userssanzogirl's profileSanzoGirl's comment board
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Public Boards/Intermediate 
seaanemone (Dec 9, 2004)
it's the girls' day off! :D
18 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (Dec 11, 2004)
To XOD- Thats Starfire.
MidnightRaven99 (Dec 22, 2004)
Star and Raven!!!!!!! I love it! Please draw more!!!! Ps: Raven kicks butt!
Deformed (Dec 22, 2004)
I like it, but do you realy think Raven would have an expression like that??
Cacau (Dec 25, 2004)
RAVEN!!! I love her! Great pic!
drawn in 2 hours 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
xxtaliexx, sephiroth54321, and niBra (Aug 29, 2004)
for anyone who wants to add a character, post :P
19 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Sep 14, 2004)
proby cuz talie 4got 2 unlok it. guess well hafta wait
SanzoGirl (Oct 1, 2004)
o ;___;
mazi (Dec 23, 2004)
id like to remind you guys of the news post that was just posted. "4got" "2" "unlok" "o" etc arent real words.

and stewie could use some work on the lines. this is an intermediate board. if youre not finished, why is it set to finished?
inatyrb (Dec 23, 2004)
oh goody! Can you add me? I have drawn these characters before. Mostly Stewie, But i wanna draw the dog. Can't think of names right now. PLEASE???
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hakkai (Nov 27, 2004)
Wasil has bigger bo0behs than I do. HAHAHAHA. >:]
11 comments – latest 4:
MORNiNGSTARx3 (Nov 28, 2004)
^^ lol dats funny, nice picturee
Maiko (Nov 28, 2004)
LIES LIES OMG now ijust HAVE to draw a picture of you!!! >_< *rahhr*
SanzoGirl (Nov 29, 2004)
foxes are sexier then rabbits XD
squee (Dec 23, 2004)
What is up with you two and the Boob thing? O__o
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Kenshin, Maiko, Kilala, seaanemone, Toonah, and more... (Dec 8, 2004)
I've seen this collab before, and thought I'd make one. If you want to join, just post saying you want to.
38 comments – latest 4:
squee (Dec 19, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
haha! Me as a vonnish, except the vonnish females have purple eyes and the male red. Oh well.
Chaosz (edited Dec 19, 2004)
"Can I join?"
Kenshin (Dec 19, 2004)
You are added. XD Yay, Marcello edited it XD
Chaosz (edited Dec 19, 2004)
lol sorry then...Yay I get to jion! :D XD XP
drawn in 5 hours 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
bakuraiscool (Dec 18, 2004)
I've been drawing this charcter since 3rd grade...
7 comments – latest 4:
yuohoo (Dec 18, 2004)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... so cute! looks like you! bakuraiscool! when i hug you that does look like you when you don't want me to hug you!
bakuraiscool (Dec 18, 2004)
...Good point...
Xodiak (Dec 18, 2004)
Haha! Xod likes! Is it a pokemon with a human kiddy mask? Or a kiddy with a pokemon suit? Or maybe some kind of a half man half pokemon? Either way, I love it! >:D
bakuraiscool (Dec 19, 2004)
It's a kid in a Pokemon suit.
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rakura and vamp (Dec 10, 2004)
my first collab I going to do on this site. oh this is Deon, nothing much to him ecept he lost his parents when his house burned down. only thing he died with them and is now sent back to this realm fo protect children, from abusive mothers.
7 comments – latest 4:
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 18, 2004)
yo this is awesome! but the eye is all black o_o
Rakura (Dec 18, 2004)
drawn in 10 min
ok that gave me sorta of a cold feeling.
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 18, 2004)
this is like the awesomest thing i've ever seen ^.^ and this is my 3rd time posting a comment on this XD
Rakura (Dec 18, 2004)
Thank you for your continued comments
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
bakuraiscool (Dec 15, 2004)
i have made a discovery: mudkip is waayyy harder than torchic. i dont plan to draw treeco...O_O;;
4 comments – latest 4:
_Latias_Latios_ (edited Dec 15, 2004)
XD its ok just pratice, thats all i did ^^ and for doing yours by hand i give u applause XD sorry im hyper right now x.x


