Location: in a chair, in front of my computer (Duh.)
Date of Birth: n/a
Gender: Female
Registered: Apr 29, 2005
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Random Profile Comment
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.

Suring you could be drawing a stupid axe freezing an elite spider metephorically, right now?
Or a short car diving around a funky shoe with a knife?
Or a spirally cheeseball skipping with a sharp cheeseball?
Or a dreaming soccerball exiting, against all that is wrong in the world?
Or an incredibly unfunny boat galloping under a frog armed with a bowling ball?
Or a jerk tickling a warm trampoline while drawing?
1 Submission
thumbnail yeah i know its Sarrasri, i didn't type it in...and i didn't realise it wa wrong till just now....
Apr 30, 2005
thumbnail its sooo pretty but thats sooo sad about the crows!!!!!!!!!! I will save the crows!!!!!!!!!!! save c...
Apr 29, 2005
thumbnail its pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 29, 2005
thumbnail that is sooo awsome!!!!! reminds me of what i want to do to my brothers everyday....
Apr 29, 2005
thumbnail its pretty!!!! (kura says so to!!!)^^
Apr 29, 2005
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