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Public Boards/Beginner 
InnocentSake (Jan 10, 2006)
My first attempt at doing realism. Hopefully this turns out well ^_^
1 comment – latest 2:
InnocentSake (Jan 10, 2006)
drawn in 36 min
Put some color and some creases in the clothes. I think its coming along nicely ^^
angry_turtle (Jan 11, 2006)
i cant wait to see it finished, its looking good
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Jan 7, 2006)
Felt like drawing my dancer from RO. Lvl 84/50 Shes a hybrid build of sorts and is my first RO char ever. I love how it came out. Hope you all like it too ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Dec 30, 2005)
This is for my friend Elizabeth who loves the idea of Tomoyo and Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura as a couple. Wrapped in a blanket and sharing a kiss, what more could you want? ^_~ Hope Elizabeth and everyone else likes this piece.
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Dec 16, 2005)
Requested by my friend Naki-chan. This is her priestess from Ragnarok Online. Hope you like it Naki ^_~
1 comment – latest 2:
Shoebox (Dec 16, 2005)
W00t for priestess!!!
I play on a pserver (low rate, don't worry; I still have to work for it XD) on account of I can't afford to go around paying for thigns xD

Arms seem a tad short though.. and she could use more shading (other than dodge-n-burn ^^;) Thank you for including the necklace XD
InnocentSake (Dec 19, 2005)
drawn in 37 min
Fixed it so that her arms don't look so short anymore. Should have known better than to try and have her cross her arms when there wasn't enough space ^^ I also did some shading, but I suck at shading so thats the best I could do. And I decided to add some wings just because ^^ Enjoy!
drawn in 2 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Dec 15, 2005)
What Kikyo's thoughts are in her last moments.
2 comments – latest 3:
InnocentSake (Dec 16, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 37 min
One of a few memories Kikyo pictures during her last moments as she is about to fall into Naraku's shouki.
Zeal (Dec 16, 2005)
this is a nice drawing
Skai (Dec 16, 2005)
Awww. ;-;
Man, I just sat there and stared at the TV after Kikyo died (again). D: It was saaaad.
drawn in 3 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Dec 11, 2005)
Will she let the darkness take over her heart or will her pure side come out in the end? This is the struggle of Kikyo. I think it came out really well. Hope you all like it too.
1 comment – latest 1:
kitty25 (Dec 11, 2005)
wow this is a very pretty picture!
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Dec 10, 2005)
I love the scene where Kagome first sees Inuyasha sealed to the tree. It's such a serene moment... I hope I did it justice ^^ Maybe I will add on to it or redo some of it at a later time cause it doesn't feel finished to me.. ^^
2 comments – latest 4:
InnocentSake (Jan 1, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
I've been wanting to redo this picture for a while so I decided to start anew. It's not finished of course but I'll try to finish it later tonight. Just wanted to get a start on it.
InnocentSake (Jan 1, 2006)
drawn in 41 min
Colored in this clothes and added some shading (not much >.<:;;)
InnocentSake (Jan 2, 2006)
drawn in 30 min
Colored in the tree and his lazy today...
InnocentSake (Jan 4, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
Something about the background doesn't seem right. I might go back and fix it later. But for now I am satisfied ^_^
drawn in 6 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
InnocentSake (Feb 24, 2005)
As of right now it's unfinished, but I will work on it some more after I get some sleep. I suppose I named it "A Flowers View" because there are flowers growing on a branch of a tree and are viewing well just sky right now, but I will add more later. It's not very good...Leave your comments ^.^
1 comment – latest 1:
clowangel (Dec 10, 2005)
This one's rather pretty. ^^
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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