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Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (Jul 26, 2003)
ok lame title but im idealess.. stupid having to title things.

cut off maybe 15-20 min. not that its relevent.. just saying.
4 comments – latest 4:
Eliafin (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Awww, how romatic O.o;; Very nice coloring. ^_^
Marienkind (edited Jul 26, 2003)
makes me wish i had a love. any gender will do, i'm bi. ^.^

those are very vibrant colors. (oogles)
Mari (edited Jul 26, 2003)
Oh, this is purdiful! The idea is kinda weird (to me anyways) but all in all not a bad picture. ^.^
Ryoko_HomsBaby (edited Jul 27, 2003)
This is exquisite. Makes me wish I was with my crush. *Sighs. Ah Ralique
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 26, 2003)
holy fork my hand hurts.. and im not near done.. still needs some cleaning up on the lineart and color

this is version 2.. i messed up and saved 2 layers into one the first time.. >_< how do i not do that?

[edit: ok so almost done, just gotta make a bg.. damn grainyness]
4 comments – latest 4:
marcello (edited Jul 26, 2003)
layers aren't saved on this board. However, it's easy to color, just set the lineart layer to multiply, and color on a layer under it.
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 26, 2003)
um... camel toe? just a leetle bit there... anyway, we all love that cute little clown
ArchMageZeratuL (edited Jul 27, 2003)
I really don't like her face. :(

But the rest of it is excellent!
Einz (edited Jul 27, 2003)
i like it, the face is like in your other drawings
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mazi (Jul 17, 2003)
ok im finally done.. i was gunna delete it but i was over 2 days so i figured why not finish it.. i was busy with a buffy fest that spanned 3 days and re-doing my site.. good times.

i was going to give the girl on the left camouflage but i was too damn lazy.. too much work..
7 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Jul 17, 2003)
They're both girls. Most thin guys don't have boobs. ~_~

Pretty pretty mazi. Can't wait for it to be finished. Great coloring/shading so far...and I like dogtag!girl's hair.
graywolf (edited Jul 17, 2003)
Hah HA Tanya!!!
Xodiak (edited Jul 18, 2003)
They look very sexy! Xod likes the drawing! <:D
mazi (edited Jul 20, 2003)
yeah its 2 girls lol. XD
drawn in 2 hours 28 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 8, 2003)
my character type guy that was meant to be in a comic.. the comic still resides in my head, and might take a few years to go on paper.. meh.
6 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Jul 8, 2003)
This is a guy? O.O
mazi (edited Jul 8, 2003)
haha yeah hes one of them pretty-boy gay types.. whoo..
darkk_angel (edited Jul 10, 2003)
interesting technique..... i like it! nice hari too.... hair i mean
nitegodess (edited Jul 14, 2003)
love him! hes really... wow. great job mazi
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 4, 2003)
actually started from a quote from a john mayer songmy playlist decided to pick.. 'i could have passed you on the subway' blah blah blah.. just thought it was a cool visual, but being me i had to go all artsy on it.. meh..

bad day, im going to bed.. or trying to figure out which way to lie down thats comfortable.. *rubs back* >_<
2 comments – latest 2:
safescene (edited Jul 4, 2003)
be-yoo-teeful so far -- can't wait to see the rest :)
Nanibunny (edited Jul 8, 2003)
ooooh love the wings mazi!!! you're sooo good at this .. i like the light thats on him. .. its nifty .. me love your dark drawings ^.^
drawn in 1 hour 25 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 4, 2003)
not sure where this one came from, just playing around with lascaux.. hmm.. its really slow on my computer but i love the smoothness you can get on the lines when you really try.. its nice for doodling..

marcello = a god.
1 comment – latest 1:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jul 7, 2003)
Greasy. Hehe...coooool. Yes, the lines are nice and smooth!
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mazi (Jul 3, 2003)
somehow i thought he'd look cooler.. bah.. i need more coloring practice.. gotta pick up some skillz somewhere. i only started playing with color since 2draw really i guess.. hn..

edit #2. just playing around some more.
2 comments – latest 2:
concannon (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Very cool, and very creepy. Pretty pretty hair.
Spudz (edited Jul 6, 2003) kool
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jun 30, 2003)
i havent done anything with detal lately so i figured i needed some practice.. O_o hmm i think it still needs some tweaking but my hand hurts.
4 comments – latest 4:
rith (edited Jun 30, 2003)
Someone has died?
Serchul (edited Jun 30, 2003)
Great picture! :D
rith (edited Jun 30, 2003)
Oh, now it's done? Cool! I like it^^. Only what is that in front of the moon?
Einz (edited Jul 2, 2003)
cool picture
reminds me of a animatrix episode
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jul 1, 2003)
hmm i like the guy on the bottom right but the perspective on the left guys kinda screwy i think.. hmm.. again i say, damn compression..

i was listening to three days grace - i hate everything about you, if anyones wondering..
5 comments – latest 4:
mazi (edited Jul 1, 2003)
for some reason the red looks kinda weird to me.. like his hair.. if you watch the animation its a bit clearer..

after a second look, the hair doesnt look as clean and defined as the guy in front.. or maybe thats just my bad.. meah.. shutting up now.
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 1, 2003)
they both look incredible, but i like the left one's expression a little more. Also, the dark haired man's hair looks a little gritty around the edges, although that's partly due to jpeg.
Xodiak (edited Jul 2, 2003)
You draw very handsome men Mazi! Great art! >:D *lurks you* >;)
Also, I have noticed the detail change on the red hair one's hair... It looks like red is blurred more than the other coloures when compressed under jpeg. <:|
Einz (edited Jul 2, 2003)
yes beautifull shading
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Jun 27, 2003)
yeah.. my faulty gall bladders been acting up for the past few days.. i constantly feel like im gunna yack but i dont.. just generally feeling uuuuughh...
3 comments – latest 3:
Xodiak (edited Jun 28, 2003)
Oh... I feel so sorry you feel bad... I wish I could kiss your innards and get better... hehehe! >:D
I wish you recover quickly. Did you visit a doctor? <:)
Cute drawing! >:p
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 28, 2003)
Voodoo....lovely drawing....I always love the way you blend and shade and such...*Blabbers on for a million years*

im sorry ... i hope you feel better soon
rosalyn (edited Jun 29, 2003)
Don't feel bad! *pats mazi* It'll all turn out good in the end. :{
drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
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