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Public Boards/Intermediate 
xswirvex (Aug 17, 2005)
...shes part sea turtle?
*making exscuses for weird arms*
4 comments – latest 4:
KH44N (Aug 18, 2005)
What lycene said. This will look beautiful when its done! :)
fleeting_memory (Aug 18, 2005)
It's like mermaid week! Woo! I'd do one but I already have an old one from who knows when. This is much better though. Hair looks like its gunna be cool
xswirvex (Aug 18, 2005)
drawn in 2 min
exscuse the crappy face and everything else
KH44N (Aug 18, 2005)
This looks fabulous. The hair looks awesome, and the background is just perfect. Nice work! :)
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Your Drawings :)
sephiroth54321 (Aug 18, 2005)
I thought it would be cool to see what people draw like in real life :) Here is a picture I drew of Ed from Full Metal Alchemist....It's not very good but I like it anyways..... :)
Public Boards/Beginner 
pikagirl (Aug 18, 2005)
I shouldn't have even atempted...but anyways I did atempt a bengal kitten...But anyways I hope you like it. :)
8 comments – latest 4:
pikagirl (Aug 19, 2005)
Thanks everybody!! But I kinda dno't know how to do realism, anybody got any tips?
lycene (Aug 19, 2005)
Erm... I'm no expert on realism, but you've got the basics down. I watched the animation, and you started by blocking the main colors in, which is definitely the way to start. Then you started using the blur tool, which, while useful at times, isn't the best in a pic like this. The dodge and burn tools are also dangerous when not used carefully. I much prefer to choose a darker shade of the same or a slightly different color. It's a little extra work, but it shows and gives the picture much more depth. Don't be afraid to shade with unconventional colors--if you're using a ref, and you see the colors there, they will work in the painting. For the fur on your cat, I'd take a very small brush at a low opacity and make short strokes in the basic color you want. Then, add darker tones in the same method. After that, work on the highlights, same way. The best thing that I can say about painting realism is--paint exactly what you see. Sometimes people have a an archetype in their heads, but if you work from that, the proportions can get all wonky and end up looking weird. I always second-guess myself when I'm painting. I hold the ref up, look at it sideways, upside down, whatever, to make sure I've gotten it the way it is. It takes a bit of practice, but with the start you already have, you should do very well. Good luck!
pikagirl (Aug 19, 2005)
Thank you. I'll try to work on that.:)
emmamommalag (Aug 27, 2005)
How did I miss this one? It's adorable. :)
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
LasRever (Aug 17, 2005)
doo da dum de do. Listenin to Gorillaz. (|-_-|)
9 comments – latest 4:
wendym14 (Aug 18, 2005)
I love it! The fingers look a little big, but I love the shading. Great job on the leather!
LasRever (Aug 18, 2005)
Yah I think I will go back and fix it. Mostly the coloring and the hand. I just hate asking for more space, I always seem to go over the limit.
Thank you all for the advice!
HunterKiller_ (Aug 19, 2005)
Mmm... sexy green lady. Xod must see this one.
Xodiak (Aug 20, 2005)
She looks very sensuous... She has something terribly sexy and exciting on her appearance... She looks so feminine and gorgeous and her clothes are very erotic... and she has light green skin! Oh, I will enjoy the drawing, hehehe... >:p~~~
drawn in 2 hours 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Mal (Aug 16, 2005)
the leaves are supposed to be slightly out of focus. I'm unsure how to procede with the background. the plan was to fill the background with leaves.
5 comments – latest 4:
Mal (Aug 17, 2005)
drawn in 17 min
Orange rose
Minty_hippo (Aug 17, 2005)
That is beautiful, I really love that effect what dreaminSTARgirl7 told you to do! Maybe a rain drop of water on a leaf would add too the effect ;) but it looks wonderful now!
lycene (Aug 17, 2005)
I agree with all said above. This is beautiful, I really like the colors and the shading on the inside of the rose. The white lines between the rose and the background kind of take away from the whole effect. Overall, though, this is very well done.
emmamommalag (edited Aug 21, 2005)
Oooh, very pretty. I like the way it stands out against the background. :)
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Rosemary (Aug 17, 2005)
the best bongo/conga player ever!!!! :)
(from the group T.Rex)

ignore distracted for 2 and a half hours by the phone ugh my
7 comments – latest 4:
Gigandas (Aug 18, 2005)
These are really nice, Rosemary. Do you actually use this effect on a photo to use as a reference I wonder?
Rosemary (edited Aug 19, 2005)
my ref :)
Ty854 (Aug 20, 2005)
awesome...t.rex is cool. This looks like it could have been drawn on
Rosemary (Aug 20, 2005)
thanks all...and Ty..i used to draw on YouDraw before i came here :)
drawn in 3 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Anna (Aug 15, 2005)
Not too happy with it, but I'm sick of working on the film edges. So screw it.
15 comments – latest 4:
Renuar (Aug 16, 2005)
A blue film huh - Good idea :) - real sweet
Kasha (Aug 16, 2005)
whoa, lookit the eye! Finally perfect eye anatomy! Let's all get tips from Anna!
Heartsdomain (Aug 16, 2005)
nice like a film lol its has a beautiful color of blue well done!
laurael (Sep 10, 2005)'s an awesome eye! You can do anything in any color...ya know? :)
drawn in 2 hours 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
zep (Aug 14, 2005)
it was in Greece. :)
16 comments – latest 4:
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Aug 15, 2005)
That tongue is quite disturbing :P but I like it! Very interwesting, but amazing
lycene (Aug 15, 2005)
When I first saw this, I thought that he was sewing her back up. Now, it looks like he's pulling her apart. I really want to know the story behind this. Very interesting.
zep (Aug 16, 2005)
well, first of all THANKS everybody...and yes, usually i tell myself a story before or during the drawing...but, i really prefer people make its own story direct from the draw :)

ps. it´s´not Cloxboy :D
terracotta (Dec 28, 2005)
I think there should be a contest entitled "Draw a picture in the style of Zep." I love your work and I am always wondering who the artists were that you think have influenced your very well-defined style of drawing/painting.
drawn in 2 hours 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Least Favorite Form
Linwe_lover_1990 (Aug 14, 2005)
Hey everyone I was wondering what your least favorite form of art is, if its as broad as hating to use your hands for anything, or as narrow as absolutly despising country music. Tell me what you don't like! -Levi
Public Boards/Beginner 
Xodiak (Aug 13, 2005)
Xod loves doing this alot. |:O
16 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Aug 14, 2005)
The drawing is a follow-up of this great drawing: >;)
inatyrb (Aug 14, 2005)
I don't blame her for peeping on you Xod, your one sexy man! ^^
fleeting_memory (Aug 14, 2005)
It looks like her right eye (left eye looking at her) is watching the door. It's So-na! Shame on you XOD lol but I guess she WAS peeping on you
renire (Aug 15, 2005)
hahahaha! brilliant picture ^_^ It is good the way you have positioned the lips
drawn in 11 hours 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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