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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
What Does It Mean?
(Jan 6, 2003)
I dunno, maybe I'm just loosing my mind, but if I were to look out my bedroom window, this is what I would see. A Cresent moos at an un-natural angle, and a white metior or comet, i think its a comet kuz i've seen it more than once this week. I read a book of prophacies somewhere when i was into demons and devils, and I ended up finding an old oil painting similar to this one. I think it was to signify the end of the world... maybe i've been watching to many freaky movies.
furyofroy (edited Jan 6, 2003)
soright, I've heard people say this kind of stuff before. It freaks me out for a while, but then i listen to the logic in my head, and i get my mind on other things, and then i is fine!
marcello (edited Jan 7, 2003)
Kazukie (edited Jan 7, 2003)
Uh... Sorry that just sounds pretty unbelieveable to me... Like something that wouldn't happen... Seeing a cresent moon at a weird angle just has to do with the timing of the lunar cycle.
DarkFire_Pheonix (edited Jan 7, 2003)
yeah like i said, i've probably been watching "End Of Days" too much. and readin too many post apocaliptic nightmare-ish books. It may not signify the end of the world, but i seriously did see this. |
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marcello (edited Jan 5, 2003)
Ok, I changed caching yet again. So hopefully, if you are using the miserable program people like to call Internet Explorer, everything should work properly again. This means if your images aren't submitting, go to the draw finish page, hold Control and Shift and press click the Reload button. Let me know if people still have problems!
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 1, 2003)
AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!I lost another 1. not because of a fault with OekakiBBS but my dad came in and i said could you leave this open please and he then closed it!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
furyofroy (edited Jan 2, 2003)
something like that happened to me too. I was playing around with the power strip under my computer with my feet (involuntarily) while I was working on my Cloud Strife pic. I accidentally pressed the power switch and my computer switched off. It was coming along pretty good too. ... I think I have a curse. :-P
marcello (edited Jan 2, 2003)
Haha, I know the power strip thing... I use laptops now so I don't need to worry. ;-)Keep in mind you can send your image then finish it later! (Although oekakibbs tends to corrupt saved animations.)
furyofroy (edited Jan 3, 2003)
yah...I stayed up till 1 in the morning to finish Hellfire Inferno cuz i didn't want to leave it alone. I don't use those "safety saves" anymore.
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 7, 2003)
HURRAY! Aw. I hate losing stuff. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 30, 2002)
Hi you guys! I'm new here. I just came from bakaneko. I worked 4 hours on a pic there of my Diablo II character and shortly after I sent it I read that one of the mods locked the board, just out of the blue, and I lost my oekaki.. *teardrop* Well I hope you like this! C&C Welcome!
cherikit-chan (edited Dec 30, 2002)
wow.... (struck dumbfounded) that's real good... well anyway, welcome ^-^
marcello (edited Dec 30, 2002)
Sucks about the other board, but glad to have you here! This drawing looks great. The hair seems overall somewhat flat though. Perhaps it may help if you brought the shading to the same level of finish as in the face...maybe not.
rosalyn (edited Dec 30, 2002)
Wow! I really Like the way you did the skin. Welcome!^^
Kazukie (edited Dec 31, 2002)
Wow... Thanks for the warm welcome... =] |
(Dec 27, 2002)
thought I'd drop by and draw sumfin ^_^ hehe.. o_O; hope you like =3 ;D
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 19, 2004)
this is really good. wow.
emmamommalag (Jul 19, 2004)
12/28/02?? How'd you ever find this one, Cordelia?
Ty854 (Jul 19, 2004)
Maybeh she was browsing Pink Lynx' userboard.
xxxshadowxxx (Jan 23, 2009)
i love her hair and stuff excilent! |
(Dec 24, 2002)
A little hint or watercolour, and soild black.
marcello (edited Dec 24, 2002)
Please spend more time on your drawings!
Feriona_789 (edited Dec 27, 2002)
what do you mean????? Teach me, send me a memo, something a pics. that you think looks like it's spent time on,you know what, I can only go on for 1 hour that's why ok?!?! |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 23, 2002)
don't seek anything behind it
marcello (edited Dec 24, 2002)
haha that's awesome
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 25, 2003)
LOL! Very.. Original. :P |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 23, 2002)
Gotta limit myself to special effects. . . drawing with a trackball makes me all thumbs~ LOL
marcello (edited Dec 23, 2002)
it's interesting. probably better suited on the practice boards though... |
(Dec 22, 2002)
Plain yet realistic.....HEE! |
(Dec 18, 2002)
Santa Santa Sant Santa Ta Ta San Santa Sant a! Do you agree? |
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