ps: by the way, inuyasha is a anime show on adult swim. its about a half dog demon half humen named inuyasha. a 15 year old girl nameed kagome harigashi (i hope i spelt her last name right XD) and she falls threw a well. she is a recarnation of inuyashas past love names kikyou who has sealed him to a tree for stealing the jewel shards she had promised him, but a evil half demon names naraku (must kill naraku >>) made them betray eachother and put inuyasha into a deep sleep. then 50 years later kagome comes and ends up freeing inuyasha. while doing this a bird demon snatches the shikon no tama (jewel of four soals) and kagome trys to stop it with a bow and arrow, in doing so shatters the shikon jewel into thousands of little pieces. inuyasha tried to killed kagome at first but when kaede, a prestess and kikyous sister, gives kagome a necklace to put around inuyasha. when kagome gets it around inuyashas neck he trys to pull it off. with the one word 'SIT!' inuyasha clashes to the ground. once he found out that kagome can sence jewel shards (haveing one inside her) she is now teamed up with inuyasha (along with many other: shippou(the annoying fox demon), sango (demon exteminater), kilala (sangos pet) and miroku (a perv monk, yet funny XD)) who r akll out to get naraku
inuyashas reason: to gather the jewel shards he has and kill naraku for haveing kikyou and him betray eachother
sango: naraku killed her village, her brother and almost sango herself. also took kohaku (sangos brother) and controls him forcing him against the inuyasha gang
miroku: he has a curse from naraku thats given down from his parents to him, to his children etc with a wind tunnul. it may be good in battle but at one time it'll eat miroku alive.

theres lots more. but to much to say XD at least like maybe 3-4- maybe 5 seasons went by -shrugs-edit: FORGOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT! every half demon turns humen and cant fight on one sertain day. inuyasha turned humen on a new moon every month. no demon should know about it for its when he looses his claws, fangs, dog ears, and power to use tetsegia (grr i cant spell it x.x). his hair turns from silver to black, eyes from gold to brown, dog ears to humen ears, claws to finger nails, and fangs to regular teeth.
bakuraiscool (Dec 15, 2004)
oh, okay.
StrawberryYamichan (Dec 16, 2004)
omg im so jealous of you i wish i was good at pixel drawings this is absolutely awesome and adorable!
SanzoGirl (Dec 18, 2004)
Hey! Shippo is one of my favorite characters! I acully think InuYasha is really mean to Shippo. He'll hit him for no reason sometimes. I like the parts where Shippo gets revenge on InuYasha though. =D
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
squee, Priszcilla, Callypso, rosalyn, charmyc, and more... (Aug 5, 2004)
This is a collab for those who want to draw themselves as they would look like as if they were in their favorite manga or anime. Post or memo me to join
46 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Dec 17, 2004)
can you please learn how to type?
Maiko (Dec 17, 2004)
Haha cello, you're so mean XD *hypocrite*
Knockoff (Dec 17, 2004)
Correction bot. - May I join? I mean well yeah... it may look crappy if iI join, but thats becuase I use a mouse...(sadly I don't have one of those pen thingies...or a tablet..or are they the same?) Anyways please I really want to join ^^ And if I do one of my own drawings then i'll tell you what it is, and if I don't....then I guess i'll tell you any ways. Lol please tell me if I can join or not. Memo me or tell me here. Thanks! (I hope I can join :) Angel.. if you want to see my pictures, look at my profile.. and give me some ideas... i'm stuck... XD XP)
Chaosz (Dec 17, 2004)
oh sorry....well at least some people posted...XD XP....and i dont really care i was typing to fast...see now ur making me type slow...!!! >< anyways can any of u view my pic in the beginer...and asnwer my questions? and give me suggestions??? im new....
drawn in 6 hours 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Zaffie (Dec 8, 2004)
Safety save, for my zaffaras petpage, I'm re-doing it
3 comments – latest 3:
canibal_misfits (Dec 9, 2004)
this is chibi isnt it i like ur style but a little to much blurr!
SanzoGirl (Dec 10, 2004)
can i adopt the dark blue one?
Zaffie (Dec 15, 2004)
Yeah, as soon as I upload them, and finish his page ^_^
drawn in 13 min with PaintBBS
Rakura (Dec 10, 2004)
well new to the site and still not understaning what's with the settings but I think this turned out good for the first try.
7 comments – latest 4:
MD_Anonymous (Dec 10, 2004)
I agree with Xod, foxy girl party would be sweet. I like the black tipped ears Rakura!
Rakura (Dec 10, 2004)
thanks but I can draw better then this.
SanzoGirl (Dec 10, 2004)
So your gonna have a fox girl party? Does that mean people have to draw me? :l
Rakura (Dec 15, 2004)
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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