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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Oct 19, 2007)
.......>:D ~<3
I hate you stupid computer.............D:<
Now my friends can see my work on progress..........T3T oh well enjoy the ride.............>:D


Well my friends can't say I'm disapointed of this one........:D
I think it came out well......yeah I think......
Any ways my friends, here is the one and only.........INFO TIME........>:D

Name: AE...."does not have a normal human name"
Age: 28 years old
Works in: Rising Virus Era
Specie: Re-created Human "Golem"
Traits: Rude, short tempered, selfish, grumppy all the time, layd back, doesn't seem to take some things serious, hates every body, likes to hide his true fealings towards his siblings, likes to make people suffer, as well loves to see people get killed on his hands "even though he is forbbident to do so", some of the times loves to grosse out his fellow companions of the RVE, his weakness is his little brother OE who always knows how to make AE to show his kind side............

Golems Traits: They're re-created humans made to eliminate any living being in Unreal world, the're living weapons carrying the Anty Virus that can kill any living being from that world, they're white skin, with violet colord eyes,when mad their eyes will come to ruby red, they have jet black hair color, and all of them have sharck like teeth, but one thing for sure they can't be hurt by any weapon..........
And thats AE.........

Until then my friends, enjoy...........XD
.............Logging of Lore.V...................
11 comments – latest 4:
Fiesta (Nov 21, 2007)
Your great Lore. :D
Sweetcell (Nov 21, 2007)
Very inventive and smooth lineart as always Lore. Love those Asian like clouds.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Nov 30, 2007)
Thanks for the comments my friends........:D
So much appreciated....XD
..........Logging of Lore.V............
psychofox0 (Jan 1, 2008)
awesome, love cup raman. X3
drawn in 6 hours 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jul 5, 2007)
Well my friends as promissed.......:D
Heres my second tutorial on how to makes this special effect that I made on my last picture in HERE.............>:D
My dear friend asked me on how I made that effect, well to show her how I did it here is the steps on making that wonderfull effect made in the background..........:D
This tutorial is mostly made dedicated to her, but you can check on it for tips my friends to see the wacky wonders I do on my pictures......:D
Well hope this helps any one in here, enjoy...........XD
.................Logging of Lore.V............
5 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Oct 20, 2007)
Oh my God, you figured out what the damn wand does. I've been mulling over that for years.
Lore.... you da freakin man.

Good tute. I'll be sure to try this. Take a bow and rest your finger.
Piksi (Oct 21, 2007)
Awesome, awesome stuffs! ^^
Hopeless (Oct 26, 2007)
nice, thanks ;)
fleeting_memory (Jan 6, 2008)
haha what fun! I should try it. I was never able to use the wand-I always avoided it because it scared me ^_^
drawn in 3 hours 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 20, 2007)
Had alot of fun making this one.........>:D
Well as you can see I made yet another fan art......."every body take cover Lore made an FANART"
Any ways, this is Andy, he is Punky's little creation, I always admired her work on water colors and adorable characters, but I never haded the time or the idea for what to draw for her.......D:>
But when I saw her last drawing of Andy being all beat up, it was just darn adorable and turn my imagination bult to make this for her.........>:D
Man poor little kid always picking fights with every body, always wondered who was the one who beat the cr*p out of him.........8*
One thing its been along time since I used this coloring style, I'm really not sure if to keep on using this style, looking back then I did really sucked on this style....D:>
But oh well I do still use it on Photoshop, just that I don't use it alot in here like I used to, what you think my friends........:O
Well here you go Punky my friend, hopefully didn't messed him up that much in a way you just want to kill me.......>:D
..............Logging of Lore.V..............
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Sep 20, 2007)
Punkers is gonna love this Lore~.. Really good !
Punky (Sep 23, 2007)
Oh my god, how did I miss this!?
This so is awesome, I really really really like it. Thanks so much for drawing him. :D <3
fleeting_memory (Sep 27, 2007)
aw! What a cute version of Punky's little character!
Wraith (Sep 27, 2007)
Really Nice drawing! I know I commented on this piece before. WTF?
drawn in 3 hours 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 18, 2007)
Well here is the season of cold my friends, well thats in here were I live, so get your scarf for it is cold season my friends.......:D
Well I have some good news my friends, one: my hand is ok now, it wasn't a major fracture, so I can move alot more, but I can't carry any heavy stuft with....."so sorry boss the ladies has to do the heavy duty"........>:D
Two: I'm right now in my creative season and whats best is that I have more free time now........:D So that means I'll be drawing some more in here and probably will upload new stuft in my other account place...........:witch if any of my friends doesn't know about my DA account is placed in my front page of my account in here in 2draw, you know were it says website, ect, ect......>:D"
So yeah thats all for the news......:D
Well IT is back from holiday and he is back with his little pet Merc "Mercury for short", he is made of all mercury with compounds of Mushroom......???????ok.........
Merc is always in IT's hat resting, he made his first apperiance in my collab with Chossen in the "Wacky world" he appears in the background trying to eat all the junk that came out in IT's hat.........>:D
He is really shy, so don't expect Merc to appear that much my friends, but when he is hungry he pops out of IT hats for feast, I was about to bring Merc for a second time in the other picture were IT comes for the first time with the scarf sitting on the rock, but he didn't made it for the cut...."you can see him in the animation"
SO there you go my friends IT's hidden pet, if you think IT isn't bad enought, see when he feads Merc.............>:D
..................Logging of Lore.V..............

