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Public Boards/Beginner 
Miss_DJ (Dec 2, 2006)
in her life
3 comments – latest 3:
pandabarrie (Dec 2, 2006)
for some reason, it reminds me of those sillouettes...and i know i spelt that wrong somewhere, but w/e

i like how you didnt put in her hair,or you did and its just the same color as the background...?
cmb (edited Dec 2, 2006)
somehow reminds me of Beryl Cook paintings.... women with attitude!? see this link..
davincipoppalag (Dec 2, 2006)
I like how the edges of the face just suggest the
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Dec 2, 2006)
took ages and kept going wrong!
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Dec 2, 2006)
INteresting style with the halftones..
cmb (Dec 2, 2006)
If you had seen how scribbly and messy it had got! I wanted to practice with one of the other drawing programmes because I dont want to get stuck in a rut... I think that I prefer the other one though...
drawn in 58 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Miss_DJ (Dec 2, 2006)
no time for more
2 comments – latest 2:
cmb (Dec 2, 2006)
theres something really mystical in your work!
davincipoppalag (Dec 2, 2006)
Nope' he hasn't time to sing eight.. only seven...never more.. VEry cool Donna!
drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cmb (Dec 2, 2006)
7 comments – latest 4:
Shortiebop (Dec 2, 2006)
this is nice creative kinda doodle :)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 2, 2006)
or both... since "bubbley" is loaded with sugar. pretty cool... it's doodleicious.
cmb (Dec 2, 2006)
yes its strange- I "doodle" much more on Youdraw, here I almost feel constrained to stay figurative or at least "cartoony" I need to be free of limitations or I will get too repetative...
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 2, 2006)
feel free to "unleash yourself" here *unlocks cage* :)
drawn in 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cmb (Dec 1, 2006)
difficult! ( and how do you spell Bogarte?)
12 comments – latest 4:
solve (Dec 2, 2006)
well done cmb :D I like the palette. Also, maybe its just me but he could pass for the actor James Woods.
catfreeek (Dec 8, 2006)
Wow Chris, you certainly come alive with color. This is one of my favorites. Keep it up, great stuff. ~Sue
Sweetcell (edited Dec 9, 2006)
We'll always have 2dr@w. Here's looking at you, kid.
yates (Jan 4, 2007)
superb,.. i feel such a toy right now.. better start practicing right now.. cuz lookin at all the artwork makes me doubt if even should try!.. ;0 naah.. hehe.. ill stay positive!.. keep it up! you know i love it and its nice to see a more detailed side of ur work!
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
solve (Dec 1, 2006)
Need to stretch.
10 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Dec 2, 2006)
super nice wading effect.
a_blue_orange (Dec 3, 2006)
rar backdimbles :]
HunterKiller_ (Dec 3, 2006)
Hey, i thought this might have been Joe's. It's very nice.
Sugarskull (Dec 27, 2006)

Biomega is awesome.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
R. (Apr 5, 2006)
8 comments – latest 4:
a_blue_orange (Dec 1, 2006)
interesting style :]
R. (Dec 1, 2006)
Thanks, everyone. I usually draw on very rough Canson paper with a soft pencil. I've found a tool that mimics the effect.
cmb (Dec 1, 2006)
Deino (Dec 1, 2006)
craaazy, very nicely done!
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
cmb (Nov 30, 2006)
playing with halftones etc...
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 30, 2006)
Unique and colorful!
friend (Nov 30, 2006)
Holy chimpmunk! Thats chimptastic!
camadeon (Dec 1, 2006)
This is pretty good! I like the eye shadow and her eyes.
cmb (Dec 2, 2006)
have you ever drawn in oil pastel on the back of hardboard? it creates this effect!"
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Maiko (Nov 24, 2006)
D: I didn't want to work on it any more....
12 comments – latest 4:
Mal (Dec 1, 2006)
Very nice Maiko
Deino (Dec 3, 2006)
I don't know how I miseed this one... very nicely done Mai!
Ty854 (Dec 3, 2006)
oohh this rocks. i like the texture on the shell or whatever those are called.
Maiko (Dec 3, 2006)
Thanks guys :'> <3
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Deino (Nov 28, 2006)
The Incredulity of Saint Thomas of Caravaggio (Oh god, where have I put myself into?)

This is one of my favorite paintings, I found it quite powerful: The face of Jesus so calmed and the expression of Thomas. The portraile of the apostols not as young and beautiful but old and 'common', not to mention the incredible achievement of figure volume by the chiaroscuro.
11 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Dec 5, 2006)
This looks great so far. :)
Deino (Dec 6, 2006)
drawn in 51 min
I repeated the face, I think it looks a lot better now... at thisrate I'm not going to finsih this one for the contest, if that happens I'm stilll going to work on this. Thanks for the commenrts :)
frootcake (Dec 6, 2006)
yea absolutely, the face is sorted. done. may i point out it does sorta look like jesus has breasts atm
Deino (Dec 6, 2006)
you are right Frootcake xD I need to correct them.
drawn in 4 hours 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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