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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Arique (May 19, 2008)
Where can you go when it feels like everything is pushing down on you?

I-pod land!
14 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Apr 12, 2010)
elly (Apr 12, 2010)
Very nice colors and I love the small touch of '70's' looking stars =)
Teapot (Apr 12, 2010)
It was fun watching your animation. I like the background but I liked the floor better before you made it all black. That shine on her hair is so nicely done. I like the way you carried the colours in the pillow up into the composition using the star. Also her posture with the rounded, slumped shoulders does a great job of conveying that 'weight of the world' feeling. Very imaginative.
Arique (Apr 12, 2010)
Thank you you guys! And teapot! Thanks for such a wonderful comment! in retrospect I agree that the floor was better before it was black and i'm happy you liked the animation :)
drawn in 7 hours 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Arique (Dec 30, 2006)
Yeah, actual conversation with two of my friends.
7 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jan 1, 2007)
Ahhhh, I never heard that one before, (I'm so old). Thanks arique.
Kit (Jan 16, 2007)
-_-;; Don't make me seem dumb, i knew what it meant.
Koneko-sama (Mar 18, 2007)
Oo, tell me the story.

I see a radio. Does this mean that, perhaps, Nth Degree by Morningwood was playing? the one where they spell Morningwood...?

"M-o. M-o-r. M-o-r-n-i-n-g-w-o-o-d."
Arique (Sep 2, 2007)
drawn in 21 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Koneko-sama (Jan 3, 2006)
A moment of inspiration from my sister...
4 comments – latest 4:
featherstone (Jan 16, 2006)
the way I learned the apple thing long ago, was you keep twisting the stem, and reciting the alphabet letter by letter, twist by twist, and whatever letter the stem breaks off on is the first initial of the person you're going to marry... ya.. ok... nice shiny apple anyway
Koneko-sama (Jan 16, 2006)
o_O Yeah, okay, thanks.
Urei-sama (Jan 17, 2006)
omg *spaz* new arts from J! Nice picture. I like the apple and oooh, we need tablets!!
Kit (Jan 25, 2006)
-gloats- i gost a tablet! ^^
drawn in 2 hours 38 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Urei-sama (Jan 6, 2006)
Ack... It pulled a "IdontlikeyousoIwontletyoudrawanymore" on me

Miss me?
10 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (edited Jan 7, 2006)
Blending is all in the wrist ;)

...kidding. Just set flow to somthing below 50 and use the biggest line tool. Right click the color in between whatever you just painted and the base in before repeating. Just keep doing that untill it evens out.
SYTHE (Jan 8, 2006)
Looks peachey keen! The right hand is smaller than the left and the right hand is at bit of a weird angle, other than that cool, cool.
Koneko-sama (Jan 16, 2006)
Yaaah! Beautiful. I decided to check on your userboard since I [shameless advertising] just finished my own piece [/shameless advertising]. It gives me this "Welcome to Japan!" feel, as Japan is the Land of the Rising Sun or whatever. Love her hair... And her legs. They are sufficiently curvaceous, something I can't render for crap.
Kit (Jan 25, 2006)
Adore this bethy-chan! Love it all! -pokes right hand- little funny there tho. But otherwise, -glomps- LOVELEH!
drawn in 3 hours 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rudeezy (Jan 5, 2006)
on her motorcycle.
10 comments – latest 4:
Natsuna (Jan 5, 2006)
Whoa! this is awsome
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Jan 5, 2006)
yay haruko!! X3 she's awsome! Haurko kicks ass XP
Kit (Jan 5, 2006)
Hehe. I told my parents a little while ago that when I grew up I was gunna, "Buy a yellow vespa and drive it around with an electric guitar on my back and hit little boys in the forehead with it" ...they told me I should get therapy. ^^
senshi (Jun 30, 2006)
Fooly Cooly, yes! foolycooly foolycooly foolycooly foolycooly foo- *ahem*
sorry, bad habit
drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kit (Jun 24, 2004)
Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. I was going ta redo her eye in the right color, but it didn't look as nice. (It also didnt look right when I zoomed in. ^^;;)

