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Public Boards/Intermediate 
R. (Jul 12, 2004)
"I pushed open the door and saw three men kneeling on the bare floor, dismembering a cow, the blood little more than deeper shadow in the darkness of the room."
11 comments – latest 4:
cmb (Jul 17, 2004)
good to see you R. how do you like the applets?
R. (Jul 18, 2004)
Hi, Christine. Re: the applets - they've brought me to the humbling conclusion that my range of skill is seriously limited. It's like spending a lifetime eating licquorice all-sorts and then accidentally walking into a sweet shop.
spiritdweller (Sep 12, 2004)
pretty wild, I like
ambermac (May 28, 2005)
mm, nice texture. i want to sand it down and string it around my neck...or put a hole in it and place it in my garden as a water fountain.
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
longway (Jul 9, 2004)
to my best buddy whom died today, checkers...1994-2004
14 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2004)
So sorry..I still sniffle some when I think about when my last one went. It hurts worse than losing people sometimes...
Rosemary (Jul 12, 2004)
aww lovely picture..sorry to hear...
longway (edited Jul 12, 2004)
thanks everybody, it really means alot to me. there are those people whom don't understand the grief that we know. to them a dog, is a dog, big deal. but for those of us who took the time to care and teach a pup, we know the difference. i still remain shocked as he reached out his paw to me at the last moment, raised his chin into the air, and bade me farewell. he had some of the worst habits a dog can have, but i would give anything for him to be here, and do them again. my god, it hit me like a brick, it was and is so profoundly done, i am in awe of his magnificence and grace, to the last moment, in as much as we intended, he never made it to the vet... again thankyou all so much.....inoun or longway..
cmb (Jul 13, 2004)
Damn! Im so sorry I only just found out- my telephone line has been broken for the last 5 days- all I can do is send my condolences- I know how you feel having lost various cats, I really do think they touch our hearts in such a profound and trusting way!
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Java and applet problems- please help!
cmb (edited Jul 5, 2004)
Hi all! Im struggling to revise a collaboration and not getting very far, method 3 very kindly explained about updating java- which I did - but I still get error messages and the image wont open at all now- I do think its probably my true lack of knowledge of applets- However I have been able to amend another collaboration so I wondered if its just an error on the script on just that one collaboration? its called lifedrawing class thursday night... Ok I dont want to be precious about it, just to...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Jul 3, 2004)
Turning grey with frustration- I want to work on a collaboration - but keep getting a 'javascript' error whatever that is! ARGH!
7 comments – latest 4:
cmb (Jul 3, 2004)
thanks all! will try.....
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 3, 2004)
I don't know anything about the error problem, but I'm really enjoying the picture. She looks menopausally insane or something. lol
emmamommalag (Jul 3, 2004)
Hope you get that problem fixed. Love this face.. you've caught her right on the edge.
diver2026 (Jul 6, 2004)
i like the coloring - it always cathces my eye when someone shades using interesting colors
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
davincipoppalag (Jul 3, 2004)
Speaks for itself!
9 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 4, 2004)
I didn't know it was his birthday! Where's the babe that's supposed to pop out of that cake? Happy Birthday, King Cello, wherever you are.... party happily! *sticks finger in icing and runs away*
davincipoppalag (Jul 5, 2004)
She's inside...sweatin to death since Sunday
marcello (Aug 26, 2004)
A little late, but thanks! I never got a chance to check out pictures on around then so I missed em all.
renire (Jul 3, 2005)
oooh! *squeals* nice!
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
longway and cmb (Jun 23, 2004)
i will let you start
4 comments – latest 4:
longway (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 42 min
did a
cmb (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 16 min
Just altered tha mouth slightly and added a few highlights and shadows- Do you think its finished enough now to submit ? LOL
emmamommalag (Jul 4, 2004)
You girls are doing some good stuff together here. Nice shade of green on the hair. Brings back memories.. a friend, who had bleached hair, went swimming in a public pool and her hair turned green like that.
cmb (Jul 4, 2004)
I have a friend that happened to aswell!
drawn in 2 hours 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Jul 2, 2004)
had to get a drawing done- based on old felt pens and chalk...type of sketch I do at lifedrawing
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Jul 2, 2004)
Its almost, but Victor had a kind of permanent sneer sort of.Interesting technique
cmb (Jul 2, 2004)
as long as its not peter stringfellow! lol
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
LovelyLori (Jul 1, 2004)
I have a thing for Africa...
14 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Jul 2, 2004)
Wow, Lori! This is positively gorgeous! I love it to pieces. :)
Aubrey (Jul 2, 2004)
This is so cool looking. Giraffes are so cute.
cmb (Jul 3, 2004)
Great colours- makes me wish i could go there...nice to see a landscape so full of promises of mystery and adventure
Gigandas (Jul 3, 2004)
This looks like a photo...the scenery seems so realistic especially in the mountains XD.Nice job on the giraffe there too :).
drawn in 3 hours 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
LEELEE (Jun 28, 2004)
Just learning how to draw on here!
3 comments – latest 3:
cmb (Jun 30, 2004)
are you on youdraw too? nice pic
Typo_Maan (Jun 30, 2004)
LEELEE (Jul 4, 2004)
cmb, yes I do go on youdraw.
drawn in 33 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Fin_beast (Jun 30, 2004)
Well I had a go at some graffiti... bleh... just had to kill some time.
3 comments – latest 3:
Shmoopy (Jun 30, 2004)
Small Bean Club? O.o;; Please... do not explain this to me... Cool lettering. ^^
cmb (Jun 30, 2004)
I thought it said small bean gnus? lol
Paranoidkittie (Jun 30, 2004)
how do you right so cooL! it's awesome you have to tell me how!
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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