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Public Boards/Intermediate 
ChalkDust (Dec 29, 2008)
And recycled souls...
16 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 3, 2009)
I like the rams horn the best! great style you have,something different to look at.
Aakyra (Jan 4, 2009)
Amazing work! I love the brilliant colors, the symbols and the fantasy implied in this.
teodorika (Feb 5, 2009)
i really like the colours in this one.. :P
KuteDymples (May 3, 2009)
Really beautiful, now I see what you mean by unfinished with your latest one. I would have originally thought it was finished. This is so incredible!
drawn in 14 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (May 3, 2009)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 3, 2009)
It's an angry pigdemon, He's pissed about all the defamation from the flu thing.
QTgillie (edited May 3, 2009)
I like this one a lot. The definitions and depth of the forms are well executed. I am drawn to it's left eye reflection. The yellows and the blacks are more powerful than in your other drawings. And, no splattering tissue substance happening, a little easier on my psyche....LOL. This is great!
Suntan (May 3, 2009)
I really like this brush you use, you get so much from it...we get so much from it. Great job, Clox.
bette_davis_eyes (May 3, 2009)
love your style clox.. this is awesome!
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
7 comments – latest 4:
gloworm043 (May 3, 2009)
Cute, cute, cute....:)
Suntan (May 3, 2009)
haha, cute one. :D
backmagicwoman (May 3, 2009)
Yep..really cute..."give us a kiss lovely"...
DMV (May 3, 2009)
I drew the exact same BG as the looney tunes ones
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Flubbles (Apr 22, 2009)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 24, 2009)
he's holding his pee nuts
Suntan (edited May 2, 2009)
HAHAHa^^...what's up, why are you so quiet?
Flubbles (May 2, 2009)
I've been busy, and i've not had much time to draw.I have period's where i cant really be bothered, ive just been coming here to look at the new draws and to read firecracker's stories.
Suntan (May 3, 2009)
I know, that's what I was thinking...and remembering, and you know how long your dry spells can be. :(
*firecracker tell more stories!*
drawn in 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Suntan (Apr 30, 2009)
16 comments – latest 4:
GreyGhost (May 1, 2009)
She is a flexible and fun-lovin' gal :) Love the rainbow panties!
bette_davis_eyes (May 2, 2009)
you guys are all so funny! lol it's such a cute draw suntan :)
riccir (May 3, 2009)
very powerful drawing..and the use of emotions makes this an incredible piece
Suntan (edited May 3, 2009)
Hmmm, interesting response, riccir, the title says something about that, thank you, ... ANDD...thank you all for your comments, too! XD
drawn in 33 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Miss_DJ (Apr 27, 2009)

The wind on the water,
it can't go far....
just round this world....forever.....

And the way that I love you,
it can't last long....
just till this life, this crazy life
is over........

I see myself in different ways today
I'm on the outside and I'm looking in...
and I find myself wanting nothing
but to be with you again.

And rainbows come,
from tears of the sun
green and gold glide by
and rainbows chase the rain.

The wind on the water
it lets your mind wander
pictures in the sky
come and take your mind away....

I see myself in different ways today
I'm on the outside and I'm looking in...
and I find myself wanting nothing
but to be with you again.

And this is
just a short song to say...
I hope to see you home again..
to stay,
yes, I hope to see you home again...
to stay
11 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (May 2, 2009)
Very nice "pic"......I agree with "DaVinci".......the sea looks pretty rough for such a small boat.....I hope they will make it back to shore in "one piece"!! It reminds me of when we lived in Lake Erie....we had a small boat.....and we would go out on the water when there were "small craft warnings" posted. Our little boat would be "bobbing" up and down while the water was so rough and the waves were pretty big.....we didn't care though......we just loved being out on the water. My daughter was little then.....and none of us ever wore "life jackets", and none of us were experienced swimmers.....we just never thought of danger.....we were having too much fun. Anyways......this "pic" brought back a nice memory for me..."Thanks"!! Great "pic"!! :)
Miss_DJ (May 2, 2009)
In their lives they know Who is in control of the wind and the waves, they're faith is not shaken by the outward gales or storms that they may face. Their hope is in the One who can say, "Peace! Be still!" to any force/situation that they find themselves experiencing, and suddenly they sense a great calm. It is then easy to row their boat to shore, no matter the size of the vessel.

That's what this lil drawing depicts. 'They' are my son and myself.
bette_davis_eyes (May 2, 2009)
this is wonderful donna! and wow chibi water looks awesome :O
riccir (May 3, 2009)
wow..i cant wait to see the finishing touches..this is superb!
drawn in 3 hours 17 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
enjoydotcom (Feb 7, 2009)
12 comments – latest 4:
bette_davis_eyes (Feb 7, 2009)
so adorable joyce! love the hands on hips look :P
enjoydotcom (Feb 10, 2009)
Thanks everybody. I wanted it to be even more surreal, but I couldn't pull it off.
QTgillie (Feb 15, 2009)
This was a close second to my favorite one! It is sooooo cute.
riccir (May 3, 2009)
excellent job! this is so interesting to the eye..i love it
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
QTgillie (Apr 1, 2009)
Anyone ever had some of these and did not notice the little black ones until after you had a couple of bites? ewwwww.....I did once when I was little.
18 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Apr 2, 2009)
too bad the ants left, surprising, I would have thought they would have devoured these. Oh well, such is life....I drew them just for the ants.
Suntan (edited Apr 2, 2009)
Spring has officially arrived! A delicious painting, nice job on the bg, too. :p
GreyGhost (Apr 3, 2009)
Gained five pounds just looking at this ... thanks a bunch ;)
teodorika (May 2, 2009)
oh my... i wanna have a bite! :D
drawn in 2 hours 52 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
backmagicwoman (Mar 25, 2009)
28 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Apr 29, 2009)
Turned out great.
backmagicwoman (Apr 29, 2009)
Aww shucks...thanks everyone....:)
teodorika (May 1, 2009)
i love the colours you have used! :D great body, as well!
backmagicwoman (May 1, 2009)
drawn in 10 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PS (Mar 22, 2009)
5 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Mar 23, 2009)
Yes, I like it, too.
enjoydotcom (May 1, 2009)
Delicious, luscious field.
Suntan (May 1, 2009)
Yes, it is. I love your style. Quite possibly, Tuscany?
firecracker (May 1, 2009)
Very pretty....I like it. :)
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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