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Public Boards/Beginner 
devils_advocate (Nov 14, 2004)
this is the first thing i ever draw here...
used a lot of that thing wer you draw a straight line then make it curvy...
forgot whats it called...
3 comments – latest 3:
Nightmare (Nov 14, 2004)
Welcome to 2draw. Nice first picture.
taori (Nov 14, 2004)
welcome to 2draw, hope you have fun here.

pointer time!

that curvy line thing? not your friend. you wanna go freehand all the way, unless of course you're trying to draw a perfectly straight line. otherwise, no geometric shapes. also, don't give up on your pictures! i can see you probably got frustrated and stopped halfway through on this one, but keep trying and even if you don't come up with anything you like, at least you might have learned some new techniques. oh yeah, and you might not want to use lascaux-- it's a pretty crazy applet and since (i'm assuming) this is your first time drawing online, you'll probably want to use a simpler, more reliable one like shi-painter. that's what i always use and i love it. anyway, have fun and feel free to ask me or anyone else if you need help. oh, and check out the showcase to look at stuff like lighting and lines and so on-- you can learn a lot by drooling at some of that stuff. bye now.
lilypad (Nov 25, 2004)

I agree with taori on some things, such as:
-don't use curvy line thing
-don't use straight line
-don't use geometric shapes
if you don't like something of yours, don't submit it!!
you should read marcello's rules, first, which you obviously didn't do.
also, lascaux is pretty good if you want to use it. i switch between okaki and lascaux, depends on what i feel like.

Also, taori's suggestion to drool at the pics in the showcase is a good idea. you can learn a lot about shading and stuff like that by looking at the animation and the pics themselves. also, make sure to use the hidden choice if you're not done with a pic yet. the mods don't really like it when people go and post an unfinished pic un-hidden(trust me. i know. >,<)

anywho, if you want to do a collab, memo me!!
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
cheetos (edited Nov 24, 2004)
NO ONE SAYS HI ANYMORE........makes me sad. so i decided to poast this so that we can all just say hi and share our feelings......screw that just say hi, i dont want to know about your personal lives.
Public Boards/Beginner 
inatyrb (Nov 24, 2004)
random drawing of trogdor. too tired to care that it sucks
7 comments – latest 4:
inatyrb (Nov 24, 2004)
drawn in 4 min
last time it spelt burninator wrong. i keep spelling things wrong, i find it funny! lol
Excel_Ichigo (Nov 24, 2004)
Yay! I like Trogdor.. You did a great job on it.
inatyrb (Nov 24, 2004)
thank you. i had my mom see the email thing and she liked it too. i never realized how outta porportion has was until i saw it again though. oh well! ^.^
Maiko (Nov 24, 2004)
yay Trogdor >_< he's almost as great as....TEEN GIRL SQUAD!!!!!
drawn in 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
what other hobbies do you have?
spiritdweller (Nov 5, 2004)
these are a couple of mine... hehe*bad hair day*... that's my baby behind me... we go back over 20 years... I also make jewelry, those l'il ruby earrings I'm wearing, I made... I also sculpt, write and sing :) and I'm also bored today
Main Forums/ 
What the HELL!?
rosalyn (edited Sep 27, 2004)
Yah KNow I just go to welcome someone to 2draw in the memos and they ask me if I wanna cyber!? what is this site comming too?!?! HELP!
squee (Nov 21, 2004)
I noticed something...2draw's had a Cello day and an Xod day.. So.. what about the other mods?? heh?? I think 'kai and some others need a day too... Why not start a day for one of them.. ??? Lets take a vote.. the only mod i know is Hakkai anymore, post it then we'll list them and everyone can take a vote.. They need to know we appreciate them all ^^
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kenshin (Nov 19, 2004)
I almost died.. it was a nightmare there... Everyone was screaming and cheerleaders look like robots that are mumbling stupid words. The hat? Well of course, it was hat day, and I was being weird, and wore a joker hat. o_o --Timer's off a bit.
17 comments – latest 4:
seaanemone (Nov 20, 2004)
Kilala (Nov 21, 2004)
Man.... the way you put it I'm glad I was sick.... I wish I could've seen your hat. XD
inatyrb (edited Nov 21, 2004)
haha... i rememeber pep rally, all the people running and be peppy. i was annoying the hell outta my freinds... them sitting there about to die, me acting like an ass... yes... those were fun times... laughing at the football players and cheerleaders fall... yeah... that was the highlight of my day... maybe they shouldnt be tieing each other up... hm... ill tie them up for them... that'd be fun... now i'm talking to myself... yes.. so... uh... nice drawing, i like it... reminds me of old times.... way to go!
Knockoff (Nov 23, 2004)
Ohmigah. Thats like so cool dude.
drawn in 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
concannon (Oct 17, 2004)
Read. The. Rules. I have had to delete far more pictures than I like to think about, and if new users would read the rules and take them into consideration, then the moderators would not have to patrol the boards so strictly. In addition to reading the rules, I suggest new users observe the boards before jumping in and drawing. Roam the boards for an hour or so, and get a feel for what's good, what's intermediate, what's beginner, s...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Urei-sama (Nov 9, 2004)
i dont want to finish this. ran out of space anyway. (13 for the first version)
7 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (Nov 13, 2004)
drawn in 33 min
more on the face. im having more and more fun with this ^_^
TaCO (Nov 18, 2004)
The 1st version was cooler.
Urei-sama (Nov 19, 2004)
drawn in 28 min
Koneko-sama (Nov 22, 2004)
The hair looks quite nice thus far. ^__^ Nice collarbone, too. Sad you're not gonna finish.
drawn in 1 hour 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
seaanemone (Nov 21, 2004)
guess who it is!!!:D
10 comments – latest 4:
ILoveKenshin (Nov 22, 2004)
Yay! It's Wasil. ^^ I absolutely love your style of drawing! I wish you could make me a stuffed animal of something.. I bet it'd be adorable! ^^
Xodiak (edited Nov 22, 2004)
Hehe... so adorable little Wasil girl! Xod likes! >:D
SanzoGirl (Nov 22, 2004)
arent us fox people just adorable?
Maiko (Nov 22, 2004)
awww :3 so cuuuteee
if it really is me, *glomp* so much thanks for drawing pooey me ;___; *huglove*
ahhh i really love your lineart and coloring style >3
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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