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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
This is seraphon, he is amost finished, need to do more shading. This picture is for my friend Ferril-sama.
17 comments – latest 4:
xiahou_dun_rocks (Jun 30, 2006)
the hair is all like SHINY and stuffs!
SanzoGirl (Jul 6, 2006)
drawn in 52 min
Okay, done. ^_^
I hope you like it!
If you don't, uhm, I'm sorry. >_>;
judas-priest66610 (Jul 8, 2006)
sorry i havnt been on. I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!! u made it look better then i had it ^^ Thank you so much
Sweetcell (edited Jul 10, 2006)
I really think the eyes need to be fixed, lowered and the left (on our right) needs to be brought in closer to the nose. I liked the eyes in V2 myself.

Love the fishnet, and hey, little pubes.

The background in V2 was better as well.
drawn in 4 hours 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Hakkai (May 29, 2006)
Blah blah blah blah.
10 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 31, 2006)
Wow, those are some low rider pants. And no underwear huh?

I'm just curious of a guy that smiles when he has a gun.... :O
Akechi456 (Jun 2, 2006)
Hawt~<33And yer shading looks awesome.>___< Don't say thaaaaatttt!
squee (Jun 6, 2006)
Ahh. Dirty Harry. Awesome song. You made 2D uber sexy. :P
yuohoo (Jul 3, 2006)
Yay 2-D
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kuramaandhiei (May 27, 2006)
I had time to make the eyes. but the overall picture will be awsome!
8 comments – latest 4:
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Thanks alot
xiahou_dun_rocks (Jun 3, 2006)
YAY!!!!!!!!!! YOU KICKITH THE BUTTITH!!!!!!!!!!!!
go you... go you...
Knockoff (Jun 3, 2006)
Good crisp coloring and lineart.
Nicely done :D
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 3, 2006)
the lineart and coloring have gotten soooo much better
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
xiahou_dun_rocks (May 30, 2006)
it's inuyasha and is poorly drawn, but hey! He looks mad er something and there are fireflys in the back ground!
4 comments – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (May 30, 2006)
it looks like inuyasha but his hair isn't blue, and he looks sad, not angry...are you using the fill tool?
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Hey shes a beginner let it be ..I think its great way to go.
NOVEMBER93 (Jun 1, 2006)
i didn't say i didn't like it....considering it's Inuyasha, i love it! i was giving advice (in some way) and it's good because not may people can draw Inuyasha
SanzoGirl (Jun 1, 2006)
I can draw InuYasha.
That's one of the few things I CAN draw. :[
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Oricuilum Members
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Ok Since my computer wont let me send out the notice at once, I'd like you to post here..People it is time to draw you characters, I repeat, It is time to draw your characters.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kuramaandhiei (May 26, 2006)
Ohh pretty!
4 comments – latest 4:
kuramaandhiei (May 26, 2006)
Well Once I get around to coloring it lol.
kuramaandhiei (May 26, 2006)
drawn in 37 min
well so far so good
Sweetcell (May 29, 2006)
This is very pretty. Your lines are small yet smooth and you did the hair rather well. Finish it.
DarkCloak (Jun 3, 2006)
That's one crazy hair style!
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
broken-lock14 (May 29, 2006)
*enthusiasm* Wee heeee. I can't draw. 8D Sorry that I keep spamming up this board. It's just 2draw is the only place that isn't broken right now. =^eDe^= He ended up looking like Akira from Plastic Tree (and speaking of Pla, apparently they'll be in Finland on July 11th? I think they hate the U.S. and Canada or something. XD;;; ) I 'unno. This style is rather fun. But also difficult? The time is, like, off. Yes.

(I'm currently doing J-rock realism~ Bet yew can't guess whooo~~:V )
8 comments – latest 4:
broken-lock14 (May 30, 2006)
Thank yew all for your kindness~~ Even though this is pewp. =^e0e^=;; I find it odd that Pura's going to places like Finland and Mexico but not countries where they have more fans. They should at least go to Canada; there's oodles of kurage there. X0 But I think Mexico and Finland tried harder to get them to go there, so...meh.

[On a side note: teh Xiau must teach me first. =^;x;^= ]
Skai (May 30, 2006)
Gwaaaaah!~~~ >w< I absolutely love your style, especially in the eyes~
...andhairandfingersandandandEARS *dies*

..Okay, so I love it all. XDDD
Zeal (May 31, 2006)
Mmmm Plastic treeee : F

>_> <_< >_> <_<

HEY LOOK AT THAT! *points*

*Runs off *

*comes back*

*glomprapes your skills*

*runs off again*
Yukita.Riku (Jun 1, 2006)
I love how you do backrounds, and this character's eyes, no all your characters eyes are really prettyfull.
drawn in 2 hours 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hakkai (May 28, 2006)
<333 I drew something... partially because I wanted to practice profiles, not because I felt like drawing.
2 comments – latest 2:
NOVEMBER93 (May 29, 2006)
awesome-ness hakkai! i love the way you used different colors o f blue to still make it look cool....i love her hair too <3
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Some people hate talking alot ..I am one of them. I like to keep quiet most of my day...Well at least unti my brother starts bugging.-_-
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Silvair (May 27, 2006)
This is for Xiau ^^. Hope you like it!

I just drew him a random outfit, and he's in a library because I wanted to try drawing an indoor-type scene. Not much effort for the background, because I personally find backgrounds to be boring to do. There are some leaking colours which I'll probably fix later.
18 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (May 29, 2006)
aw its adorable and amazing. Wonderful shadows.
kuramaandhiei (May 30, 2006)
Woah nilie!This is you best one yet! (next to the bunny power one) I cant wait to see some more of your drawings!
bad_dream18 (Aug 13, 2006)
The coloring is really good.
kiketsu (Mar 11, 2007)
aaaaw! so cute :] :pet:
drawn in 3 hours 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
nekodesu (May 17, 2006) o_o
4 comments – latest 4:
kuramaandhiei (May 17, 2006)
I just love this picture! Te coloring is so nice!
Buu-dai (May 17, 2006)
you are an oekaki addict..i wish i was an addict... I'm gonna become an addict! YES! That's what I'll do dammit!
Oh hey Marie...Adorable pic you got here! lookit the widdle ladybug..soo cuuute X3
NOVEMBER93 (May 18, 2006)
good picture but i think the nose is too flat and the eye is too close to the nose...sorry....great coloring though
Punky (May 27, 2006)
I actually thought the hand was kinda weird, but the skin coloring is nice. :)
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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