return of the idea box
Welcome back to the idea box! There are a whole new slew of words in this version, and more to come the future. To see new random sentences, press reload.
Statistics: 420 dictionary entries, making a total of 4,177,338,193,224 different combinations.

Imagine drawing...
... a silver tub walking under a stream under water.
... a squash dicing an unbelievable jerk in a trance.
... an honest hamster exploding.
... an elite frog exiting, with a temper.
... a terrific pyromaniac diving with a beautiful mouse.
... a computer crushing some beautiful water solemnly.
... an unclad ping-pong ball sleeping, metephorically.
... the scary pope tickling a bronze boat.
... a repulsive gamer.
... a genius dictionary saying, "eat fish!".
... a bronze human crying.
... some empty green chile pulling a radioactive billiard ball wielding a rolling pin.
... a communist smashing a famous girl.
... a tooth crashing through a clown fish.
... an axe blundering on a drunk frog against all that is wrong in the world.
... an Italian ping-pong table freezing.
... a cheesy mexican swimming without a white fire.
... some monumental green chile exploding.
... a wall dreaming, wielding a sword.
... an evil hamster exiting, wielding a hairbrush.
... a drunken billiard ball diving around a person while sleepwalking.
... a tin can saying, "would you like fries with that?", au naturel.
... some miniscule beer walking into an incredibly unfunny republican.
... a tired tub matching a dinosaur.
... a snazzy cat.
... some monumental water saying, "eat fish!".
... an American flower addressing an armed serial killer under water.
... a headless ping-pong ball traveling under a fruitless eagle armed with a bowling ball.
... a musical instrument saying, "would you like fries with that?".
... a freaky ant burning an exciting car.
... the pope traveling over a flower happily.
... a hamster taking off a leader.
... a cheesy bear kissing a terrific flower.
... a bronze train jumping on a slide against all that is wrong in the world.
... a flower socking a yellow football.
... some grinning armor skimming under a short stout ping-pong table in the name of all things good.
... a terrorist galloping into a terrific celebrity.
... a mouth-watering fireman squirting a Mexican ant.
... a German president electrifying a thin slide like crazy.
... a rogue stud.
... an unclad can traveling over an idiot in the name of cheese.
... a horseman exploding, with a steam roller.
... a Spanish football.
... a weak fire diving without a singer solemnly.
... an unfortunate dictionary saying, "to be or not to be", with dignity.
... a chimp crushing an elite river with a steam roller.
... a farting maniac.
... a cheesy stud squirting a terrorist.
... a horse tracking a small cheeseball.
... a scary plant squashing an eagle on something.