2006)
Were you a member of any oekakis ( or other art boards) before 2draw? Just curious. :P It was linked in a teen titans oekaki I was currently a member of. I was sick of drawing teen titans, so I came here.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Aug 10, 2007)
stupid commercial
10 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 11, 2007)
yeah I hate stupid commercials like these. Kind of like all those women dancin' around and smilin' while holding a tampon. I mean get real.
Thumper (Aug 11, 2007)
I find this rather stupid. 98% of sexually active adults have one form or another of HPV (the most common STD . Did you also know 1 in 4 women have herpes? (most just never have any symptomss) ... but it can cause cancer later in life.. Therefor if youd had unprotected sex with 4 or more women or men , you prolly have herpes yourself, and it has nothing to do with being a "diseased cunthole. Condoms dont even protect you from either. "
davincipoppalag (Aug 11, 2007)
I heard that drinking Mountain Dew and eating two twinkies makes you also makes you want to watch professional wrestling
Kloxboy (Aug 13, 2007)
Thumper: You make a good point. Considering the context in which the joke was made and Dan's sense of humor, I still think this piece is funny. :D Btw, nice name, you'd think there would be a Bambi or Flower on this site but it doesn't appear so. I think Twitterpated would be a pretty cool name too. :P
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
nekodesu (Aug 10, 2007)
Holy crap, I actually tried to used a reference to draw a body.

A bit different from the ref it is

3 comments – latest 3:
mooki (Aug 10, 2007)
twist her head a little left, then it will look right

beautiful water and skin and fabric
cant wait till its done
davincipoppalag (Aug 10, 2007)
What mooki said.. this is generally good!
Mocha_Bean (Aug 10, 2007)
I like the smooth coloring and pose, but her head looks small for her body. =/
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kloxboy (Aug 10, 2007)
glum plums
8 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Aug 10, 2007)
He looks like a man contemplating the last few days of his life.
Amazing and all those things. :)
Kloxboy (Aug 10, 2007)
Thanks guys.

Sweetcell: Really? I was sooo going for "all those things." :P
backmagicwoman (Aug 11, 2007)
Kind of reminds me of Rip Van Winkle when he woke up..only Anyway, I really thinks it's cool. I am always fascinated by people who can do lineless art, I myself am unable to do so. Nice work.
two-na (Sep 14, 2007)
Another favorite...
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
patienceisoverrated (Jul 28, 2007)
because i don't draw enough naked men.
74 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 20, 2016)
Well according to marcello.. java is on the way out and he cant spend a lot of time trying to make what's here work with it..most of the problems seem to be with increased security on the java console and the browsers. He says he is working on a new release that isnt java based though.. I think the people who can still make things work come here sometimes..but most just went by the wayside because they couldnt
Roytje (Jul 29, 2016)
I'm curious what she is doing right now with the arts. She is so talented.
davincipoppalag (Sep 14, 2020)
She really was terrific
deunownartist (Mar 19, 2023)
drawn in 15 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Jul 5, 2007)
mental preservative 1
7 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Jul 6, 2007)
Fantastic! I love how you keep improving your style :)
Punky (Jul 6, 2007)
Those colours and shapes are super. I love the long, thin rectangular sort of shapes that make up the mouth.
mooki (Jul 6, 2007)

you never fail to impress
especially with those organics and hard shapes combining

Sweetcell (Jul 6, 2007)
They all said what I wanted to, so I'll just say DA-YUM. :)
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
purple_butterfly (Jul 3, 2007)
If you can't read it says 'divided......for now.' Basically it's a heart, but one side is good and the other bad. Comments good and bad appreciated, thank you!
2 comments – latest 2:
MelissaMissy (Jul 4, 2007)
mooki (Jul 5, 2007)
looks like mice.
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kokumi009 (Jul 3, 2007)
This is my first submission and I don't know how well I'll fair D:
Anyway, I'll accept any kind of feedback so be free to shower me with anger or joy
The background is a failed attempt to draw wood but it makes a nice patter though. :3
I duno how to do a painting style yet so i stuck to cell shading. (is that right?)
Oh, if there are any helpful tips...That is also welcomed :D
The coloring doesn't really make sense but this is my first time so I'll improve. :D
6 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Jul 4, 2007)
not bad at all for a first submission :-) welcome!
clover_pocky (Jul 4, 2007)
This is really pretty. :) Once you get used to the applet of Lascaux (I hated it at first, but it really is great once it's figured out) - try a smoother colouring style, obviously you have a good grip on the techniques of drawing.

Welcome to 2draw. :D Hope to see more from you, I do love the colour combinations in this. <33
Sweetcell (Jul 4, 2007)
Nice job for a first. You seem to know how to use Oekaki well, and yes Lascaux is the shizzle, it's spoiled me too much to try Shi. Nice lineart and great coloring. I love the highlights in her hair and on her shirt. Welcome aboard Kukomi.
mooki (Jul 5, 2007)
welcome lovey

also not mah cupa tea, but i like the line work

welcome to 2draw kaki
drawn in 1 hour 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PolythenePam (Jul 4, 2007)
she said "hey, babe"
10 comments – latest 4:
lori (edited Jul 5, 2007)
well for the record I'm with Giselle, and Dave 'cause this IS really well drawn
mooki (Jul 5, 2007)
i looked at it and thought "man"

nice work 8}
Sweetcell (Jul 5, 2007)
I'm glad the.... misunderstanding is over. I knew he looked familiar, I didn't think Warhol. He actually looks like a friend of mine, wig and all, only he's prettier (my friend) I like the smooshy look you got with the paint.
patienceisoverrated (Jul 8, 2007)
the colours are so good. sogoodsogoodsogood. i want to roll around in them. i like the bold painty-ness.
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
lori and Kloxboy (Jul 4, 2007)
13 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Jul 5, 2007)
Where can I buy one of these?
enjoydotcom (Jul 5, 2007)
I love it, especially the way the octopus jiggles, I believe the movement... Nice wallpaper Lori, it reminds me of the Sims. (And that's a good thing, they got me back into art).
lori (Jul 5, 2007)
I can sculpt one for you Punky, that's the best I can do
mooki (Jul 5, 2007)
haha i love when you guys collab this is great and cute

and octopusses are just so fabulous
drawn in 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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