7 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (Jan 3, 2006)
That's cool!
I like Riku the best, but Kairi's kinda cute. :3
xiau (Jan 3, 2006)
Aw, cute! Kairi was adorable with her big head and purdy hair~
Kingdom Hearts pictures always get major comments :3 (nods)
22darkangel22 (Jan 3, 2006)
it looks great, but god i hated kairi, i thought she was a skanky annoying little slut :3 but hey thats just me :3 anywhooo good pic :)
Kit (Jan 3, 2006)
^^;; Haha. Thanks I think. I agree with Sanzo, I always liked Riku, but I thought Kairi would be fun ta draw.
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Koneko-sama (Oct 2, 2005)
I was watching this TV special about FDR today, and jeez, what a baby.

"But Franklin! With this we can get our polio rehabilitation center running officially, and we can help polio victims walk!"

"But I wanted to walk again!"

[just kidding. he wasn't a baby. gawd. you people are so literal.]

I was hoping that I would be able to show the wrist and a needle IV sort of thing in the hand, but that isn't working too well... maybe when my retouch starts to not be stupid I can move it over...
1 comment – latest 3:
Koneko-sama (Oct 2, 2005)
drawn in 14 sec
Gah. Sorry, guys, that I submitted, like, four of the same thing. My computer was being stupid. I'm lucky it didn't upload it thirty times...
Koneko-sama (edited Dec 7, 2005)
drawn in 20 min
This is something I'm really proud of. The veins may have come out slightly icky, but that's okay. The shading is awesome compared to my previous attempts.

bg suggestion?
Kit (Jan 3, 2006)
I reeeeeeeeeeally like zis one J! ^^ Nice jobzorz!
drawn in 1 hour 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Amethysts and Phil (Sep 6, 2005)
love Mr. Bear...

*cough* please excuse the lack of bg >.>...*cough*
24 comments – latest 4:
Amethysts (edited Jan 2, 2006)
drawn in 1 min
Axil62 (Jan 2, 2006)
Nice semi symbolic depiction of typical female behavior.
SYTHE (Jan 4, 2006)
omg...what happened here...DID SHE KILL HER TEDDY...that's's only ketchup, it's only ketchup...i don't think it's ketchup
Amethysts (Feb 15, 2006)
I fixed this pic with a background during the time I thought I will never be able to download java plugins ^_^
drawn in 8 hours 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kit (Sep 17, 2005)
I love Michael Jacksons Little Susie. Go ahead, burn me at the stake, its a good song. :D

Oh yeah, this can be moved to beginners...I can't figure out how to... I just started using 2draw again, so I need to relearn everything. ^^;;
3 comments – latest 4:
Zappo (Sep 18, 2005)
just a sketch should be on beginner
Kit (Sep 18, 2005)
I know, I'm completely redoing the body, and I need to fix the eye.
It's not gunna stay a sketch though...I swear I'm adding more! o.o
Kit (Sep 18, 2005)
drawn in 49 min
Saftly Save.
Kit (Jan 15, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
Finally Done.
drawn in 5 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Urei-sama (Jun 26, 2005)
im quite proud of this one
8 comments – latest 4:
Koneko-sama (Jun 28, 2005)
It's so beautiful. She's got an awesome blush on her cheeks, and the hair=gorgeous. I love the style. The eye is done perfectly.

You chose good colors, too. The woman herself is honestly quite pretty. ^___^ VERY nice.
sincity (Jun 28, 2005)
very cool clean look. :}
Kit (Jun 29, 2005)
XD preeeeetty! I love yew dear! I want to steal your hands and make them my own!
Anna (Jul 2, 2005)
I think this is great! I love the colors and the lines are fantastic! :-)
drawn in 5 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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