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Public Boards/Intermediate 
xiau (Jul 24, 2006)
"I was having a cup of tea with yagami-kun when this flying...STRAWberry came and picked me up...what is this? What does this MEAN?...Bravo"

description provided by bri.
12 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Jul 26, 2006)
xD Your comment made me laugh.
I love you too, Guupi :B
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 26, 2006)
(*D*) Aaaaw!~ He's so adorable!~ (huggles L)
Sweetcell (Jul 26, 2006)
And he managed not to spill his tea. This is more than cute, it's uber cute. Poor little thing, hope he lands safely.
hi1022 (Jul 27, 2006)
Ooh, Ooh! I want to get abducted by a flying strawberry with L!!

L is so cute and adorable and..and WeEeeEEEe ~(^__^)~
drawn in 2 hours 16 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Akechi456 (Jul 3, 2006)
It's Eto's boyyyyyyfrrrriiiieeeennnnnddd.:3 I just felt like putting a silly title.Because I'm in a silly mood.x3 He's a panda,hence the black and white-ness.=O I didn't intend to do that,I simply became lazy and didn't wanna colour,and my coluring sucks.XP So I made him a Panda.
6 comments – latest 4:
broken-lock14 (Jul 19, 2006)
Augh, panda lad~ My weakness. =^.__.^= *reaches for him* He's a loverly young man~~<333 8D;;
Akechi456 (Jul 21, 2006)
Eto prefers to be call Le' Homosexual. D:< HE IS NOT HAPPY!
But thanks everyone for the comments. :3 ::le' moodswing::
Wild_Mustang_Girl312 (Jul 23, 2006)
Eto can go and join Micheal and Alex... *tries not to laugh* *Lol* I've still got that god dang Micheal song in my head.

Akechi456 (Jul 24, 2006)
Eto doens't like Micheal and Alex and neither do I.D:
Keep them away from my Eto.
drawn in 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kimchii (Jul 23, 2006)
I'D LIKE TO SAY... i think some ppl are obsessed with 2draw :D everytime i'm on this site i see the SAME PPLS' ART OVER AND OVER AGIN LOL!! XD hehhe well its great that u have a hobbie! ^_________^ unlike me..
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm did i mention I HAVE A FETTISH FOR ORANGE AND PURPLE CLOUDS HOMGZ!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: I'D ALSO LIKE TO POINT OUT...... IS IT JUST ME OR ARE THE MAJORITY OF THE PPL ON 2DRAW 13 AND 14 YEAR OLDS? o.O??!?!?! and like, over 20 year olds?! XD XD what if ur in between!?!? T___T hehe i want opinions! XD
3 comments – latest 3:
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 23, 2006)
i love the way you color! he has big hair. :::pokes it::: haha, lovely job :3
broken-lock14 (edited Jul 23, 2006)
Pretty colors~ =^*D*^= He is rather Sephirothesque, isn't he? XD;; *cuddles him*

I love the wings beyond reason. =^;~;^= <3333 I like wings in general, though. :0

Edit: There are a lot of young/old people here. =^o___o^= Most other oekakies I've been to have an age range of 15-20 generally. :X [I'm included in that age range, wah ha. XD ]
Kimchii (Jul 23, 2006)
lol thank u both so much!! big hair haha XD!!! and sephy *drool*!!!!!!
ty again!!
drawn in 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
broken-lock14 (Jul 15, 2006)
Idon'tknow. =^+___o^= Real time = 30+ minutes. I didn't mean for him to look like Gaara, I swear. :X

Blah. I've ran out of space on that drawing I was doing for my sister. Will remember to ask for more...later. :V;;

[Guupi, stop doodling. >:U *shotshotshot*]
10 comments – latest 4:
broken-lock14 (Jul 15, 2006)
I thank you. :'D
He looks like he's sprouting out of the ground. :X Or something.
SanzoGirl (Jul 15, 2006)
Aw! I love this!
I love Gaara, and even though this isn't him, it's still adorable. :x
You're one of my top favorite artists.
broken-lock14 (Jul 15, 2006)
For serious? =^o_____o^= *spazzes* I'm honored~<333
Thank youuuuu~~8D;;;
taru_cha (Jul 22, 2006)
GAARA! hahaha XD not gaara o.o ? looks really REALLY good anyways hehehe ^.^
drawn in 1 hour 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
squee (Jul 16, 2006)
The hand is messed up, I know.

