userspurplellamasrcoming's profilePurpleLlamasRcoming's comment board
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Public Boards/Beginner 
Linwe_lover_1990 (Aug 25, 2004)
A paintbrush dipped in Blue paint. I hope there is no one out there that thinks they can use a paintbrush on 2draw.....
1 comment – latest 2:
Linwe_lover_1990 (Aug 25, 2004)
drawn in 1 min
I fixed the bottom of the brush head
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Sep 11, 2004)
yea cuz other wise it'd become clear that painting on the screen will not get you anywhere in life. or at 2draw. but nice piccy tho! :D
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Gigandas (Jun 25, 2004)
An innocent cat...

-Yeah, forgot to mention it, but this one's for FM.... :)
171 comments – latest 4:
Zappo (Sep 29, 2019)
Hey, a familiar face! IM BACK
davincipoppalag (Oct 20, 2019)
Hey!! Glad to hear it
WolverineAlpha (May 3, 2021)
That I didn't do it face.
Trans_potato_Shrek_Anime (May 3, 2021)
I love this so much!!!! <<<<<33333333
drawn in 19 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
bethica2001 (Jul 3, 2004)
This is a fluffy pink bunnie of DOOM!
5 comments – latest 4:
bethica2001 (Jul 3, 2004)
Oh its an inside joke with my friend
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Jul 3, 2004)
aww...its sooo cute...yet destructive. i luv things that don't make sense! YAY
Typo_Maan (Jul 9, 2004)
its pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................yah and fluffy
bethica2001 (Sep 5, 2004)
your getting it!
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kejoco (Jun 22, 2004)
originally i picked the advanced board just cause i wanted the space, but i'm posting it in intermediate but i would love extra room to keep working on it
15 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jun 25, 2004)
This is excellent good work!
emmamommalag (Jun 25, 2004)
Indeed it is! Wonderful job!
Aubrey (Jun 26, 2004)
Great job on the picture Kejoco :)
LovelyLori (Jul 3, 2004)
yeeez, I hate to see what you do when you're seriously drawing.... just practice.. phhff! :)
drawn in 2 hours 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
purple_Llama (May 30, 2004)
Still playing with the new tools.
5 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (May 30, 2004)
LOL! This made me laugh. Yes, poppa has helped me a lot.. now we can both help you. :) Good to see you here. (((erinlag))) yay!
Knockoff (May 30, 2004)
Hes beautiful in his own way. Like his perfectly white teeth....
and his red skin.... and well.... not much else.... but hey.....
lol, nice mirror.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Jun 3, 2004)
u know, its really funny our user names are similar. nice piccy :D
Aubrey (Jun 29, 2004)
I missed this one and I haven't the faintest idea how. Very cute lil devil although if he was an M&M those horns would sure hurt the mouth lol.
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (May 15, 2004)
for dinoflorist...those history book artists knew what they were doing eh? : P
22 comments – latest 4:
whitebunny1063 (Nov 7, 2005)
Mr Washington is just fine.
kristine (edited Apr 14, 2006)
I like this. =p
GoldDragonfly (Feb 25, 2008)
lol i havent seen ever a sign bigger that the drawing.... but you know what? its so cool xD
Xina54 (Apr 1, 2008)
but why? - that's what I want to know . . .
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DMV (Mar 29, 2004)
making a mouse pad ... there some awsome drawings on this site that i would love to use ,but I better just use my own ideas.
3 comments – latest 3:
sal (Mar 29, 2004)
cool idea... the lightning is a nice touch in the bg...
Knockoff (Mar 29, 2004)
Thats would be pretty wicked.
Nice! Great mouse!
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Mar 29, 2004)
thats awesome, DMV.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
marcello (Oct 25, 2003)
doesn't do justice to the show, I'm afraid. reference for first kanji reference2
11 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Mar 15, 2004)
alas, it was not an original composition by any means (check reference2)
dixielandcutie (Mar 15, 2004)
alas i know, but it doesnt matter. it's nice work anyway
esaure (Mar 26, 2004)
whoo, niiice, i like the view lots, like looking through a camera ne. Really neat doodle.
hankjmatt (Apr 23, 2010)
I saw it on the main board and thought... that's way too cool for beginner's, gotta go tell that person to draw something in intermediate, but.. hmm he kinda knows his way around here.
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Mar 1, 2004)
its marik ishtar the BEST yugioh character of them all! he will conquer kaiba one day.....JUST U WAIT AND SEE!! mwahahahahaha! ok....wooo. hope you like!
5 comments – latest 4:
cursive (edited Mar 2, 2004)
thats looks good, woo marik is my hero <3
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Mar 3, 2004)
cursive, ditto! i luv u marik!
Typo_Maan (Jun 30, 2004)
marik is eevil!! why dont u unndestand that!!!
oh and i still cant draw the board is just graay and the computer says it "done" do u thinnk i could delette this account and make a neww one!!? maybe thall wor send me a memo on 2draaw NOT TO MY EMAIL!!!!!! remeber that acttually forget tthat idea i ll try and get u over sometiime and discuuss then we will
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Jul 3, 2004)
well, Typo_Maan, if u want an explanation, i shall give ya one. the fact that marik is evil is not his fault. in the anime, the first child of marik's parents was odion, but they adopted him, and in their family they guard a phaorohs tomb forever and they can't go up into the real world. so odion wanted to do it, but then they had marik. but marik didn't want to do it, and he had to. so when the did the tombkeepers initiation, an "evil" awoke in marik's subconsciousness and that evil spirit took over mariks body for a minute and banished his father to the shadow realm. he had no control over it. so then he went into the real world to search for the phaoroh for revenge, which just happens to be Yami Yugi. So thats how that got started. so u see, its not mariks fault. :D
drawn in 1 hour 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Feb 25, 2004)
its dark magician! mwahahahahaha.......... his face has a green tint because well i have no idea. enjoy! :D
5 comments – latest 4:
dixielandcutie (Feb 25, 2004)
i agree with marcello, but its a good drawing. the detail is nice, and its well done...jsut work on the coloring tools :)
davincipoppalag (Feb 26, 2004)
...I kind of like those lines.. they look like stitching...
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Feb 26, 2004)
the only reason the it looks kinda weird is that this is only my second drawing with oekaki shi painter. i didnt know any better, but thanx marcello and dixielandcutie.
Typo_Maan (Aug 1, 2004)
hi friiend! havnot seen yuo all summer..............okkay maybe nott nice piic!!
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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