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Public Boards/Beginner 
Kit714 (Nov 22, 2005)
It's a request from a friend of mine... She wanted Cloud in some sort of dress. I thought a Cloud Plushie in a tutu would be kinda...cute? And the person smiling at the plushie is Tifa. Any constructive comments will be gladly appreciated!
9 comments – latest 4:
princesscat (Nov 24, 2005)
cute i <3 it
narutofan (Nov 24, 2005)
nice dress lol
22darkangel22 (Nov 26, 2005)
AMAZING! *puppy eyes* can you make me a riku plushie(from kingdom hearts) pleease i'd luv ya forever
Fire_Dragon (Dec 17, 2005)
aww!!! tutu!! soo cute i want one *tear*
drawn in 2 hours 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
SYTHE (Nov 25, 2005)
Close up of male head with glowing orb
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 26, 2005)
Interesting cartoony style
tidus2 (Dec 17, 2005)
that looks like the guy from "Fredie Got Fingered",a very upsetting (for us skaters) and hillarious movie
kristine (Dec 17, 2005)
haha thats a funny movie =P i have it on dvd. LETS GO SEW SOME...SOCCER BALLS! ._. and yes this looks kind of like him =) good job
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 17, 2005)
No you're all wrong..It looks like..STROKER!! (from stroker and hoop lol)
drawn in 3 hours 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
thug (Dec 15, 2005)
I can't stand to see the slaughter, but still I eat the meat.
I can't stand dishonest people, but still some times I cheat.
I can't stand that air polution, but still I drive a car.
Maybe thems the reasons why things is like they are.
9 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Dec 15, 2005) can hate pollution, but hate walking 10 miles with groceries and 3 kids and their soccer gear on your back more.

I love the bull chart. I never remember which cuts of meat come from where. I think something called "tenderloin" should come from oh...say, the inner thigh instead of next to the spine. Obviously, I get some strange cuts of meat from time to time, so stay away from the mystery meat at my house. You've all been warned. :)
Deino (Dec 15, 2005)
"For sure. I guess we are all hippocrites , down deep." I agree
Nice drawing, and I like the concept a lot.
HunterKiller_ (Dec 17, 2005)
Haha, that poem describes me so perfectly it's uncanny. Interesting draw.
domo (Dec 17, 2005)
There is no 4. o__o

very clever otherwise
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GundamWing (Dec 8, 2005)
This is a jet that transforms into 3 differnt variations. This one is in guardian mode, the long part of the engines fold down into legs with the exhaust ports for feet. Two arms unfold out from in-between the 2 engines.
6 comments – latest 4:
bethica2001 (Dec 17, 2005)
i love how random the first and second versions are! haha
Deino (Dec 17, 2005)
:) Nice drawing, I like all those missils around the robot :)
GundamWing (Dec 17, 2005)
Thanks,....The frist and second versions are version 4's downfall. It's 8.6kb over the limit so I won't be able to finish.
HunterKiller_ (Dec 17, 2005)
Robotech! w00t!
drawn in 5 hours 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Dec 16, 2005)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Dec 16, 2005)
Now , this one is cool-looking. He looks like he's made of obsidian (that black shiny glassy looking rock)
sweet_insanity (Dec 17, 2005)
I like the glowy effect of the eyes, and how the skin seems to reflect it's enviorment.
very well done :D
Sweetcell (Dec 17, 2005)
i love this one, you obviously have a hand with the tools. echoing how he looks carved out of obsidion or glas... very cool.
kristine (Dec 17, 2005)
obsidian is really pretty =) and so is this =P
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Hakkai (Nov 21, 2005)
Butt for my favorite stalker. I got some leg action in there, good 'nuff right?

19 comments – latest 4:
BunnySlippers (Dec 2, 2005)
Her expression is too cute! I love the fishies in the background. :D
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Dec 2, 2005)
I have to say how much i love cowboy bebop but who doesnt? and of course Ed's a girl she is so silly too! I love the face...her pinkish nose and cheeksees Awesome job (and it looks liek a pinky to me :-/)
Fire_Dragon (edited Dec 17, 2005)
'"hey little boy want some candy??""Eds not a little boy Eds a little girl!"' i <3 it!! <(^.^)>
sephiroth54321 (Dec 17, 2005)
I agrre with marcello about the thumb, but it's still a great picture :)
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 30, 2005)
(^_^) Yay! This is adorable!
6 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 13, 2005)
Thank you. :P
kristine (edited Dec 13, 2005)
hey why dont you draw something and ill line it :)
something easy O.o
101_Torchic_101 (Dec 13, 2005)
how? (i sound stupid right now)
Fire_Dragon (Dec 17, 2005)
awww its so kawaii!! <(^.^)>
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
GundamWing (Dec 7, 2005)
More scribbling that turned into something.
7 comments – latest 4:
GundamWing (edited Dec 8, 2005)
This picture sucks and you should not have wasted the space. I like the background.
kristine (Dec 8, 2005)
lol gundam, of course this picture does NOT suck i really like it.
GundamWing (Dec 8, 2005)
Yeah do you really mean it?! :( )..hurray 4 coments.
Fire_Dragon (Dec 17, 2005)
aww i <3 it!! <(^.^)>
drawn in 3 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
nekodesu and TaCO (Dec 12, 2005)
with DerrickEwing.

6 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Dec 15, 2005)
drawn in 24 min

Tag your It.
TaCO (Dec 16, 2005)
drawn in 15 min
Well I'm done

This was fun!!!!!!!!!!

Who is next????
nekodesu (Dec 17, 2005)
drawn in 10 min
...uum..a bg?
TaCO (Dec 17, 2005)
Cool bg!!! It works well.
drawn in 3 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
zep (Dec 4, 2005)
9 comments – latest 4:
Zeal (Dec 16, 2005)
obviously he shoved his cat up his nose for safe-keeping but he lost it....little did he know he had cat-shrinkage...
kristine (Dec 17, 2005)
i hope he's not allergic to cats...
nice picture, again =)
sephiroth54321 (Dec 17, 2005)
I like the shading on the fingers :)
kristine (Dec 17, 2005)
i think that when i was little i shoved a fruiitcake up my nose >_> because ever since ive been smelling apples for no reason. but im sure its better than smelling shit or something XD
drawn in 2 hours 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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