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Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 6, 2009)
Save for Japan Flag. |
(Dec 6, 2009)
(I"m a little manic,I just decided to join my local synagouge,which is not conservative,but "reconstructionist";did not know what5 that was,till I went to Havdalah service,with Rabbi singing concert Sat.night;well,it means"Jewish hippies,bohemians,and rabbis,all folksinging Jewish songs."wow,I can go back to my roots,at 62,wear my most artsie duds,make ,sew,and paint some new ones,and embellish up a storm.and I have somewhere to wear them.wow.I used to go to a very tradtional,conservative synagouge,years ago,and it considered itself Liberal;haha,it was stodgy,compared to this.I'm going to relax and enjoy it,and wear too much jewelry,and have my ears pieced again.wear earrings I bought,have not worn for years.meaning,I CAN BE MYSELF,AND NOT WORRY.Almost like living in Berkeley,CA.It's Eugene.Oregon.I already met some of the ladies my age,and older,imports from New York,and back east,very nice people.They think the synagouge is "too democratic,it even takes black people",but it's the only synagouge in town,so that is it.Well,it's so Liberal,it even takes native Oregonians,like me.ha ha.NOTE: It does support Israel,thank God(Baruch atah Adonai.my Hebrew is so bad now.)It's so Bohemian,they even have their own"house musicians."Who in heck name would want to be CHRISTIAN?(unless you're southern Baptist.)No,no,that was just a joke,just a joke,guys.ha ha,Joke.Jewish hippie Joke.Let me see...what's a Bohemian,hippie Jewish joke?How would the "reconstructionist movement of Judaism handle hostilies from Hamas?They'd bomb them with large amts. of lit Hashish,and let them try to get angry on THAT.(The duck fans from the U.of Oregon,nearby,in the stadium,football,could really do to switch from booze to pot,and get rid of all those angry,drunken,yellling,abusive,hostile Duck Fans!!MELLOW OUT.hUG and kiss a Beaver fan,don;t mash em!)But this drawing is me,trying to do "Jewish geneological research,"trying to find Mr.Kowiski,(not got right spelling,cannot find him anywhere),Kowisci?Kowicsci?It's Polish.My dad's old boss,and his family.Chowisci??Kowisci?There's som e Polish spelling here,I have to get right,or I cnnot research his name.Anyone here,Jewish and Polish,know how to spell"Cho-wis-sky"?right?Have you heard of that last name?Family name?"Ka-wis-ski"?"Ke-wics-sci"?naah.Ko-wis-ski.But can;t find it,with that spelling.I'm spelling it wrong,I never knew how to spell it,I was a kid then.Any Polish Jews on "2draw.net"speak Polish,or know names well?Sorry,typed too much.apologize.I'm still hungover on Jewish fairy dust.sparkle,sparkle. " :))) )
Flubbles (Dec 6, 2009)
The whole thing baffles me, the entire thing is rambling drizzle.
davincipoppalag (Dec 6, 2009)
Lol that describes most of the people I went to college with.
kotohebi (Dec 12, 2009)
This is good fulfillment picture.Maybe I think that kowiski is kowalski. It mean that you must walk by yourself leg. http://www.es-port.com/item/kowalski/
enirroc (Apr 4, 2010)
I couldn't read all through what you wrote, as I have a bit of a pet peeve with sentences that have no spaces after the commas and/or periods, but I do like this drawing. Your style is very unique. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 4, 2008)
Gorgeous creatures.
Kulu (Apr 18, 2008)
this is great....easily one of my all time favorites. what i love most is the fine webs between her sac and her abdomen. i agree about the egg, that it needs tweaking, it seems less defined than the rest, but without seeing the photo, hard to judge.came across a few of these in my days, they are quite passive, enough that you can let one wander across your palm. this makes me want to draw my old colalt blue tarantula. crazy mofo who busted out of his cage, and met his untimely doom in the jowels of my even more crazy mofo of a cat. i found him in the morning, belly up, missing a couple legs...
