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Public Boards/Intermediate 
series (Jan 11, 2005)
Elliot Smith
11 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 11, 2005)
pretty cool, yep.
Anna (Jan 11, 2005)
Very nice :-)
davincipoppalag (Jan 11, 2005)
Very good drawing, that looks like a photo
Kasha (Jan 12, 2005)
awesome. I love that song. :) and great drawing.

RIP Elliott
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
cyclops (Jan 7, 2005)
8 comments – latest 4:
sincity (Jan 11, 2005)
I'm on some. :}
cyclops (Jan 12, 2005)
drawn in 23 min
i might slap a b/g on this someday....i have troubles with the lascaux program>O(
solve (Jan 12, 2005)
nice bombing skills, we should do a graff collab sometime. this is very cool.
cyclops (Jan 12, 2005)
...for sure solve...anytime...thx
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Wo0t! Artshow Online!
circe (Dec 29, 2004)
mmmkay! new site is *finally* done! yay! okay so what it an art forum...where you can post your art, whether it be comp stuff, scanned pencil drawings, a pic of a painting or sculpture, u name it...and then ppl can critique it and help you to better your skills. like DA i suppose only i like this idea better cause its more personal. *shrugs* maybe its just me. so anyways yeah check it out and if u want, join!!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
solve (Jan 11, 2005)
evil grover.
3 comments – latest 3:
Anna (Jan 11, 2005)
lol, Grover looks scary here. Bad Grover. I think it has something to do with that eye. O_o
monkeyyoung (Jan 12, 2005)
0_0 Why must you ruin Seasame Street for me, he needs a scalpel by the way.
cyclops (Jan 12, 2005)
hahaa...noice....great job
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
sagenev (Jan 11, 2005)
vengue, spanish music
7 comments – latest 4:
sincity (Jan 11, 2005)
Wild. :}
sal (Jan 11, 2005)
very nice pic... one of my fav's
sagenev (Jan 11, 2005)
thnaks to all. amelie is always a inspiration
cyclops (Jan 11, 2005)
wow...great lines... your sketchy style is impressive
drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
GEM (Jan 11, 2005)
Tell me how to make this better.
5 comments – latest 4:
Kink (Jan 11, 2005)
There you go, a little blurring to get more of a perspective of distance. Nice pic Gem.
GEM (Jan 11, 2005)
cyclops (Jan 11, 2005)
...yay godzilla week!
GEM (Jan 11, 2005)
that might be a good idea
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 6, 2005)
Nothing personal, just thought it would be a cool picture.
16 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (Jan 8, 2005)
Haha, I hope the wound was not serious! I must take a camera and start photographing things and then draw them. Incredible artwork! >:)
emmamommalag (Jan 8, 2005)
It's a pretty good drawing but the edge of the blade could use more work. It looks dull.
inatyrb (Jan 8, 2005)
Very Pretty Picture. You drew it very well. I love how people can draw realistically! I will someday!
inglesurlg13 (Jan 11, 2005)
heyy its me! awsome realisticness... thats gotta hurt
drawn in 2 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
zep (Jan 4, 2005)
50´s aerobics?...
10 comments – latest 4:
zep (Jan 8, 2005)
thanks everybody...her right is your left gem...
squids (Jan 9, 2005)
I feel like moving with her :D I love the hands. Not connected, and making you move along. Amazing job!
Aubrey (Jan 10, 2005)
That's great. Looks like a queen doing some very light exercise lol
davincipoppalag (Jan 10, 2005)
I just figured out who this face reminds me of, its England's Princess Margaret at about 30. It reminds me of her very much.
drawn in 2 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 30, 2004)
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

Kahlil Gibran
15 comments – latest 4:
xwindflyer (Jan 2, 2005)
Gibson anyone? Or do you prefer a Martini?
Gigandas (edited Jan 3, 2005)
This is pretty neat.It's like you're kinda looking at this realism combined with some abstract painting behind it, but only because the texture of the wall send you that vibe.I haven't bothered to go through everyone's comments, but I just wanna point out what an awesome job you did on that chair there.Very 3-dimensional.
sincity (Jan 3, 2005)
Martini please, shaken. I love it, it reminds me of al those mediterranian pics you see. I had about 3 different ones and they al had this blue, blue door in them, with the ocean in the background. This is just a fantastic piece. :}
Aubrey (Jan 10, 2005)
That is just too beautiful. You really did an excellent job on everything in this Cindy.
drawn in 7 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (Jan 4, 2005)
thank you to the nice mod who granted me unsolicited space :D that rocked hardcore.

and thank you to nice people who said it was good and made me want to finish it. cos i was gettin bored.
19 comments – latest 4:
Justin_Sane (Jan 8, 2005)
Lovely use of colours ,,esp the smooth transitions and tone.
starmarked (Jan 10, 2005)
Icats, you're flower is truly beautiful. It is like I can almost reach out and touch it : ]
davincipoppalag (Jan 10, 2005)
I hope the mod that gave you space will also come back and showcase this.. if this shouldn't be there, what should?
emmamommalag (Jan 10, 2005)
This definitely belongs in the showcase. It's just too beautiful for words.
drawn in 4 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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