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Public Boards/Beginner 
dangerous_punk (Nov 16, 2003)
Thats right punk people are my kind of people you know why... actually not even I know why there my kind of people oh well ^_^
6 comments – latest 4:
taori (Nov 16, 2003)
You know, you'd probably be halfway decent if you tried to improve and draw something other than high school cliches. Consider the following three words: Shading. Anatomy. Variety. Think about these things. Then try drawing something. I think you'll find a drastic improvement.
concannon (Nov 16, 2003)
Hah, lookit that. Bitch!Hakkai. New facet of her personality.

But in all seriousness, I agree with both bitch!Kai and 'Mando. Cause they know the truth, man.
taori (Nov 16, 2003)
Oh, sure, Visceral. Don't agree with me. I'm scarred for life now. You've deeply wounded me. *Sobs hysterically* T_T
ky (Nov 16, 2003)
You're all being very stupid. It's apparent the person isn't trying, so stop making it worse. Marcello will decide, and moreso in fact, that you all are being extremely rude.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dangerous_punk (Nov 14, 2003)
Thats right the food will eat you some day wether you like it or not

read what it says on the bottom of the pic
4 comments – latest 4:
ky (Nov 14, 2003)
Better, my friend. That food looks ghastly.
Gothic_Otaku (Nov 16, 2003)
The arms are slightly too short, and she overall looks very stiff. The coloring could be cleaner, and some shading would be nice. Don't worry, you'll get better with practice.
RIKG (Nov 16, 2003)
This style reminds me of someone that got banned here. *hmmm.*
Harmanye (Nov 16, 2003)
*giggles* Hmm. Anger management Dangerous_punk?
Yes Gothic, do "Shout up"; T'is superior to shouting down. Typos are not cool.

But she (=gothic) is right, this could stand some improvement. Though the food is rather -vicious- looking, which is good.

Like I said on your other picture, shading is good, it makes a picture better, and more worthwhile.
Oekaki shi-painter has a wonderful tool called the Pen. Take advantage of its majestic line-art superpowers. K? ^_^
The food also has cute feet.

Also I would suggest, maybe, starting out with smaller images and then working your way up through the sizes. But you know, wh'ever.
Maybe I shouldn't mention this but, It doesn't seem like you are using layers, because with layers you wouldn't need that ugly white line next to the food/monster/thing. I won't explain layers because I'll mix it all up; it would be better for you to ask someone else ^_^;;

Also the breasts seem a little... freaky. That's really one heck of a bra she's got on and I would ask for a refund of the purchase price if I were her.

I'm also agreeing with RIKG. Deja vu. *shrugs* I've got a suspicious nature.
But I do applaud you for spending over half an hour on this. ... *applause*

*shuffles away with a cheery wave*
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Knockoff (Nov 10, 2003)
This was very fun! I like this. As you can see here arms are in her hoodie sweatshirt thingy.
4 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Nov 12, 2003)
chickened out, eh?
ky (Nov 12, 2003)
Haha. How not cool, Marcello.

Looks great, Knockoff.
Knockoff (Nov 13, 2003)
Nope, sorry marcello, I have been busy,. Anyways thanks much ky,.
RIKG (Nov 16, 2003)
W00w Very nice! The shading is awesome! I love the folds.(Well wrinkles). Excelent job my friend. ;)
drawn in 2 hours 59 min with PaintBBS
ky (Nov 6, 2003)
I love this applet. It's perfect for my style. Do you know how happy I am? That's how happy I am. -picture- I suppose if you knew me well, it'd be a big deal drawing a happy picture. Thanks Marcello and Marienkind.
4 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (Nov 6, 2003)
Discovered the pen tool, have you? It is kinda a big deal, you drawing a happy picture, if I remember anything about you. *amused*

ky (edited Nov 6, 2003)
I've always wanted lines like these. ;_;
furyofroy (Nov 6, 2003)
Yes, happy picture. But most importantly, ky drew a cat-guy. =3

Lauscaux (sp...) also has a line tool like this called anti-alias, methinks.
RabidMalikFanGirl (Nov 15, 2003)
HAPPY!!! *remembers Ky's old "happy" pic* Erm... scary...
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
RabidMalikFanGirl (Nov 14, 2003)
WHAT!? Ky's back and I'm bored ^^ Sorry 'bout the crappy lineart. My hand's numb... Too cold outside... The water's worse ^^ (Yes, I'm just stupid enough to drench myself in the fall/winter)
3 comments – latest 3:
Krystiana (Nov 14, 2003)
BUNNY!!!!!! *glomp*

Looks like a sad bunny... awful cute, still.
ky (Nov 14, 2003)
Oh my.
RabidMalikFanGirl (Nov 15, 2003)
Bwahahaha... Luff ya Ky ^^
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
The inevitable...
marcello (Oct 26, 2003)
You may have noticed that 2draw has been down for quite some time today. I should first say that this was not intended downtime, although ironically it should have helped a little in keeping bandwidth down for this month. However, this wasn't any random downtime. is currently hosted on a shared server (a single computer with many different websites running off of it). Conflicts in 2draw have caused the systems to crash and other users to complain. Since this puts the webhost in ...
Public Boards/Beginner 
marimon (Nov 7, 2003)
this illustration is my first pantBBS using time.
4 comments – latest 4:
ky (Nov 7, 2003)
Wow, that's pretty cute. I hope you draw more like it.
HJ (edited Nov 7, 2003)
are those his/her ears protruding through her green hat? pretty colors and shading..
furyofroy (Nov 7, 2003)
How cute. ^_^
bluesky (Nov 7, 2003)
agreement; the pix is cute! really nice - background tho?
drawn in 42 min with PaintBBS
cout_stackpole (Nov 3, 2003)
the day of dead
4 comments – latest 4:
finny (Nov 3, 2003)
i like the sky , what does the 1no3 means?
ky (Nov 3, 2003)
'1 of 3', maybe? I, too, like the sky. I also like the design of that dead guy\wraith\person.
taori (Nov 3, 2003)
That'd be 3 of 1, though, which makes even less sense. I thought it might be in 1337, but "lnoe"? You got us, stackpole, what's 1no3?
cout_stackpole (Nov 6, 2003)
"1no3" is 1 of november of 2003 jaja , thanks 4 your comments
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
Drawing Tablets? (wacom tablets)
method3 (edited Mar 30, 2003)
Hey, i was wondering what people use out there. I'm really seriously considering buying a wacom tablet, but i'm not sure how much the size makes a difference, if it really does i think i'd be able to hold out to get a really nicely sized one. Do people have any comments, suggestions, maybe references to some workable cheaper tablets? I can dream about the 12x18" Intuos 2 tablets.... mmmm... but i won't be able to afford it for maybe a few months yet. Should i just go out and get a sma...
AIM? (and well..... other stuff)
Knockoff (edited Oct 21, 2003)
Any body here have america online instint mesenging? If so here mine Knock0of. Off course!
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