EDIT:::::: SO here is a thing my friends, I just realised that two days before from today was in fact IT'S B-day, he is one year old my friend...............>:D yay
Its been one year with 2 days when IT came and yet was born in here and in my f-up mind of mine, so yes one year of terror my friends, hope to keep on with the terror of his on and on.........:D
6 comments – latest 4:
Hopeless_enough (Sep 20, 2007)
Aww... it's terrifingly cute... Hapy birthday I.T.! Yay... Well so you around Lore...
... Forever Skye...
PS (Sep 20, 2007)
Very nice job, I like this so much.
Punky (Sep 20, 2007)
I love this, your lines are so clean and your coloring is so so nice. And I love IT too. <3
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 20, 2007)
Thanks my friends for all of the adorable comments...........:D
Much appreciated.......>:D

Wraith: Yes my friend the're mine, IT came out of my head by accident one year ago...........>:D~sorry for the terror my friends
FM: I see you still remember about the picture, I'm so glad to see you do......:D

And thanks all of you too.....:)
...............Logging of Lore.V..............
drawn in 5 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 15, 2007)
I don't even know why I even bothered to even upload it.......D:>
But any ways today at my work I fractured my left hand "the one I use to draw or write".......
And I seem to move it with alot of problems, it hurts alot though and its bothering me alot more than it use to when I fractured, I made this big sketch just to see if my fingers actually work well to atleast hold the pencil right, and it did......>:D

Sorry for all the bad sketch in here and for not being colored, got lazy and tierd when finishing the sketch, felt to use a one color mode today.........:D
Love it.....Great.......Hate it.........I'll do a better one next time....>:D
Well Zuria for every body.......don't know why in the suddend I'm drawing characters that I haven't drawn for almost a year.....D:>
Witch is good.....>:D
..............Logging of Lore.V.............
4 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Sep 15, 2007)
I dont think you're capible of doing a bad sketch, Lore. ANyway this looks cool-sorry about your wrist :( that sucks.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 15, 2007)
Thanks my friend for the adorable comment, I though this came out crappy, but I see you really like it, I'm glad.......:D
.............Logging of Lore.V................
davincipoppalag (Sep 15, 2007)
If you have to hit the boss, kick him! That way you won't hurt your drawing hand!!!! You did this with a broken hand. DAmn
enjoydotcom (Sep 17, 2007)
I wish I could be a bug on the wall where you draw when you do this. You are on top of the 'line-artists' in my book. :D
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Sep 11, 2007)

Oh dera G...............D:>
I'm so glad I didn't lost my picture.........."jumps in the hill for joy"
After I did all the last details the applet when all wacko on me and didn't wanted to upload the final cut of the finish, really got upset for the results of the applet, thought I had this lost for ever or at least to restart to color it again like it happened to me on a early picture I had when I verly entered in here.........D:<
I got really upset but before I though that I lost it I screen shot it ceberal times to atleast place it in my DA account to show you guys how I did it first, in there I said that I lost it for sure, HERE IS MY DESCRIPION ON THE PICTURE..................TuT
But that was before I noticed that it actually did got saved now I can just place it to finish and there......:D~yay
Well the time for the last version is not correct actually, I really tock about 5 hours to color, and I don't know why at the end I overly passed the space limit so dammed far away......D8> sorry
But all well ends well, well any ways here is a little fellow that haven't drawn him since about more than a year, I know some of you remember him and others don't know who he is........Well he is Garit "again", I was going to draw Adrian Salt, but it turned out to llok like Garit and since I haven't drawn him for a long time I decided to bring him back once angain.........:D
Well I'm tier I'm going to sleep now my friends, let me know what you think ok.....;D