YTUJ (Jun 21, 2008)
shell (Apr 4, 2010)
pretty cool
enirroc (Apr 4, 2010)
Ooh, I love this. Black widows are among my favorite types of spiders. So very beautiful. |
(Apr 18, 2008)
criddle (Apr 23, 2008)
wow!You are a true artist! I take an art class and i am a very good at drawing and shading...but you are a master! I can hardly shade that with a pencil let alone with a mouse!Bravvo!
deathking (Apr 23, 2008)
I thought this was jack black, such a nice picture!
saprophilous (Apr 23, 2008)
oh wow the eyes look so natural
enirroc (Apr 4, 2010)
Hey, I did this drawing too, awesome. :) |
(Apr 2, 2010)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_oMD6-6q5YEdit: It's bugging me now, because the edits and things I want to change just don't stop, so I'm just setting it as finished and calling it quits for now. It looks enough like her.
shell (Apr 3, 2010)
Looking good indeed can't wait to see the finished look.
prassi (Apr 3, 2010)
Goood job...:)
firecracker (Apr 3, 2010)
I never heard of Marina, but I enjoyed the video.......this pic really does look just like her.......nice draw! :)
enirroc (Apr 4, 2010)
Thank you. =) |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 25, 2004)
An innocent cat...-Yeah, forgot to mention it, but this one's for FM.... :)
Zappo (Sep 29, 2019)
Hey, a familiar face! IM BACK
davincipoppalag (Oct 20, 2019)
Hey!! Glad to hear it
WolverineAlpha (May 3, 2021)
That I didn't do it face.
Trans_potato_Shrek_Anime (May 3, 2021)
I love this so much!!!! <<<<<33333333 |
(Aug 5, 2004)
umm... it's a doodle from last year and since my friend wanted me draw something with fire in it, i just thought of this doodle... and u get to see more of my crazy obsession with hair and lineart... but mostly hair this time ^^...wow... the sketch took an hour... O_O;; edit: WOAH... after 2 years of something of inactiveness on 2draw, I find this in showcase?? *is astounded* thank you everyone ^^
enirroc (Apr 3, 2010)
I'm not so much into anime style art usually, but I do quite like the way you drew the flames in this one. Nice job.
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 25, 2012)
beautiful very effective. It looks like it was very hard to do.
mariapeterson1 (Oct 8, 2012)
Very creative, effective and beautiful I like it and I'm really impressed by it...
davincipoppalag (Dec 25, 2018)
back at front |
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 27, 2005)
Pretty no? Sky referanced from a pic I took yesterday after a thunderstorm. :}~art (C) me 2005
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 10, 2011)
I agree about the mushrooms,and this is so beautiful, breathtaking is right. I realize, now, I do not really know how to use the software to it's greatest advantage,in many ways.
avidadollars (May 31, 2012)
this sky is delirium!!marvel
davincipoppalag (Jun 26, 2019)
Still beautiful
yellow.nutella (Oct 1, 2022)
The colors and composition are beautiful, it's as if you chose where everything went then took a picture. As a complement obv |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 6, 2010)
LadySue88 (Feb 13, 2010)
WOW!! It not seens draw o.0
enirroc (Apr 3, 2010)
This is nicely done. I play viola myself, but violins are nice too, and the way you painted the wood is beautiful.
Flubbles (Apr 3, 2010)
I got in the zone with this one, I found it pretty easy.
davincipoppalag (Aug 5, 2020)
It was a good zone |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 24, 2005)
Sketch with mouse
enirroc (Apr 3, 2010)
I would so hang up a giant print of this on my wall. I love it.
lori (Aug 23, 2012)
why does it say "begin" down in the left corner?
dorothyblueeyes (Aug 23, 2012)
very excellent, and great political piece. (how do you get the grid on there?you drew it?for the wierd perspective?yeah, that angle looks difficult. the five sided star is used for a lot of things, but also just to design. it's beautiful, love that it's the twin towers, thank you!
davincipoppalag (Mar 29, 2017)
Need this on the front page again |
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This Button is stop "war on Japan and America".
Flubbles >Her nipple tassles light up and spin around full circle.
Yes,this is my ”ladies first”.