Date of Birth:
Jul 27, 2006
Last Access:
Dec 22, 2008 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a confusing ant skimming without an angelic cat, right now? Or a soccerball saying, "to be or to eat cheese", armed with a bowling ball? Or a reflective guy crying? Or an artist hurling through some English wine? Or a squash crying? Or the French pope wearing a rugged idiot? |
OH.. My.. GOSH! That's so awesome! My favourite animal is a killer whale! Sweet!
Jul 29, 2006 |
Hey there! I'm kinda new here, but how do you get your lines just.. so smooth?
Jul 27, 2006 |