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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zappo (Aug 20, 2003)
And we know that our hearts are just made out of strings, To be pulled
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (edited Aug 21, 2003)
the janitors of the heart? gawd, zappo, it's so pretty.
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
"...strings, to be pulled"? if you say so.
great piece, but you nearly ruined it with that piece psuedo 'complex' teenager in chrisis crap.
I, obviously, don't have a heart. :D
EDITL thank god, zappo. my tired brain wouldn't have been able to handle it if you became on of those "i'm always down and out because my boyfriend/girlfriend left me and my friends are jerks" personalities. so zappo, what CD was this on? (if it was celine dion, maybe you should keep it to yourself)
Zappo (edited Aug 24, 2003)
piece psuedo 'complex' teenager in chrisis crap?,,, Maybe i should explain something...most of the time when i say something thats a complete sentance and without typos its not myown....I just found a CD today that I hadent Heard in about a year and that was one lyric...So out of a whim I put it there......
Edit: LMFAO oh man thats good stuff lol Its called the Moon and Antartica by Modest Mouse
drawn in 27 min with OekakiBBS
Ameraq (Aug 20, 2003)
hmmm, and the first time i tried this it took a lot longer...but then my computer died and i had to do it over.. *growls* hopefully it turned out alright....
3 comments – latest 3:
Aunvi (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Awesome! But the legs look kind of skinny
Ameraq (edited Aug 21, 2003)
aa, arabians have some thin legs...
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
the legs aren't too skinny, although the right leg is bent just a little bit unusually. The problem I would be more concerned about is his jawline and back. His jaw should be a little more convex ttowards the back, where it folds into the neck. The back 2/3 of the horse are angled wrong, I think. I would make it's right, back leg a little more foward and then show more of the horses rump, so the horse is coming just a little more towards the camera.
...and it is very nice. i have to start remembering to put the compliments in my original comments. :D
drawn in 38 min with PaintBBS
rydicanubis (Aug 20, 2003)
not my best work, but i hope he enjoys it...
7 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 22, 2003)
there you go. now we've all seen that zappo is nothing more than an inanimate object. :P
EDIT: unfotunately, miss Forgotten, the Zappo is a brand of it's own. it's like "Folex Botch Co.". It's very classy
Zappo (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Who snatched me?
lol a big thanks to you Rydicanbuis!
And as for me being an inadimate object....well.....well......well? I forgot what I was going to say!
kaT (edited Aug 21, 2003)
forgotten-memory (edited Aug 22, 2003)
ha ha, zap...inanimate objects don't have memories. ;>

btw...when do these Zappo Zippos come into stores near me? I want one!
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
_Neko_Sama_ (Aug 20, 2003)
[translation:I've completed my destined task of posting 12 drawings of cats in as short a timespan as possible while attempting to to be spam] Estimated time for all of the Birth-cats to be drawn: 11 hrs. 50 min.

If you were born in May, you are a russian blue, and your color is light cadet blue.

[translation: I should mention that my capslock key is stuck, and thus I would like to bug you about the problem in guise of some other reason.]
7 comments – latest 4:
Kazukie (edited Aug 21, 2003)
I always thought may was dark green.. -gets confused- I don't know what part of the comment is Marcello and which is actually the artist! ><;
marcello (edited Aug 21, 2003)
the stuff in []'s
Genkaiart37 (edited Aug 21, 2003)
oooo, my favorite yet, although i'm july
_Neko_Sama_ (edited Aug 21, 2003)
I never ever ever said anything in the []s............ Jeez, at least I'm done now, okay?
drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
_Neko_Sama_ (Aug 20, 2003)
I took a break from Birth-Cats but thank goodness there are only two more left. If you were born in November, you are sea green (or green aqua-marine, maybe they're the same.)
The last one is going to be December 'cuz I was born in that month. Anyway I'll finish up May and then the last one is gonna be coming.