Hikuru~No~Go, you should be ashamed of yourself. Bashing people's art just because your life isn't what it's turning out to be. Don't tell people to grow up when you should be the one to grow up. You're the one getting all offended at the jokes that we played. SHAME!!
15 comments – latest 4:
Punky (edited Jul 17, 2006)
I likey your expression and finger wag wag wagging. :D

I'm kind of lost on this whole emo poking fun-ness, but its a nice picture. :)
edit:Also Hiru is cool. <3
SanzoGirl (edited Jul 17, 2006)
Haha, I didn't get uber offended, I just got kinda annoyed. ^_^;
Edit: I'm cool? Yay! >w< *Is a dork*
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 17, 2006)
of course you're cool Hiru :D

i like this picture. it's all "shame, shame, shame. bashing other people's drawings when you can't draw at all. no that's just down right wrong" haha :D the coloring is good, too
SanzoGirl (Jul 17, 2006)
I'm cool! :D
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Zeal (Jul 1, 2006)
Pencil tool = Fun
7 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Jul 6, 2006)
They used the same reference, that's all. It's one of the more popular Miyavi pictures, from what I've seen.
misterjimsan (Jul 6, 2006)
Well I deduced that. My point was that I'd seen the pic before. Must be pretty popular though I have no idea who it is.
broken-lock14 (Jul 6, 2006)
Heyheyhey thar MYV~ *squishes his cheeks* My friends keep comparing me to Meevers. =^e"e^= Like when I run and jump around, or wear colorful hats, they're always like "You're so Miyavi." :X Whutevaaaa.

[I still need to draw him, homg. :< ]
Kakashi_Hitake (Jul 17, 2006)

this pwns~
good job~
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
GermanFeet (Jul 15, 2006)
Verrry quick one to make up for the long ass picture I wasn't able to finish from earlier. It's Oren Hawthorne (a character form my webcomic) as a 6-year-old holding his childhood friend Tannax. (another character...)Tannax does turn into a cat-boy, fyi. Heh heh. Oren is such a cute little boy. This is before the incident that banished him from his home.
1 comment – latest 1:
broken-lock14 (Jul 15, 2006)
Oh ho ho~ I want to sit in that grass. <33 And frolic with Mister Cat Boy, and pick flowers. :0
The colors make me rather happy. 8D *lovelove*
[If you memo a mod asking for more space on your drawing, you can work on it more~ Or maybe you know that already, I 'unno. :X ]
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
broken-lock14 (Jul 12, 2006)
Ell oh ell. This is dumb. 8D And the timer is a liarrrrr.

Blah. It's my own fault that I'm sick again, I need to, like, sleep for once. =^e"e^= *L posture* There's all sorts of things I need to be working on, yet here I am doodling. :X I am the epitome of lameee.
7 comments – latest 4:
vigilante (Jul 13, 2006)
That's not dumb at all!~~
I love love love your style so much. You've got skills!
I think the shirt looks amazing, and I like how the eyes are so fuzzy 8'DD
broken-lock14 (Jul 13, 2006)
Thank you~ =^;0;^= You guys are nice. *spasmdeath* Ho ho ho, fuzzy eyes. XD;;; I've never heard that term before.

*lovelovelove* <3
GermanFeet (Jul 15, 2006)
It's so cuuute! *spazzz-->head-desk* I love how you draw! ^_^ You always choose soooo pretty colors. You my buddy need to draw on the intermediate board now. :)
xiau (Jul 15, 2006)
Guupiii~ This is so lovely =O! I love the softness and the colors and everything~ Ohh...
Get yer butt offa beginner, silly :] You're way too good to be here.
drawn in 4 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
xiau (Jul 11, 2006)
I finished Death Note on Friday, so I decided to come draw Near. I was going to have Mero and L in there, too, which is why the sketch took so long, but I decided against it (otherwise known as "I failed")

Oh yeah, and I stole Kimchii's (Kimkim :P) style for this one. Hope you don't mind.
11 comments – latest 4:
Kimchii (Jul 11, 2006)
OMFG THIS IS SO CUTE!!!! XD wahhh i never read deathnote.. i dunno if i want to or not XD its not really my kind of manga.. but who knows ^^;;;
AWWW OF COURSE I DONT' MIND thers tons of styles like that in this world!! XD and i'm trying out different styles too! haha XD its good to try different things to see what ur most comfortable with! ^__^!
whitebunny1063 (Jul 12, 2006)
I never read this book,but the artwork is pretty.
TaCO (Jul 14, 2006)
Death Note rules!!!!!!
I read up to vol 6!!!!!!!

I don't know who Near is, but he looks cool!!!!!
broken-lock14 (Jul 14, 2006)
Ah~~~ Nia~<3333 He's like......albino. And that's rad. :0 I love the colors you squished in, they give it depth. Or. Something along those lines.
I did him, like, twice when my friends and I were playing otaku charades. XD;; And L, of course. [My seme did Mero. <333 8D ] When I did Miyavi, all I had to do was be hyper and run around the room. =^.__.^=
drawn in 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
xiau (Jul 11, 2006)
The ears, that is.

She's really a psycho-path serial killer, incase you were wondering.

EDIT: AHAH wtf D: I remember I thought this was remotely good.
19 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jul 13, 2006)
Zeal (Jul 13, 2006)
Lovely coloring X3
The eye is a little off,But other than that it is awesome...
You've gotten so good X_X
pancakes_rock (Jul 14, 2006)
awww how cute the ears are sooo cute but fake o.O
anyway you draw anime really really really good i saw all of your drawings
and day rock!!!!!
Fairy_uni (Jul 14, 2006)
nice pic
drawn in 2 hours 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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