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Main Forums/ 
Wats your culture??
squee (Aug 11, 2004)
wat i mean is like, My family is from.. yadayada. Half my family is from France, (dad's side) THe other, is from Nova Scotia. (mom's side) Spill, where is your family from??
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rosalyn (Aug 11, 2004)
I need practice on more girl figures.
7 comments – latest 4:
Pence (Aug 12, 2004)
Woah. This is really good. i love the hair.
Rosemary (Aug 12, 2004)
wow great drawing..nice eyes
Xodiak (Aug 24, 2004)
She is very pretty! Awesome drawing! Very realistic! >:D
Maiko (Aug 24, 2004)
Very nice picture rosalyn ^__^
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 11, 2004)
It's my teddy! he he I hope you like it. I tried to make it exactly like him. Well, close enough I guess. ^_^
9 comments – latest 4:
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 11, 2004)
lol @ etheshi. thanx! his name? well, um, his name can be found in the animation if you check that out. lol i wrote it in quickly and then erased it so you'll have to slow down the animation for a bit and it's kinda hard to read too. lol
emmamommalag (Aug 11, 2004)
This is so cute, Christy.. I like how he appears to be a decal on a pane of glass.
Anna (Aug 12, 2004)
awww, he looks so soft. Nicely done.
davincipoppalag (Aug 12, 2004)
It looks like a very cute soft teddy traveling through a wormhole in space..
drawn in 2 hours 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rosalyn (Aug 11, 2004)
Everyone poke the ugly miki girl!
12 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Aug 11, 2004)
Dang! It's almost a photo. You are amazing, rosalyn.
15grifficorntears (Aug 12, 2004)
i don't think you're ugly, i think you are sexy, hehehe.
this is a great pic, curse you and your talent.
Xodiak (Aug 24, 2004)
Fantastic! Simply fantastic Michelle! You are very good looking! >;)
rosalyn (Aug 24, 2004)
lol tanks Xod.
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (Aug 11, 2004)
9 comments – latest 4:
Rosemary (Aug 11, 2004)
great drawing DMV :)
Aubrey (Aug 11, 2004)
Cool piccy D, looks like a nice place to be stranded lol.
fleeting_memory (Aug 11, 2004)
hey nice. Wow this looks more like a DBA picture.
DMV (Aug 11, 2004)
Tanks 4 da comments people:)
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Anna (Aug 9, 2004)
I love mascara. Decided to draw it. Photo ref
36 comments – latest 4:
beth92093 (Oct 6, 2006)
wow this is so awsum i wish i had talent like you!!!!
Roxana1890 (Jul 1, 2008) real.
marie1996 (Oct 29, 2008)
omg looks like a photo!!! frikkin awsome!!!
Suntan (Oct 14, 2009)
This is the second time I've looked at work today in the showcase, and both of them were yours! :) Very realistic.
drawn in 3 hours 58 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
davincipoppalag (Aug 7, 2004)
This one is all mine, no ref.
18 comments – latest 4:
Rosemary (Aug 11, 2004)
lovely drawing..great the dolphin lol
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 13, 2004)
wow this is great. the boat makes me think of "Pirates of the Caribbean (sp?)" lol nice waters too!!
gloworm043 (edited Aug 13, 2004)
'D'...This is beautiful..Excellent job on all of it....You do just awsome detail...and its so sharp and clear...Very nice piece..:)
vamp (Dec 10, 2004)
it's a good pic
drawn in 3 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (Aug 10, 2004)
working 10 days in a row does NOTHING for my creativity
7 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Aug 10, 2004)
I wish I had dry spells like yours.:)
Rosemary (edited Aug 11, 2004)
aww cute, lovely drawing :) love the way you've drawn this..looks painted..
Anna (Aug 11, 2004)
:O I missed this somehow. The painted style on this is great! I love how you can put out a beautiful drawing in less than 40 minutes. You are my hero, Staci. lol
Aubrey (Aug 11, 2004)
Very neat picture. Bears are so cute and it's so sad that it'd tear me apart if it ever got the chance :'( *sniffles*
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
charmyc (Aug 4, 2004)
Oh my I did this pic XD I will go watch some anime now so I will finish it later and i will redo the belly cause she seem like she don't have one XD well this is it for now
22 comments – latest 4:
charmyc (Apr 19, 2005)
oh well i wish i could revise it a bit but i have used too much space already =_= oh well sorry everyone
Salahare (Aug 29, 2005)
I like the truly mystical feel about it... or is it mysterious? Tell the truth, it reminds me of a book I read at one time and can't quite remember... but I still love it!
JK-Arts (Jan 15, 2006)
pandabearycool (Mar 23, 2009)
Wow that is really good!!!
drawn in 15 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Anna (Aug 5, 2004)
I had artist's block. Couldn't think of nothin' to draw. So one day I asked someone to name a random object. He said candle. So this is what I drew. While looking for ref. pics... I came across this one. The smoke intrigued me. So there it is.
52 comments – latest 4:
foxman8245 (Dec 18, 2007)
wow... the smoke looks so real! very nice :)
Suntan (Apr 17, 2009)
Yea, that smoke is awesome. I also like the char on the wick. :)
davincipoppalag (Mar 2, 2019)
and its in the forefront again
Lily-Rose (Mar 16, 2019)
very nice :)
drawn in 4 hours 48 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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