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2draw Desktop Environment Beta
marcello (Mar 31, 2006)
After way too much work and not enough coffee, the team is pleased to announce the first public beta release of 2draw Desktop Environment. What is 2DE you may ask? It's only the newest and coolest way to surf 2draw. Check it out today on the 2draw Desktop Environment website! Enjoy!
Public Boards/Beginner 
CooperGirl (Feb 24, 2006)
Background is suckish, and I have like no time left. XD Minus 15 minutes off the time, I had to feed.

My hair cut. :D
5 comments – latest 4:
CooperGirl (Mar 29, 2006)
I'm never gonna edit that background, so you're gonna have to deal with the stupidness of it..Sorry all.. v_v;
DoOp (Mar 29, 2006)
i want a hair cut like yours =D looks super duper
darkshadow (Mar 29, 2006)
looks a little painful but they say pain is beauty and beauty is pain but i think i will pass
nice pic
theonlyone (Mar 29, 2006)
This.Is really cool.=]
drawn in 1 hour 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
DoOp, Jodylicious, ~Wolf~, ~unwritten_law_girl~, Maiko, and more... (Mar 11, 2006)
Yeh Yeh, anyone can join ^^ And if you wanna colour mine, feel free, i ain't gunna colour it XD most likely :) so yeh join the anime love >_>
33 comments – latest 4:
Kallasilya (Apr 1, 2006)
oooooh, awesome! it looks so good all together! ^.^ lovelove.
staci (Apr 7, 2006)
best random character collab ever. thank god.
ssmario100 (Aug 5, 2006)
love this collab! Best one I ever seen! X3
~Wolf~ (Aug 10, 2006)
I'm in the best collab ever seen.
drawn in 7 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Mar 23, 2006)
Something very, very different :)
11 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 27, 2006)
Now this... is art. I totally like it.
Roytje (Mar 28, 2006)
Thanks for the nice comments! :)
suzie (Apr 1, 2006)
Such a wonderful drawing to look at and to see have such talent for capturing the eye..Beautiful :D
kristine (Apr 1, 2006)
This is just so original and fabulous. You are quickly becoming a favorite to me.
drawn in 5 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Mar 23, 2006)
4 comments – latest 4:
comd (Mar 23, 2006)
Excellent looking start. I think the character's going to come out very nicely.
Kloxboy (Mar 23, 2006)
I agree Comd. That style has nothing but potential.
kristine (Mar 23, 2006)
Hell, it just wreaks potential.
davincipoppalag (Mar 23, 2006)
This guy looks like he could become the abominable snowman.
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
zep (Mar 23, 2006)
21 comments – latest 4:
comd (Mar 25, 2006)
This is absolutely brilliant. I thought it was already genius at v2, but it went up yet another notch.
fleeting_memory (Mar 26, 2006)
This is weird-cool shading though
huirimeir (Mar 26, 2006)
wow amigo cada vez mas master ahh!!! salut
D-Yoop (Apr 1, 2006)
makes me think of the sfinx!
drawn in 3 hours 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
TheCrimsonKing (Mar 23, 2006)
Yeap, for 3 hours and 40 minutes I stared at a picture of myself on the toilet.

Thank you for viewing.
10 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Mar 23, 2006)
At first glance i saw his face melting into the painting and i marveled. Then i looked down and loled. =]
Opium (Mar 24, 2006)
very cool concept! I like it :)
Renuar (Mar 24, 2006)
the toilet mind state. good piece.
woah_pockster (Mar 28, 2006)
you're amazing, will you marry me?
drawn in 3 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Mar 23, 2006)
9 comments – latest 4:
Nightmare (Mar 23, 2006)
I'd love to have that on a T-shirt.

Iron-on printout?
staci (Mar 23, 2006)
my favorite episode or skit or time that he did this skit was when christina applegate and david spade were the 'kids' and homg they were trying so hard not to pee themselves while he was spitting out "...IN A VAN, DOWN BY THE RIVER!!..". good times man, good times.
Noremac (Mar 24, 2006)
i feel like i inspired something :D
Axil62 (Mar 24, 2006)
Most certainly
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Klibese (Mar 23, 2006)
Okay, so I have hair... at least for now. I -am- going bald, though!
9 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 23, 2006)
Take a look at might help...
kristine (Mar 23, 2006)
I read that wiki over and over and over, and i still dont get lascaux.
Opium (Mar 23, 2006)
amen kristine, amen....too many bells and whistles. Maybe when I have time/patience to work with lascuax, I'll try it. But then again, I look at artists like Gigandas, and his pictures look more stunning then some in lascaux, so he gives me hope!
davincipoppalag (Mar 23, 2006)
Now , see..that's how I feel when I look at Shi... I can't figure out how to do diddly with that...
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Gigandas (Jul 18, 2005)
One of the members of the Turks, Rude.

-Holy crap my hand is so dead right now......unless I see something I forgot about, I'm callin this done......
73 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Sep 15, 2020)
Whats up 2Draw!?
davincipoppalag (Dec 11, 2020)
Its all working again!
WeLoveNutella (Aug 25, 2021)
Secret service agent
Newlaunchinfo (Aug 25, 2021)
wow!!! nice!
drawn in 17 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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