.............Logging of Lore.V...............
8 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Sep 15, 2007)
Nice coloring! Really style-ish :)
davincipoppalag (Sep 15, 2007)
Terrific coloring and shading as always Lore
Wraith (Sep 15, 2007)
I knew this was a Lore V drawing the moment I layed eyes on it, without looking at the title. I love the background you made. :) Nice clouds.
Hopeless_enough (Sep 17, 2007)
I love it lore... As i said on da... it's so cute...
... Forever Skye...
drawn in 5 hours 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Aug 13, 2007)
Well its been some time now that I haven't drawn anything in here......8*
But ok all well ends well...
Last time when I tried to draw something in here my Javaprogram crushed on me making me to loose about three times a same picture I was working on to celebrate my one year of drawing on oekakie board.........D:>
But its ok I'll try to do it soon, other thing today I was in daily small trips that I usualy take with my little sister, and in my way I saw my all time favorite The Red Fox Bar when suddenly I noticed that they changed the fancy red fox into a cheesy *ss third grade drawing of a red fox...........D:< I was really dissapointed about the new precentation they have, that old picture always reminded me of my friend Spychofox fox drawings and my little sister passion for the foxes, so here I'am drawing the old Fancy fox of the Red Fox bar, as well this is a gift to Aaron that I really miss seeing him around in here 2draw and that I hope he gets a new drawing tablet so he can get is behind to draw more in here, also dedicated to my sister to that after we saw that picture she got really upset and told me she wishes to se one last time the old fox, hope this make her happy too............>:D~ Love both of yah my friend and sister.
Well hope you like it, maybe I'll color it more better soon........enjoy
.............Logging of Lore.V................
10 comments – latest 4:
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Aug 21, 2007)
Thanks my friends for the awsome comments much appreciated.....:D
And I'm happy that you liked it alot Spy, yes my little sister did liked it too.....:D
Well have to make this finish because loking it twice I do like it the way it is now.....>:D
............Logging of Lore.V..............
deathking (Aug 21, 2007)
Awesome coloring, its cute and those little stars make me happy.
Childlike_Vampire (Aug 22, 2007)
I really like this one a lot, from the wet paint smooth strokes to the snappy attitude.
chi_ginnyweasley (Nov 3, 2007)
wow o-o thats really beautyfull o-o
congrats ^__^
and thank you for the comment <3
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jul 18, 2007)
Well even though I still loved my old IT icon I still neaded to make a new one for my sacke......:D
I have seen some of my friends making new icons to represent them better, and here I was with my same old icon of IT......D:>
Its ok my friends heres an new and improved icon of IT, hope you enjoy it my friends, because I will...........>:D
..............Logging of Lore.V............
7 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jul 19, 2007)
I hear him saying "No, no seriously, I didn't cause him nightmares, I'm not like that. " Heh heh.

IT's so cute..... deadly, but cute.
renire (Dec 19, 2007)
Haha thats so awesome. :D Sorry - don't know who or what this is all about, but it looks stunning. :) Very funky, cute, slightly simple, but really awesome looking. <3
ShiShi-Danna (Mar 15, 2009)
Are you still on here V? Haven't seen ya around lately. I know you dont know me, but Ive kept up with you. Im friends with The Chosen.
Trans.Ashton (Oct 2, 2022)
I like it! Its a really nice piece of art
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jun 25, 2007)
Just kidding.....>:D
Its been since a long time since I have drawn a decent picture of I.F and as well a black and white one too.....D:>
So came a cross to combine my too long time passion and boom I came across with this drawing...:D
But any ways my friends I'll saythis picture is dedicated to a friend who have been memo me almost every day until recently, I really enjoy talking in memo, who ever wishes to talk with me is welcome to do so...:D
But any ways when I ever talk to her she always seem to talk about I.F more than about I.T, I have notice that she might like I.F alot like the rest of you my friends like I.T, so heres a something of I.F just to remind all of you that he is there inside I.T waithing to come out and make your greates Fantasy to come true.....:D
Let me say that this picture is a special thanks from me for all of my friends out there who have supported me and loved my art in here in 2draw........:D
Thanks for being here for and now I got 2 go on in drawing.......>:D
...............Logging of Lore.V...............
13 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jul 3, 2007)
Nice finish, and I'm glad you kept the bg. No wonder you want him around when IT shows up, looks like he could take him (but oops, he already did away with your in my pic..... too bad) ;)
squee (Jul 16, 2007)
You draw wings so damn good. :]
deathking (Jul 16, 2007)
I love that effect you give the wings with the bubbles and stars, makes the whole picture a lot more eye catching.
Tai_Chi (edited Jul 21, 2007)
This is lovely... just like all of your other drawing ^-^
You're sooooo talented, I wish I could be like yuuuh *drools* o.o
;-; So purdy!

XD In the first sketch he has six fingers!
drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jun 29, 2007)
Wait a minute it is MY B-DAY IT........D:<

IT: Its mine too, I was born the same day as you so don't complain...........eeeh!


Ok so as you can see my friends today its the day I turned legaly 21.....:D
Wille IT is terrifingly 21 too.......I guess......D:
I though no body remembered my B-day today, but I got surprice to see I was wrong, and even more cooler was that my friend Rita from my job made me a 21 shaped pretzel for me to show that she remembers, but the sad thing, it got burned in the oven becuse we forgot all about the pretzel......XD~ still I loved it...
Well my friends I'll see you later around, right now I will join Aaron "Psychofox" into the internet bar to celebrate my B-day,ha!
Man now I can do all of those illegal things I couln't do wille I was 20 and younger......>:D~just playing
.............Logging of Lore.V.............
10 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Jun 29, 2007)
haha yay for copy and paste. ^
Happy birthday again! Too bad the pretzel was burned-hope you had an awesome one.
senshi (Jun 30, 2007)
Happy Birthday Lore!
I'm glad I decided to get on today.
Mocha_Bean (Jun 30, 2007)
WOO!! 21!! Happy Birthday! *glomp*
Hopeless_enough (Jun 30, 2007)
Happy B-day Lore... 21... Fun FUn...
... Forever Skye ...
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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