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Public Boards/Intermediate 
mitsume (Mar 19, 2004)
Not "drowning in your love" or "drowning in the darkness", but just plain "drowning in water". ^_~
Hi all! my first pic here. ^_^
Edit: Oh, shoot... I thought this was going to "beginners". :sulks: I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come here. Can someone move it or something?
4 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 19, 2004)
ooh this is scary. One of my fears (I'm a good swimmer, swim alot alone, have thought about this). I don't want to drown! That feeling of suffocation comes across well in this. You should be happy with it.
dixielandcutie (Mar 19, 2004)
welcome. and i loooove this draw. the colors andthe style are nifty! rockin ;p
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2004)
welcome!! I like your use of color and your style... the underwater effect is nice too.. I look forward to more of your work!
marcello (Mar 20, 2004)
my first thought was "dangit, those damn fish fins coming out of my eyes always get in the way"
I like the palette...
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Mar 19, 2004)
This is from a photo of a candle on my drawing table in the dark. (From about 5 years ago er so)
11 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Mar 19, 2004)
Oh. But you still like me right?
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 19, 2004)
I always did have a soft spot for the rebels.
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2004)
Watch out... DBA uses that soft spot as a target....
shell (Mar 1, 2011)
nice yellow glowing thingie
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
2draw hiccups...
dixielandcutie (Mar 19, 2004)
is anyone having trouble with loading pages every once in a while today? whats causing that?
Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (Mar 18, 2004)
"In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame "I am leaving, I am leaving!" but the fighter still remains...." ~ Simon and Garfunkle (another favorite)
21 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 19, 2004)
You didn't ruin it. You overworked it a little. I know what you do... it reaches a point where it's great, but you don't see it yet, you look at it and think, but... it could be better if I just do this, and that, and pretty start to become frustrated and it's overworked. I actually still like v.2 the best. But I understand you, and I like you, and I like your art, and I like all the versions.
dixielandcutie (Mar 19, 2004)
well said dba, lol. and this new version is very cool. i like the silveryish coloring better! awesomeness axil
Porcelain (Mar 22, 2004)
That's wonderful. As I was scanning through the Advanced Art and carefully (or rather, nonchalantly) criticizing each one, I stumbled upon yours. Truly wonderful, Axil -- I always admire your art. You have an amazing style -- Reminds me of Van Gogh (the circles compared to his wavy lines).
shell (Mar 1, 2011)
wow impressive, another one I wouldn't have recognized as yours had I not known
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Krystiana (Nov 17, 2003)
Mrr. I like wings.
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2004)
woo hoo she's gonna drive the Green Giant wild! I love the wings too!
dixielandcutie (Mar 19, 2004)
wow, thats gorgeous awesome color choices!
Knockoff (Mar 19, 2004)
This is so nice, All the green, and then the wings just stick out!
Excelent job! ^^
Childlike_Vampire (Mar 20, 2004)
Ooh, veddy prettyful, I love her wings, and excellent bo0b shape! ^_^ Nice.
drawn in 2 hours 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Mar 19, 2004)
This is a guy with long hair and he is sitting down and he is sad and he has blue pants with stripes and he has white shoes and he is not wearing socks and the floor is tile and he is holding a flower and he is looking at the flower and he is wearing a long black jacket and one of his shoe laces is in a loop and he hasn't shaved and the wall is also tiled.
8 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (edited Mar 19, 2004)
Why? I dunno, maybe because he's a pussy and he needs to get his ass beat.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 19, 2004)
I knew you were in a smart-assy mood today. lol So what are you waiting for?
Kasha (Mar 19, 2004)
I bet he's sad because he has no socks....or maybe he still hasn't figured out how to tie his shoe after he hit his head on the tile floor and thus got a concusion and his wife left him. Nice pic Axil.
shell (Mar 1, 2011)
*hugs sad man in blue pants*
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Gigandas (Mar 7, 2004)
Hmm, wonder who this is XD....

-Btw, the bg 'is' an actual painted background that was used when the photo was taken, so it's not supposed to be realistic^^;.
40 comments – latest 4:
Kasha (Mar 19, 2004)
YAY! a self portrait!! man, I still can't get over the fact you're a guy. I dunno why? NOOO it CANT BE!!!!! *cries*
staci (edited Mar 20, 2004)
: O?! weow then this must be..
fleeting_memory (edited Mar 28, 2004)
Wow gig-This is my favoritest ever! You took so much time on it and it turned out perfect-I wish I had your skills *HUG* this should so be in the showcase
pulmonq2 (Dec 18, 2004)
Why does DBA assume he learned to draw from his mom? /:) weird.
drawn in 10 hours 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
DMV (Mar 19, 2004)
this is taken from the dvd dick tracy...
3 comments – latest 4:
DMV (Mar 19, 2004)
drawn in 37 min
it's done..(ding!)
dixielandcutie (Mar 19, 2004)
*gasp* dmv????? lol. i loveit! awesome work...signed...tess ;p
davincipoppalag (Mar 19, 2004)
This is really cool DMV! the yellow Dick Tracy coat is perfect!
sal (Mar 19, 2004)
cool pic.... i like the suit and hat.... the bg is also good...
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
staci (Mar 14, 2004)
i love these
38 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Jul 14, 2007)
wow just lovely!! wonderful colors!
Roytje (Nov 8, 2007)
DoOp (Nov 8, 2007)
I see faces :o)
JK-Arts (Nov 15, 2007)
You TErro-est est est. AH forget......
Thats makes me XD.
drawn in 4 hours 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Thear (Mar 19, 2004)
Hmmm... shoud i color it? or what?
7 comments – latest 4:
Thear (Mar 20, 2004)
drawn in 16 min
some lightning....
Thear (Mar 20, 2004)
drawn in 12 min
Finaly it´s finished! :D
sal (Mar 20, 2004)
the blood is a nice touch....
Gigandas (Mar 20, 2004)
The title reminds me of Zhou Yu's final weapon(At least I think it was his, if it wasn't one of the other 41 chara's^^;).Anyways, that's one nice looking sword there.Good job^^.
Btw, I'm also a fan of FF^^.Love the FF pics you have drawn XD.
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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