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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
komugimaro, Ana-hime, and SanzoGirl (Apr 15, 2006)
the starting of something great I will insert the peeps later woot 8 people and my pic is going to look way better but I gotta get my hair done right now
28 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (Apr 17, 2006)
Yea, I could move it.
Ana-hime (Apr 18, 2006)
Also, I think his hair's too poofy. Just so ya know. ^^;
komugimaro (Apr 22, 2006)
mabye Ill just erase mines lol tell me when
marini135 (May 1, 2006)
Aww chibi Axel is cute.
drawn in 3 hours 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
komugimaro and DoOp (Mar 25, 2006)
Im going to erase some of the coloring but this is so kawaii...the best of done with the time well I really want Doop to do the madhatter she inspired me with her collab
17 comments – latest 4:
komugimaro (Mar 25, 2006)
thanks for the complement but yeah ur my muse lol
Lenwe (Mar 25, 2006)
Alice needs to lose a few pounds o.o She's really been letting go.
komugimaro (Mar 26, 2006)
its a puffy dress lol
bethica2001 (Apr 15, 2006)
bahh! i luff the mad hatter in the picture!!! aaah!
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
komugimaro (Mar 29, 2006)
I need someone to color when im finished
2 comments – latest 3:
komugimaro (Mar 29, 2006)
drawn in 13 min
hmmm i mixed up the drawing lines so I had to erase most of it
DoOp (Mar 29, 2006)
Hey sure ^_^ I'll colour when yer done , this looks so pretty so far!! :)
komugimaro (Mar 30, 2006)
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
KeroKimono and komugimaro (Mar 4, 2006)
Hey, komugimaro do you want to do a different one one roll whith this?
1 comment – latest 3:
komugimaro (Mar 5, 2006)
Ill try this first mind you im not that good at lineart so Ill just make a version for you to see but not the final entry
KeroKimono (Mar 5, 2006)
drawn in 42 min
'k did half the line art... sorta.
komugimaro (Mar 8, 2006)
drawn in 21 min
Ill do more later when u do more lineart im going yo enhance the shading and probably change the skin color
drawn in 14 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Estecca, Creature201, LisaAnne, DieChan, impolsion, and more... (Nov 11, 2005)
You guys get to fill in those windows! Make it whatever you want, but I want variety. I don't want all anime, I don't want all macabre. SPREAD IT OUT. See something someone already did that's a lot like what you plan to add, either change the idea or put it in a window on the other side of the building. Make it awesome, loves! :)
58 comments – latest 4:
Estecca (Jan 8, 2006)
I like yours!
Estecca (Jan 16, 2006)
drawn in 12 min
MellonCollie (Jan 16, 2006)
I see you finished up the windows, deary? Good job, I like that guy you did there. Hot.
LisaAnne (Jan 17, 2006)
Its finally done! Its real nice to see all the variety.
drawn in 6 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
komugimaro and squee (Dec 22, 2005)
Well I have to do outlining w/ black of course but i want some one else to color it azomia and yohoo and rysufia and all yall can start have a great time sorry I took up so much space u-u
2 comments – latest 4:
komugimaro (Dec 22, 2005)
drawn in 17 min
hmm did new lineart it got worse ~crap~ noooo hope somebody likes it lol
squee (Dec 23, 2005)
drawn in 29 min
Tricky lineart there. Well, I did my best on the plaid.
komugimaro (Dec 24, 2005)
thans squee
AzomiaLoverofAllAnime (Dec 26, 2005)
>_< Every time I try to draw something, I mess up and it looks bad.....
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
komugimaro and voodoobunny (Nov 1, 2005)
Well if anyone draws dears or wants to color them u can I left some space if anyone wants to draw a dears charachter if not it will be filled up soon by me edit~ sorry can a mod mark it unfinished~
5 comments – latest 4:
kitty25 (Nov 20, 2005)
soo far this very good!
voodoobunny (Nov 21, 2005)
drawn in 20 min
"loocka bro! My boobehs are bigger " 8DD
komugimaro (Dec 4, 2005)
drawn in 20 min
well I was bored lol~komugimaro~
voodoobunny (Dec 4, 2005)
Why is this finished? I didn't color Natsuki :o
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
(^_^) Helloooo..! This is my Alter Ego, Professor Reginal Barnsworth...Sometimes I get her last name mixed up with the professor's last name from Futurama..Because HIS last name it "Farnsworth" and HER last name is "Barnsworth"..Anyways..This one day, Me, My older brother and my cousin were thinking up Alter egos..My older brother's is "Jasper C. Muniz"..Because this one time he signed his name..and it looked like that..and that's not his name..anyways, my Cousin's is "Chris P. Bacon"...LOL!..Yeah..
15 comments – latest 4:
_Fullmetal_ (Nov 26, 2005)
drawn in 18 min
Hahaha lookie its Pip! My happy yet insane alterego. She likes sharp things
komugimaro (Nov 27, 2005)
drawn in 29 min
ok this is my alter-ego hope u likey(doesnt she rok ur sox)
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 27, 2005)
(^_^) This is looking cool. And _Fullmatal_'s looks psycho!
_Fullmetal_ (Nov 27, 2005)
Why thankies torchic :B I am psyco.
drawn in 2 hours 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
komugimaro and christiangirl (Oct 28, 2005)
well everyone can add chibis I would love to see chibi furres people with cat features or just cats anyone can draw oh yeah I need a person also for bg and coloring of the clothes and boots/EARS AND TAILS and shading of skin

Pleas collab lol
.....if not me fin my self lol
9 comments – latest 4:
komugimaro (Nov 19, 2005)
thanks Cg, Can I lcall you CG but any way wow super kawaii I switch to fin now hey we make a pretty good team ! You did a great job can we do another I want to make a demon princess and you can make an angel prince notify me soon lol XP
christiangirl (Nov 20, 2005)
Yeah! I love it too ^.^ yeah you can call me CG lol I know a lot of people who do (not in real life of course, but on the comp. lol) Yeah collabing was fun and I'll collab with you again on that.
kitty25 (Nov 20, 2005)
this very good.i think this is coool!
christiangirl (Nov 22, 2005)
Thanks kitty25 ^.^ wow, we spent waaay too much time on this ^.^ lol.. I can't wait until our next collab.
drawn in 9 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic