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Public Boards/Beginner 
Ryuusei (Jun 2, 2004)
i hate those days when you have to get up for school early.

now, i don't have to! weee!!

just a sketch :3
1 comment – latest 1:
Thear (Jun 2, 2004)
wehee!! ^^ great looking draw!! ^^ keep up the good work!
drawn in 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Jun 2, 2004)
funny show:)
8 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Jun 2, 2004)
lol, DMV. I love your drawings.... cute :)
gloworm043 (Jun 2, 2004)
Oh..I think it looks like 'Chunky'...did I guess right? huh? Neat pic DMV...I like it!!! :)
davincipoppalag (Jun 2, 2004)
I don't know the show..and this one's almost too dark for me to see...'s your usual Unusual pic! (See..ANNA likes your stuff too!)
DMV (Jun 2, 2004)
Thanks guys... If you already don't know this was" The Banana splits" as thug had said.
they first aired in 1968 I think?
drawn in 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Deformed (May 18, 2004)
a cover to my new comic book series.
3 comments – latest 3:
sal (May 31, 2004)
looks pretty good... i think u could of done a bit more to it tho... has potential...
Knockoff (May 31, 2004)
You finally drew something.
I posted something at devArt too.... o_o.
Thear (Jun 2, 2004)
looks great! =P i wanna read that comic book! ^^
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
emmamommalag (May 31, 2004)
self explanatory
7 comments – latest 4:
DMV (May 31, 2004)
This is funny lol! good job emma:)
Thear (Jun 1, 2004)
hehhee ^^ i like it! nice one Emma! =)
15grifficorntears (Jul 10, 2004)
nothing is more beutiful.
JackSprat (Jul 26, 2004)
Ahahahahhahahah! Too funny, great pun!
drawn in 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
EverDream (Jun 1, 2004)
I think the title pretty much explains it self...don't ask why I drew as a challenge for me..:P
16 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Jun 9, 2004)
Emma's right...especially when you miss a day or two coming up here...the pictures seem to get lost in the shuffle. The best thing to do, I guess, would be to LOOK IN A PERSON'S GALLERY for anything you might have missed(which I, at times, am remiss in doing too).
Awesome face on this one, ED... but I also enjoyed the was wonderful to watch!
cheetos (Jul 16, 2004)
this is......this is......this is awsomly-creepy(good)
blaq_nailpolish (Aug 8, 2004)*jaw drops*
Harmanye (Aug 8, 2004)
Gah... what, what? Is it everyone's intention here to A) Scare me out of my wits or B) Give me a heart attack?
I littlerally jumped when I saw this, plain freaky.

Gorgeous job, as always.
drawn in 2 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
DMV (Jun 1, 2004)
Chinese symbol I hope lol!
5 comments – latest 4:
dixielandcutie (Jun 1, 2004)
ooo, thats kinda a new lookfor you...i like it! noce work!
two-na (Jun 1, 2004)
iiiiiiiiiiiii like it! it has depth and is sexy
see ya partner
davincipoppalag (Jun 2, 2004)
The hand is a bit fat looking, but I like the textures and colors.
DMV (Jun 2, 2004)
Thanks everyone:)
Davinci i think the thumb is too fat.
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
firefly-wp (May 28, 2004)
Chocobo: Did I hear you right? A race?
Tonberry: uhhuh
Chocobo: Well, if you are sure.
Tonberry: . . . one step forward . . .
Chocobo: last chance to back out and save your reputation
Tonberry: . . . one step forward . . .
Chocobo: All right, you're on.
Tonberry: uhhuh.
Chef Knife: click-clack
Chocobo: (muttering) I'm gonna make him suffer.
Tonberry: (muttering) Chicky will never know what hit him.
8 comments – latest 4:
firefly-wp (Jun 1, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 18 min
Added a moogle . . . cause every FF art needs a moogle :D
Knockoff (Jun 1, 2004)
This is very nice. I like the colors you use! This would be great art for the game... heh.
I wonder who will win,....... haha,
Thear (Jun 1, 2004)
lol! This is great! this is so great!! Like those colors u use alot! ^^ hmm...i dunno why but i think Tomberry wins xD
staci (Jun 1, 2004)
i like the dialogue as much as the picture..its great awesome cool..yano all those nice things we say when we like something
drawn in 8 hours 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
xwindflyer (May 31, 2004)
NOT a Curlew, thats for sure.
7 comments – latest 4:
laurael (May 31, 2004)
Nice penquin...must have wandered off from dba's group...bad penquin, bad...
Kenshin (May 31, 2004)
That is pretty realistic looking.. It shouldn't be in the beginner room, that's for sure!

Minitsaru (May 31, 2004)
Woot! Penguins kick ass and this is a kickass drawing!
Thear (Jun 1, 2004)
O YEAH!!! Penguins Rock!! ^^ we need more Penguins! x)
drawn in 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DMV (Jun 1, 2004)
Eye for an Eye...
13 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Jun 2, 2004)

DMV (Jun 2, 2004)
About the shiney thing Anna ,you have to adjust the opacity and as far as the 3D look's all about shading:)
Thanks all.
Anna (Jun 2, 2004)
Okey dokey... I guess I didn't have it low enough :) Thanks for the tip
LEELEE (Sep 1, 2004)
now thats my kinda clown...send him over!! PLEASE!!! lol great work
drawn in 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Minitsaru (May 30, 2004)
Look, even he doesn't know!
4 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (edited May 30, 2004)
Very good picture.. but for some reason, the face expression and the position he's in, really annoys me.. e.e But, it still it good. o.o


Knockoff (May 31, 2004)
Hah, thats cool.
The pose is sweet.
Something different from you!
I like it. :) Nice smooth shading.
Nini (May 31, 2004)
He reminds me of Mickey Mouse...I don't know why but he does! ^-^ *wishes she could draw people*
Thear (Jun 1, 2004)
Nini, i wish i coud draw peoples too =/...this is very nice! and funny looking bg! ^^
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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