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Public Boards/Beginner | ||||||||||
A collab for whoever wants to color this person. Just comment if you wanna color her! And for those who are going to color her, please remember to use the layer called layer 1-- layer 2's on top, it's the lineart.
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Specialty Boards/Collaborations | ||||||||||
I got burned out. so sue me. I suffer from creativity fatigue whenever I try too hard. Take of like 25 minutes because I was experimening with all the nifty extra tools avanced has.
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Harmanye (edited Oct 19, 2003)
Yeah well, I suppose it does a bit, didn't mean to be. o_o *-_-* o_o Oh, by the way, I like your outfit, ragged shirts are always in ^_^ It's finished? Sorry, people who wanted to collab! C&C aprecciated!
Harmanye (Oct 19, 2003)
That hairs pretty great, I love the background. I think I nead to tweak my angel, her face is a little too well defined, too masculine. Okay, softer shading for my face, not too much I could do with it, are we done?
Public Boards/Intermediate | ||||||||||
uhhhh well....I'm having trouble with qords here.....but I like it so far. *waits for next person to edit pic*
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Aunvi (edited Aug 27, 2003)
ack! The watercolor...I erased a lot of spots because gothic was coloring on one layer, and I had no clue what color she used on the dragon, or I just couldn't get it. And I thinik she used the pen tool and I had to go fill in the white spots I left after combining layers, but then it didn' look right so I used watercolor to fix the outline. Ugh I hate that -.-'. I like gothic's coloring better tho. She colors cleaner than I do XD. I would like it if she came back and fixed up the dragon tho.....It's awesome! *sobs* I'd like to thank Aunvi, the dodge tool, the soften tool, the burn tool, Oekaki shi-painter.......
jasonsgrl14 (Sep 20, 2003)
great dragon
Aunvi (edited Sep 20, 2003)
Try the burn tool again that's really bright. |
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