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Public Boards/Beginner 
Pandora (Apr 22, 2004)
Wish I could get rid of the water color effect but I'm not sure how. Any suggestions? Thank you
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Apr 23, 2004)
um..have her drop the towel? hee he hee nice picture
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 23, 2004)
I don't really think this one looks that much like a watercolor... parts of it do, a low opacity setting and not much blending is one of the things that causes a watercolor effect. If you want an oil painting look, use a heavier opacity, a little larger brush and let your strokes show towards the end of your drawing. (Don't blend stuff too much at the end or it will look blurry) Hope that helps... This is pretty.. I like the way you composed it where the hall leads to the window view.
LovelyLori (Apr 23, 2004)
hey! I never said you could draw me naked! geez, ya added my gray hair and all.... no fair!
hehe nice draw!
drawn in 4 hours 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 22, 2004)
Just a splash of something. The other picture I'm working on is blinding me.
35 comments – latest 4:
Trazor (Dec 19, 2007)
WOW the reflection kicks arse
populatis (May 14, 2010)
I like it very much
davincipoppalag (Aug 6, 2019)
taking forever to fill that glass
the.polaroid.demon (Aug 20, 2023)
w a t e r r r r r r r r
drawn in 6 hours 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lp_phaery (Apr 17, 2004)
ill try think of something to say about this later.......someday.......maybe.
6 comments – latest 4:
LovelyLori (Apr 22, 2004)
very cool... love the way you did the hair
concannon (Apr 23, 2004)
Very neat. I like how the body is basically just colored flat, other than the swirly highlights. ^___^ Nice job.
davincipoppalag (Apr 23, 2004)
This is the nicest one I have see you do! This is a very interesting arrangement how you integrated the figure into the swirlies.. I like it..
lp_phaery (edited Apr 23, 2004)
wow really. thanx for the comments. by the way i like the swirls too. dont really know why.....makes it look prettier i guess.
drawn in 1 hour 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
DinoFlorist (Apr 22, 2004)
I did something strange, wherein I could no longer do anything to this picture. So, I just submitted it this way.
3 comments – latest 3:
LovelyLori (Apr 22, 2004)
it's very cool, all those l'il scribbles, would love to see a bigger sketch done just like this... coolness
davincipoppalag (Apr 22, 2004)
I like it just like it is. It's like an etching on glass.
Pandora (Apr 23, 2004)
This looks like something from National Geographic . Discovery of the Cave Man. Very cool!
drawn in 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
shudson and Fin_beast (Apr 22, 2004)
Ok Fin_beast, a starry background for you to play with ;)
21 comments – latest 4:
Supergurl103 (May 9, 2004)
wow, this is a pretty picture, so many stars, nice :)
Bumble_Beez (Jul 13, 2004)
WOW! I'd never have that much patince (can't spell x_x)
koisnake (Apr 19, 2005)
Thats looks real,really beutiful
Fin_beast (Apr 19, 2005)
drawn in 14 min
Couldn't leave my edit as it was. Too embarassing. lol
Not much too look at now but... well... imo it's better than before.
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Aubrey (Apr 21, 2004)
I loved him in the X-Files.. he's just a great actor all around.
47 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Nov 29, 2008)
I'm so amazed. Wow.
dorothyblueeyes (May 9, 2011)
awww, i knew who it was; great pic; i love David and the X-Files!
Teapot (May 16, 2011)
He's such a smarmy asshole in Californication, though. His mouth must ache from smirking so much.
davincipoppalag (Oct 13, 2020)
aubrey was amazing
drawn in 11 hours 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
LovelyLori (Apr 21, 2004)
18 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Apr 22, 2004)
well first off it has to be hidden to do that. second off, it has to be advanced. =P
LovelyLori (Apr 22, 2004)
well poopers... s'ok, ya live ya learn...
thug (Apr 22, 2004)
I always keep mine hidden and twice I have started ot intermediate, run out of room, and then switched up to advanced using the edit/delete option
Aubrey (Apr 23, 2004)
Yeah this is a great picture Lori, try what Thug said!!! It'll give ya more room so you can finish. Although right now I think everyone agrees it already looks great. Reminds ya of every puppy you ever lost. Sort of like if you could see it and knowing you couldn't touch it and it was gone. Sad feeling
drawn in 1 hour 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
staci (Apr 18, 2004)
yeah so this is what happens when i just put down colors and wow a duck
4 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Apr 20, 2004)
looks like someone's been playing a bit too much duck hunter
DinoFlorist (Apr 20, 2004)
Ducks are cool. So is this drawing of a duck.
davincipoppalag (Apr 20, 2004)
Our offstage authority will not allow this to compete because it exceeded the magic 11 minute mark. However, I do like the purple duck. I never saw a purple cow, I hope to never see one. But, I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather see than be one!
LovelyLori (Apr 22, 2004)
purple cow icecream is good though! this is very cool for such short work, I love the colors..
drawn in 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
coriolis (Apr 19, 2004)
It didn't turn out as well as I wanted it to. But I'm running out of space and getting rather tired of working on it too.
10 comments – latest 4:
tappie_chan (Apr 22, 2004)
this is really beautiful. i really love the shape of the lips and the facial expression. the left eye is a bit too high, but it doesn't detract from the overall beauty.
coriolis (Apr 22, 2004)
Was kinda like that in the original photo. I probably should have found one that was easier to do ^_^ I'll try to finish this one later.
Pandora (Apr 23, 2004)
This is a great drawing to learn from does look like a oil painting. Wish I could use it for an example of using tones when I draw, just so I could understand at least that part of it.It's to bad we can't pull the drawing down at the same time. Not for copying but for understanding.Exquisite!
coriolis (May 1, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 14 min
Still not quite happy with it. But I ought to quit while I'm ahead.
drawn in 10 hours 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Doodlibop (Mar 22, 2004)
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."
Isaiah 11:6

Oh how I yearn for that day! But it will come, soon enough, soon enough.

10 comments – latest 4:
laurael (Mar 27, 2004)
Very realistic, but t e front legs look 'off' from t e top of t e wolf...nice job still...
LovelyLori (Apr 21, 2004)
when are you gonna finish this, doodli?
Doodlibop (Apr 26, 2004)
LovelyLori: hopefully soon! I haven't had the time to though lately, because this is really thought provoking work, and I'm terrible at bg's! *laughs weakly*
vamp2 (Dec 25, 2004)
This is realy sweet. I like this pic alot. =)
drawn in 2 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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