userslore_v_of_blackhat's profileLore_V_of_BlackHat's forum threads
User Information
Realname: Lore.V

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Profile comment:
Just in here doing what I love to do in my spare time........thats is to draw what ever I have in mind.......
Love to make collaborations, but hate when people don't try to finish them soon.......
Request, well I have alot of them right now sorry my friends..........
Art trade, not a fan of it but will try if you ask.........

Name: Lore.V
Age: 21
Job: What's a Pretzel?????.....
Dreams: To one day become a cartoonist
Other traits: Just a wondering guy who just loves to draw and see others people talent in here, love to have friends, and to have a good time, always quiet, but can be takable at a times, speaks two languages, loves old school cartoons, anime and games, easy going, and serious in the bussines of witch ever he is imbolved, one thing for sure don't argue with him........note: he is well known as "Win him if you can".........

Wish to talk to me just Memo me.......... Best way to respond you, and talk to you...............:]

Just to say that I have uploaded new stuft in my DA account........>:D
Every one is invited to come and check it out......:D
Thats all....

..................Logging of Lore.V..................

More space???????
2 replies
deathking (Sep 16, 2007)
I just dont pay attention to the space, cause you can always get more.
Painter related.......
4 replies
sincity (Jun 13, 2007)
I also got an intous and it came with essentials only. Strange they would give out a full version....
A thing I'm working wille not around.....
5 replies
pancakes_rock (Feb 4, 2007)
Because you ask for it.........>:*
15 replies
SneakyWalter (Jan 30, 2007)
search myspace video for "the kings of myspace".
Color testing from new monitor........
9 replies
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Nov 13, 2006)
HunterKiller: Yes that was I was thinking of the same thing, I though that 9300k supposed to be the ...
I have a big pic. problem...........
12 replies
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Aug 13, 2006)
I never though this forum was still active now that I have posted since a long time ago............ ...