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Public Boards/Beginner 
hieikurama (Jul 17, 2003)
Rin kitty..... Not done. It's raining, so I WILL be back!!!!
2 comments – latest 2:
Kisa (edited Jul 18, 2003)
Kisa like Kisa like alot. Hi hieikurama!!!!!!!
Tesia-chan (edited Jul 19, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 20 min with OekakiBBS
forgotten-memory (Jul 15, 2003)
I'm just full of span today. I promise I wont post anymore pictures today....but all this christmas music has gotten me into a drawing frenzy...
6 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited Jul 15, 2003)
Christmas music? It's frickin' July!
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jul 15, 2003)
Cute eyelashes.
darkk_angel (edited Jul 16, 2003)
very interesting effects here... hahahah... nice work!
Tesia-chan (edited Jul 17, 2003)
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
Equus (Apr 15, 2003)
This is an currently incomplete picture of a palomino pony I know by the name of Butterscotch. I love her to death. She is so cute. Also, this is my first Oekaki picture, so it kind of bad, becasue I'm trying to figure out how it works...
10 comments – latest 4:
Tesia-chan (edited Apr 16, 2003)
-crosses arms-. Hpmph. Fine, then. I'll just go... uh.... do something.. instead.
raenboe (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Reminds me of a style one of my friends in Girl Scouts has. Very cute, and nice line art!
Equus (edited Apr 19, 2003)
Line art... Um... Thanks... I think...
Tesia-chan (edited Jul 16, 2003)
drawn in 31 min with OekakiBBS
cherikit-chan (Jun 1, 2003)
I haven't been having a good drawing streak of late and just a couple of days I had a fever of 1o4.3 degrees... I nearly went into a coma... plus I just found out I had pnemonia... but I'm on medication feeling better than ever and for the first time in probably a long time I feel good about one of my pics... so I guess everything's turning out alright... just a word of thanks to all the members out there who helped make me feel at home here... thanks...
5 comments – latest 4:
cherikit-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
thanks a lot Marcello, I really appreciate that...
Tesia-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Aw, cute. nice picture,and I hope you get all better-ified soon!
furyofroy (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Wow...coma?? jeez...Hope you get better. And nice pic!
cherikit-chan (edited Jun 2, 2003)
thank-you all... it's nice to know people out there still care...
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with OekakiBBS
Kurumi (Jun 1, 2003)
4 comments – latest 4:
cherikit-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Hey! this I like! Her expression is one I like to wear a lot, excellent picture Kurumi!
Kurumi (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Thanks, You may call me by the name on the computer of by my real name if you like.
-Missy ::AkA :: Kurumi
Turtlebuster (edited Jun 1, 2003)
will do, Missy! good hands :)
Tesia-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
Uber-cute. love it.
drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
Kurumi (Jun 1, 2003)
She's So Cute. ^_^ I draw to fast.

-Missy ::AkA :: Kurumi
1 comment – latest 1:
Tesia-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
YAAAAAAAAY! Love it love it love it! Mwee! ^-^
drawn in 7 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pyrobarbie (May 28, 2003)
i will finish this computer's being really horrible

edit:...some color..i still hav to do a bg i have no clue what to put
edit 2: ok i'm done with this fer now
7 comments – latest 4:
Eliafin (edited May 29, 2003)
OOooo, I like! >:) I love playing with fire, never done anything really dangerous tho. 0:)
Ari (edited May 30, 2003)
MUAHAHAHA! Fire!!! Burn, baby, burn!!! XP
*evil grin* Love it, disturbing or violent subject matter is always my favourite...
Tesia-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
I like fire. -sizzle-
pyrobarbie (edited Jun 1, 2003)
i luv fire...its so pretty ful...
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Einz (Jun 1, 2003)
i reloaded to draw >:]
I noticed i actually have matrix fonts on my pc
nevermind the time i took a shower & walked the D .O double G

the agent is still to blurry
i should have used a smaller font voor the matrix symbols
so the head would stand out beter or some thing like that
ah wel
i lagged and goofed a bit, not yet what i have in mind
maybe its an agent maybe one of them twins in them slick suits
it stil needs more

12 comments – latest 4:
Einz (edited Jun 1, 2003)
\ ? /
| |

i dont use real letters
i just scribble radom stuff
Minitsaru (edited Jun 2, 2003)
ya ur scribble makes sense <.<; -.-; hehe thats funny! i find it very hard to write jap and i speak it VERY roughly. but when someone doesn't kno what they are doing and scribbles in a dirty word!!! thats just funny =P
Einz (edited Jun 2, 2003)
sorry i didnt mean too
i really dony know any japanese
maybe in a past life i was japanese


marcello (edited Jun 2, 2003)
I haven't a clue what minitsaru is talking about, I don't see any recognizable words at all... hell the only characters that are recognizably in a sequence are in the bottom left, and only a couple of them.
drawn in 5 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Maiko (May 28, 2003)
yesh i know it's's really not my fault... -___-;;; i was busy im ing someone....sho yah...
4 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (edited May 28, 2003)
Bakasaru! Lol. So cute... Might wanna shade and shine the hair for more of an effect. n_n;
Xodiak (edited May 30, 2003)
haha he has kitty eyes! >:D
Tesia-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
rosalyn (edited Jun 17, 2003)
He Cute! *remembers who'd boy lookies like* melts* hehehe...:}
drawn in 21 min with OekakiBBS
rosalyn (May 31, 2003)
Hahaha!!! I got to talk with Minitsaru on the phone today!!!! Hehehe...... It was fun!!!!! Sponge bob Rocks!!!
6 comments – latest 4:
Tesia-chan (edited Jun 1, 2003)
-DESPISES Sponge Bob-
Xodiak (edited Jun 1, 2003)
your drawing is very great and you draw the men so handsome! I like how you drew the pose of yourself! and a hands free mobile phone so you will protect yourself from cancer! >:D
darkk_angel (edited Jun 6, 2003)
very good... lve the hair!!!!!!! hehehhehehe.... phone conversations... i really dont have anyone to phone, so i dont have that situation.....
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
no phone???
drawn in 4 hours 23 min with OekakiBBS
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