(HINT: I'm doing this for my school, and everyone wants one, so, whatever.)
3 comments – latest 3:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 20, 2003)
if you're doing them for school, you don't have to submit them. save them without cluttering the boards with redundant pictures by pressing PRINT SCREEN after you'd normally be ready to submit the picture, then open MS paint, go to edit > copy, and then save the picture as a png or even bmp. don't worry about disappointing people here who want one of these -- what do you honestly think anyone would do with it? save is as wallpaper?
Esadora_Kat (edited Aug 20, 2003)
this is horrible! and ALYSSA! (_neko_sama_) ur not my friend anymore!
Ameraq (edited Aug 20, 2003)*small voice* i think it looks good...
you draw cats quite well...they're hard to draw too. heheh.
so very Kawaii!
drawn in 48 min with OekakiBBS
waters (Aug 19, 2003)
this is a scene from one of my favoreit books " divine comedy"
where dante ask virgil " hey how'd your head get so big"
and virgil says "quiet you"
2 comments – latest 2:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 19, 2003)
do you mean "quiet you"?
I've never read it, but i probably should.
Sixelab (Sep 14, 2003)
its one of those books you really want to have read but never actually want to read.
It's very worth it though. I'm thinking dante was insane, or very very tormented.
really original style, i like the little dot colouring. My favourite part is the leaf head band thingie.
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with OekakiBBS
AnimalRights (Aug 19, 2003)
The undead demon zombie ghost pirate with muttonchops from hell!

p.s. Remember folks, Sept. 19 is national talk like a pirate day!
5 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 21, 2003)
arr, avast, me scurvy seadogs!! tis a dandy aboard yon runnner!

Ok, so i'm a day late for National Talk Like a Pirate day, but it's such a great picture i couldn't resist.
EDIT: well... i am from the future... and the future is past Sept. 19, so there.
Ari (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Sept. 19 is also my birthday! Freeeaky...
Cool picture! Rather creepy, but cool!
Yup, Jack Sparrow kicks ass!!! :P I love that movie.
AnimalRights (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Turtlebuster: You're not a day late. Seeing as it's August right now...

What's all of this Pirates of The Caribbean talk? This man is in the employ of The Undead Demon Ghost Pirate LeChuck, From the Monkey Island series :)
marcello (Aug 26, 2003)
we're a pack of scurvey seadogs,
we can sing in any cleff,
we can even hit the high notes,
just too bad we're tone deaf

(sorry, from memory)
drawn in 39 min with OekakiBBS
crazygirl (Aug 19, 2003)
what do you think?
5 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 19, 2003)
that coin bird thing was totally not funny... it must be an inside joke.
so anyway, he has a very unusual shadow
marcello (edited Aug 20, 2003)
it's not an inside joke, it's someone's lame attempt to start a trend.
Kazukie (edited Aug 20, 2003)
This picture confuses me...
chocochiko (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Acutally, there is a whole line of coin bird stuff... it is an inside joike. :( I just wish I knew what it were...
drawn in 45 min with PaintBBS
Genkaiart37 (Aug 19, 2003)
this is one of logos ive designed for my friends' band, "random catastrophy".
2 comments – latest 2:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 19, 2003)
how about "uncalculated calamity", or "Variably Fluxuating Fiasco"?
Ari (edited Aug 20, 2003)
Heh... funny...
Creepy picture... *whimper*
drawn in 18 min with PaintBBS
Ink (Aug 19, 2003)
Okay, so I can't draw toes.. so sue me. Practice makes perfect, though, ne?
4 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 19, 2003)
toe rings are sexy. i have no idea why i feel that way. cheers!
concannon (edited Aug 19, 2003)
Ooh, yes. I love the nail polish, myself. And pants. And background. ^^;; Great job.
strangeoid (edited Aug 19, 2003)
Cool. Very much so, even. I like feet. I always have (don't look at me like I'm that guy from Mr. Deeds, ok? I'm not that bad... they're just pretty...)
Sixelab (Sep 14, 2003)
ehe cute, i can practically see them wiggling.
drawn in 57 min with OekakiBBS
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