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Public Boards/Advanced 
LordHannu (Nov 8, 2005)
hmm. what to say. eeh... im giong to make alot of trees. and i dont want too. and i took alot of breaks.
27 comments – latest 4:
meobi (Nov 16, 2005)
Heyy youve got really good skill but i dont like your style that much so no offence ok but still im complimenting on your skills and ppls got different tastes right... well the reason i dont really like your style that much is because it looks too 3d fantasy game kinda thing and im not really into that kinda thing.
Felistorm (Nov 17, 2005)
Shiver shiver. Makes me cold looking at it. :) This is awesome!!!!
sincity (Nov 17, 2005)
This should be a showcase piece. Plain & simple. Awesome. :}
Ceido (Nov 26, 2005)
Really cool. Great detail. Makes me want to go skiing. ";
drawn in 4 hours 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Fobix (Nov 22, 2005)
Just safety Save computer is acting weird.
8 comments – latest 4:
Fobix (Nov 22, 2005)
Thanks :D
Fobix (Nov 22, 2005)
drawn in 8 min
minor adusments
Zeal (Nov 25, 2005)
zomg fobix you draw so much better than i do! this is awesome! i luff the way the color seems sorta soft and the glow is awesum!
Rudeezy (edited Nov 25, 2005)
it needs eyebrows. You should try to draw two eyes on the face more.
drawn in 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
misterjimsan (Jun 20, 2005)
10 comments – latest 4:
renire (Jun 23, 2005)
TaCO (Nov 25, 2005)
Is It going to kill me???
SanzoGirl (edited Nov 25, 2005)
Aww, it looks like a cute little fuzzy alien!
Or even my furby, if it got black eyes. O_O;
*Checks furby*
Nope, still blue eyes and white fur. :D
Old school furbies PWN those new "hey furby" things... they're like, deformed! D:
Why is this on begginer? This should be on intermediate. :D
kristine (Nov 25, 2005)
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
darkwings45 (Oct 13, 2005)
i got realli >.>
i decided to doodle a bit =]
not my greatest drawing but I like it
2 comments – latest 2:
darkshadow (Oct 13, 2005)
raman is the best thing in the world its cheap 15cents at wal-mart and is yummy in my tummy
narutofan (Nov 24, 2005)
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
darkshadow (Nov 8, 2005)
Do you see gray areas in between the squares?
Now where did they come from?
for those who could not see the black dots in my other pic count the black dots
11 comments – latest 4:
Prettylilies (Nov 8, 2005)
OMG Optical Illusion!!! I love it, darkshadow. It gives me an
darkshadow (Nov 9, 2005)
glad i could help :) prettylilies
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 9, 2005)
I see them, but they fade in and out. Pretty cool stuff, I love optical illusions. Especially the ones on the back of the Apple Jacks box! :)
kitty25 (Nov 24, 2005)
nice and cool!
drawn in 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
inatyrb (Oct 19, 2005)
Ok, before I get into a lot of detail, I made a basic Sketch. Obviously.
Well, my question is should I make any alterations before making it a picture. Like curves aren't right, eyes too low, somethings too big. ect. I would really appreciate some critiquing before I get into the real work. Thanks.
This is the reference picture. If that doesn't work just tell me. I know how sometimes links tend to not work anymore.
5 comments – latest 4:
inatyrb (Oct 20, 2005)
Critiques? Please?
darkshadow (Oct 26, 2005)
the only thing i can say is smooth out the lines and add color it looks real good
inatyrb (Oct 26, 2005)
thanks for the input. I just want to make it as real as possible.
kitty25 (Nov 24, 2005)
sooo cute !!! XD
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 19, 2005)
(-_-) I'm bored..This is random.
11 comments – latest 4:
darkshadow (Nov 19, 2005)
i am willingly paying $450 aftertax and all that to get mine yayaya i know i am a dork but yayaYAY
Nyuusen (Nov 19, 2005)
X-box and its offspring are the devil...

Shun Microsoft, do not give up the nintendo! Bah. Funny pic.
101_Torchic_101 (Nov 19, 2005)
narutofan (Nov 24, 2005)
lol funny
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
hetomi (Nov 14, 2005)
4 comments – latest 4:
marini135 (Nov 17, 2005)
kitty25 (Nov 22, 2005)
this is very very great ! i love how you draw!
darkshadow (Nov 22, 2005)
very nice like your line art i like how you did v2
narutofan (Nov 24, 2005)
nice style very original
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
marineblue (Jun 9, 2005)
The pose that shoots the bow is difficult...Umm..-_-;
7 comments – latest 4:
darkshadow (Jun 10, 2005)
sweet pic and very nice pose
oikitsumaru (Jul 9, 2005)
Gosh! I love her hair and armor!! XD So nice!
sephiroth54321 (Jul 9, 2005)
kitty25 (Nov 24, 2005)
love the hair ,,cool! and awsome job!
drawn in 2 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
narutofan (Nov 5, 2005)
stupid mouse is still acting up C&C please
9 comments – latest 4:
Kakashi_Hitake (Nov 6, 2005)
great pic ^^

good job on the hair ^^
Zack (Nov 6, 2005)
Narutofan asked for criticism, so I gave it. To my best knowledge, the vast majority of the established lineart artists on 2draw will tell you to use antialiased lines and layers instead of the fill tool. The fill tool often misses spots and leaves a halo around smooth lineart. Layers give you more control over your coloring.
kitty25 (Nov 22, 2005)
this is a good pic! !_! like the hair
narutofan (Nov 24, 2005)
thanks everyone
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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