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Public Boards/Intermediate 
KNPMASTER (Feb 24, 2003)
i hate doing research paper notecards...
9 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Feb 25, 2003)
Lol. This is funny. I hate I hate I hate too.=)
Kazukie (edited Feb 26, 2003)
Niceee! I know how you feel!! Last year we had to do *shudder* Vocab cards.. 20 vocab words, if it's a noun you write the word in blue, verb was green, adjective was red.. then you had to put a synonym on the back right side and an antonym on the left side then you had to put the definition and use it in a sentence THEN on the front you had to draw a picture.. *Sigh*
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Feb 26, 2003)
...So true... So very... very true...
MasterRaichu (edited Feb 28, 2003)
Man, he jus tdrew what we're all thinking, what a master piece of art.
drawn in 10 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
For Marcello, again
ky (edited Feb 24, 2003)
What about the lascaux sketch large applet? I'm appalled by the size and want to draw a large picture. Capping is no problem if space is.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kazukie (Feb 24, 2003)
=P I'm bored! So sue me..
6 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Its a cell-phone.=} I like this.
Queech (edited Feb 24, 2003)
That's so halarious! I love it! (isn't it everyone's?)
Kazukie (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Isn't what everyones?
marcello (edited Feb 24, 2003)
no cell phone here, I'm not sure if I want people reaching me 24/7.
drawn in 14 min with PaintBBS
oz0005 (Feb 24, 2003)
ok i actually kinda tried on this one, with a mac mouse in comp class
8 comments – latest 4:
oz0005 (edited Feb 24, 2003)
i'll see what i can do with the blur effect but if i don't like it i'll try to make it better, and i wanted it to look sketchy like that
ky (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Are you kidding? I totally dig this stuff. Hey, I hope you draw more gruesome-ish pictures, and get better at drawing.
Azelrellon (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Oh KO, you edited your message!
How convienently shrewd! Oh well.
Do they have watercolor on Oekaki?
Queech (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Kinda scarez me...voodooblair witch for sure. Grusom-ish
drawn in 14 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
_moderntealights (Feb 24, 2003)
the program reminds me of oekakibbs... it's really nifty like psp7 or photoshop, but i keep messing up, and not being able to fix my problems. if i use it enough, i'll probably be able to use it better. somehow, i got it so that i couldn't color it in. ;______;''
5 comments – latest 4:
Queech (edited Feb 24, 2003)
I like it, but a little less sketchy might help.
Knockoff (edited Feb 25, 2003)
This is relly cool!
Ari (edited Feb 28, 2003)
I love it!!! I like the sketchy-ness, it looks hand drawn!!!
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 7, 2003)
I ADORE THIS! This is the kind of style I'd love to be able to draw in.
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Minitsaru (edited Feb 24, 2003)
The mouse in my comps class is really messed and i have the whole class to do nothing! what should i do.... cuz this happens a lot.... O.o..... plz i need help to get rid of this bordome..........
oz0005 (edited Feb 23, 2003)
I was wondering what masking does, i can't seem to figure it out, can someone plz help me?
Public Boards/Beginner 
oz0005 (Feb 23, 2003)
I suck i need to get better, plz someone t3ach me. like fury or someone hehe bye
6 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited Feb 23, 2003)
Hey. You said you sucked. I must concur, correct? If you don't want people to down your drawings, you need to shut your hole and not say things like 'I suck'.
oz0005 (edited Feb 23, 2003)
oh my bad, and i was just kidding, jeez take it easy.
furyofroy (edited Feb 24, 2003)
hmm...I'm flattered, but I'm not sure how to teach someone to draw online.^_- And even if i taught you how to draw MY style, that'd just be stealing...well, my style. I think you just need to get better on your own. It's a long road of hard work and dedication, but if you stick wit it, you'll be grunting out masterpieces in no time! =D
Kazukie (edited Feb 24, 2003)
Why is there a white circle around his iris? The whole thing should be blue.. and the tips should point down.. not up.. =] Practice makes almost perfect. Keep working at it.
drawn in 25 min with OekakiBBS
Main Forums/ 
For Marcello, mainly
ky (edited Feb 21, 2003)
A couple notable things I wish to question: 1. I'm disappointed with the 2Draw settings as they seem to, every so often, switch back to defaults, yet I come here everyday, so it's not a logout type of thing. 2. Even though the lascaux applet says it's recording the animation, I can't seem to find where to view the animation (if there is one). 3. Again, about the lascaux applet, is there a possiblity you could make it a separate applet at all? You understand shii-cyan's applet, co...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Azelrellon (Feb 21, 2003)
Well, since I couldn't just upload my other new pic of him here, I had to make another one to put here!
Anyhow... Well, ya...
Ky, you should recognize him the second time now. ^___^
5 comments – latest 4:
Minitsaru (edited Feb 21, 2003)
WOAH COOL FROG!!!!! LOVE THE BACKGROUND.... somehow mine look 1/8 of what yours is like..... any ways niice

j/w is he in your rpg?
Azelrellon (edited Feb 21, 2003)
Yesh, he's in the RPG. ^_^ Had to put him there, he hasn't been given much attention lately, and was once almost forgotten, so I made a tribute to him that way.
He's my Ice/Water elemental with biiiiig swords.
And Ky and anyone else interested, I have a new pic of Kaien here:
Knockoff (edited Feb 21, 2003)
This is cool! I love the background!
Kazukie (edited Feb 22, 2003)
NEAT!!! Funky name!! People have such wild imaginations with comming up with names! =P
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
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