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Main Forums/ 
Help MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 18, 2003)
Puh-leez, someone help me!!!!!!!! I DON'T GET LAYERS!!!!!! SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN IT TO ME!!!!!!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
ryu (Apr 18, 2003)
rate this! its my first person!
4 comments – latest 4:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 18, 2003)'s a little...strange...but that's pretty good for your first guy!
darkk_angel (edited Apr 18, 2003)
very kawaii, but messy..... you should kleen up the person a tad bit!
Shiek (edited Apr 18, 2003)
It looks like you used the line tool a lot...
raenboe (edited Apr 19, 2003)
Agrees w/ Sheik. I think you should try experimenting with different tools b/4 you start drawing your picture. Maybe as a....what should I call it....a warmup! But it's good for a first try.
edit: and try not to have so many little white dots where the bg or whatever couldn't get. If you zoom up a lot (little button at the bottom left hand corner of tha applet that says '+') then it will be easier to use the fill button to fill in those dots. Good luck!
drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
Sabrina-Fair (Apr 18, 2003)
Kingdom of the lonely
9 comments – latest 4:
Teej (edited Apr 18, 2003)
It reminds me of The Wall. Best movie in the world.
darkk_angel (edited Apr 18, 2003)
woah. very wierd... love it!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 22, 2003)
Disturbing! Deformed! Freaky! Need I say more?
raenboe (edited Apr 23, 2003)
Kinda reminds me of a timesplitter from the gcn game Timesplitters 2. Coolio pic!
drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
furyofroy (Apr 18, 2003)
MMM....I hunger for cereal.
14 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited Apr 24, 2003)
that's hilarious!! I can't imagine that ever happening to me! Owwwww.....
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 24, 2003)
Piss n' da eye! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *is rolling on the floor with laughter* Everyone needs a piss-filled squirt gun. Just in case...
Daymeon_StormRider (Jan 24, 2004)
...Reminds me of when my brother interupts my reading lol! Priceless! If only I could get away with that...but considering he's 3 times my size (muscle of which I have none...I'm scrawny! :0) and the fact that he's a Boxer...yeahhhh...I'd have a broken arm again...
IkariIreuL (Nov 19, 2004)
Cartoon-ish things :)
drawn in 2 hours 49 min with PaintBBS
raenboe (Apr 17, 2003)
C&C appreciated
Edit:I fixed her nose and gave her some eyebrows. Now she doesn't look Chinese ne more....:( Oh well.As my BFFAE says: who wants a pessimist?
8 comments – latest 4:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 23, 2003)
She now has eyebrows, darkk_angel. Get over the eyebrow thing! Besides, it makes me mad...
raenboe (edited May 4, 2003)
Thanks, allison!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 19, 2003)
Haha...nothing to it...
raenboe (edited May 19, 2003)
drawn in 33 min with PaintBBS
raenboe (Apr 16, 2003)
This is one of my manga characters. Sandydexhamtaro will recognize her! ;) C&C Appreciated edit: she is also half robot, if you couldn't tell already!
9 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited Apr 19, 2003)
WELL EXCUSE ME 4 TRYING, DARKK_ANGEL!!!! Why do you always have to criticize people?! Why not nicely tell them and try to HELP instead?! I am not a professional, that much is true, but you don't have to go rubbing it in! This probably sounds immature, but if you don't have anything nice to say,(or helpful) then don't say anything at all!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 19, 2003)
I totally agree with raenboe. Take a chill pill darkk_angel. It's HER character. She can make it look like SHE wants.
raenboe (edited May 4, 2003)
Thanks allison! And darkk, look who's talking
bumpinthenight (Sep 6, 2004)
whatever you say kid... just look at my crap now and compare it to this....
drawn in 42 min with PaintBBS
rosalyn (Apr 15, 2003)
My stupid sister made me sick. I feel like.....* runs to the bathroom to throw up*.... I feel awfull. ~~
5 comments – latest 4:
Teej (edited Apr 16, 2003)
Oooh. Cookie.
darkk_angel (edited Apr 18, 2003)
awww! here have some pepto bismol XD
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 22, 2003)
Uh-oh! Don't give rosie a cookie! She'll get sick again! *Gives soup* There. Hope you feel better, rosalyn!=)
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
*throws up* yuck!!!
drawn in 23 min with OekakiBBS
Main Forums/ 
I'm going to the Canadian National Science fair!
darkk_angel (edited Apr 15, 2003)
Public Boards/Beginner 
Balrog (Apr 15, 2003)
yay ^_^... third Oekaki :P
11 comments – latest 4:
Belleza (edited Apr 15, 2003)
is that a poring? and does it have... an arm? 0.o sorry if it's not, just looks really similar o_O
raenboe (edited Apr 17, 2003)
OMG that thing is CUTE!
Balrog (edited Apr 18, 2003)
Poring? never knew it was a poring i just use my imagination ^^
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 23, 2003)
Blobs! How adorable. You're good at blobs. I want this one!
drawn in 41 min with OekakiBBS
Balrog (Apr 15, 2003)
2 comments – latest 2:
darkk_angel (edited Apr 15, 2003)
i need water.... and sleep.....
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 23, 2003)
Water....neeeeeeed water.......
drawn in 59 min with OekakiBBS
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